In the ring, he was humiliated by his opponent's dance, but he tried his best to attack and failed to hit a single hit. On the contrary, at the moment when the first round was about to end, he was knocked over by his opponent's punch, and finally lay down in the hospital.

[Sir, we expect that your injured arm may have a considerable degree of permanent sequelae in the future. If you use too much force, it will cause pain and your strength will also decrease. 】

Those were the first words his attending physician said to Thomas when he woke up.

sequelae?Does that mean my boxing career is over here?

He was transfixed, and for a boxer, permanent damage to his arm was basically the end of a boxer's boxing career.

This is the only skill I can show, and it is also something that I can't make myself proud of in a family full of talents. Besides, his academic performance and research ability are simply a mess. Students can easily overtake him and trample him hard.

That's right, Thomas really thinks it's too much for him to provoke others. It's really not appropriate to show off his power in front of the woman he wants to talk to, but the other party knows that he is a boxer, so why is he so powerful? Don't beat yourself up?Instead, he humiliated himself in various ways, and finally deliberately attacked his important hands?

That person is very powerful, he can't beat him, but Thomas is not reconciled, obviously the opponent's counterattack is the worst!

Thinking of the ridicule and contempt he would face in the future, Thomas' mood collapsed again, and there were sounds of things being dropped and chairs being kicked over again in the ward.

A middle-aged man in a gray suit with white hair brushed back was standing at the door of the ward, watching the mess in the ward, and finally shook his head with a sigh.

He is a secretary named Daniel.

Chapter 84 It's a coincidence to find someone, and I was beaten until I exploded (plus more)

The madness that took away the mind did not last long. After blowing away the gifts sent by others in the ward who came to visit, Thomas, who kept screaming, finally stopped.

He was panting heavily, not only because of anger but also because of tears, his eyes were covered with countless bloodshot eyes, and he finally sat back on the hospital bed.

Daniel at the door pushed open the door and walked in, staring at the child he had grown up with with vicissitudes of life, his chest felt as if he was constricted, but he had no way to avenge the young master he had always regarded as a child .

How could my young master let it go so easily after suffering such grievances?At the beginning of the incident, Daniel reported everything to his boss. Thomas' father had two sons, and Thomas was the second son. Although the second son had no interest in inheriting the family business, and Thomas' father also He could only train his eldest son to inherit the family business, so Thomas entered a semi-stocking state, but no matter what, his son was his darling, and no one could do it like this!

So Thomas' father found several partners who could help in Neon, and one of them was one of the top families in Neon. It can't be stretched that long.

Because of this, asking other close partners has become the best choice.

The first Watson family approached was the Hiratsuka family of the underworld family in Chiba, where Sobu High School is located, but they were rejected as soon as they spoke.

The second person I approached was Sayuri, who also appeared as a sponsor to represent the Sawamura family. I thought that everyone was the same sponsor, and after this was done, we could cooperate in more fields in the future, but I made a request. Daniel did not expect to be sternly rejected by Sayuri, and warned them that if they dared to touch Chen Feng, she would carry out a financial blow to the Watson family's business in Neon.

The third person approached was a real estate family in Tokyo, and this family readily agreed.

But how can there be only one promise?Thomas' father even did not hesitate to put down his face to ask the last partner, one of the big families in Tokyo, the family that controls most of the lifeblood of the entire neon - the Shinomiya family!

A ridiculous thing happened. Thomas' father thought that dealing with one person would not be a big problem for the Sigong family, not to mention which family would dare to fight against the Nihong and the Sigong family?So he also spent a lot of money on his side, proposing attractive conditions one after another, but what he got was a cold "want to die?" from the current patriarch's cronies. '.

At first, Thomas' father thought that this sentence was to echo him, so that he could come to Taiwan, and expressed his inner anger as a "diplomatic rhetoric" when the two sides reached a cooperation in the future.

Hearing this, Thomas' father thought that the matter was ninety-nine percent done.

However, after Thomas' father thought that the matter had been properly resolved, he did not expect the other party to reply him with such a sentence

[I mean do you want to die? 】

After finishing speaking, the Shinomiya family hung up the phone, and not long after that, the family that had promised Thomas' father also called, saying that they were good law-abiding citizens, and that their brains were hurt because they drank some wine just now. I agreed as soon as I was dizzy, and let Thomas' father be a joke.

I searched all the partners I could trust, but they all refused. Among them, the Sawamura family and the Shinomiya family showed great hostility. If this continues, let alone whether my son's hatred can be resolved According to the secret report, the company under his own hands may face a huge blow.

Thomas' father came to the following conclusion

——They can't move that person!

Daniel didn't know which family Chen Feng came from, but since the only few partners of the Watson family said that if they dared to attack Chen Feng, they would fight back against the Watson family, this relationship was enough for Thomas's Father smashed his teeth and swallowed.

"Master Thomas, one of my grandfather's friends is in the medical industry, and now I have contacted a hospital. There is a way to relieve your situation. The game is over, and we can go back and deal with it now."

Daniel bent down slightly, and told the news of the remedy to Thomas, who was sitting silently by the bed, and then added: "Grandpa ordered his subordinates to inform you, so that you should try not to conflict with the other party, there are many people standing behind that Chen Feng." The colossus, if it rashly causes other conflicts, it may cause the family to suffer greater losses..."

Immediately afterwards, Daniel told the silent Thomas what had happened in detail.

"So even the sponsor's family is protecting him...? I...I know..."

Thomas exhaled all the breath from his chest, and he became a little older. He said, "I see, I have really troubled you, Uncle Daniel, for the past two days. I... I will go back for treatment in two days. Let me be quiet first." For a while."

"Looking at the lost Thomas, Daniel knows that it is useless to say anything now, and this incident may have become a psychological shadow that Thomas will never shake off in his life.

"Then take care and call me if you need anything."

"Well, please excuse me."


On a cold and snowy night, outside the hospital built on the outskirts of the town, Thomas put on a thick coat, with his right hand held stiffly in front of his body.

The snowflakes in the sky are no longer as huge as they used to be, but are falling like stars, like the king of gods on the throne of gods falling, always returning to dust.

Thomas was very disappointed, not only disappointed with his incompetence and unable to afford to lose, but also disappointed with his father and Uncle Daniel whom he had always respected.

His ancestors were former aristocrats who were mobilized to the battlefield during the First World War. He claimed that he should have the same chivalry as his ancestors, but every time events were presented to him, he was still young. I can maintain goodwill, but when I grow up, I will choose to do the opposite of what I want to do, and the interests I consider are actually only myself...

Even in the past few days in the hospital, he thought all the time that all of this came from the evil Chen Feng's malice, using his own power to bully the weak, and even being so despicable that he deliberately destroyed his own future in order to win the favor of a beautiful woman .

I am... can't afford to lose?

With a smile uglier than crying, Thomas laughed at himself:

"Is it so difficult to become a knight? In the end, I'm just as hypocritical as everyone else..."

Chapter 85 He Told Me! (plus more)

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