There are small courtesy but no great righteousness, isn't he talking about himself?

Sitting on a chair at the bus stop on the street, Thomas could only recognize the fact that his future was gone.

From the moment he and Chen Feng stood in the ring, he understood what Chen Feng's indifferent and disdainful actions were based on. It was not pure arrogance, but that he had the strength to behave like a clown to himself. Feeling dismissive and indifferent.

"In the end, is it still no match for someone with bigger fists..."

He kept sighing and sat here unknowingly for more than two hours, but the two disappeared in his deep thinking, it seemed that only a moment had passed.

As everyone knows, on the opposite side of the stop sign, a skinny old man watched him for a long time.

If Sanjiu was here, she would definitely find this old man's gaze very familiar, because she had only seen it from Ruijier not long ago!

It's a pity that comparing the two, the flaming fanaticism in the eyes of this emaciated old man, who seemed to be blown away by a gust of wind, was not as hot and crazy as Rachel's.

The fur boots with a little dirt on them flattened the soft snow. Just as Thomas was about to go back to the hospital for a good night's rest, he suddenly found a strange old man standing in front of him.

The old man was wearing a thick, fishy-smelling animal fur coat, and a pair of tattered black trousers underneath. The fur boots on his feet seemed to have been old for a long time, and the fluff on them had been lost Traces, the shoe leather turned out in pieces.

Maybe an old homeless man.

Thomas thought.

Such people often exist in his country where rich people gather. The bustling city reveals the prosperity of the country, and the huge productivity is displayed in the dazzling shopping malls, but there are a group of people like this gathered under the dirty and smelly bridge. People, they have no identity, no family, no shelter, they can only drag what they have left, wandering around in countless cities, and they don't even know that they will die silently one day.

Thomas didn't speak, but got up and brushed off the snowflakes on his body, and was about to leave. At this moment, the old man spoke in English with a strong accent.

"Excuse me, boy, are you sorry for your injury?"

"Yes." Thomas frowned and turned back, "So I'm leaving."

He didn't want to get involved with these people. We don't exist in the same world, and we don't have any common words.

"For him, this kind of injury is just almsgiving at will. That is the great almighty one. Not only can he heal injuries, but the boundless power can also be given to the world in an instant. He is omnipotent in origin. Existence should be an existence worthy of the belief of all mankind!"

Thomas: "..."

This nagging old man gave him an extremely uncomfortable feeling, and he just wanted to get out of here quickly.

Thinking of this, Thomas quickened his pace of leaving.

Watching Thomas's back disappear at the hospital door, the skinny old man looked in that direction with his sunken eyes in surprise.

"He told me, he told me!!! This is the most perfect sacrifice, perfect enough to make that existence feel happy!!"

While yelling excitedly, the old man in a state of embarrassment ran wildly towards the woods, and the fur clothes on his body were scratched by branches, but they couldn't stop him from moving forward.

In the end, a wordless night passed quietly.


In the early morning of the next day, the sky was pitch black, and the faint mist had not yet dissipated, but it was already eight o'clock in the morning!

Chen Feng was sitting on the toilet in the bathroom, with his laptop on his lap, and his hands were typing rapidly on the keyboard, connecting each word into short sentences, each short sentence into paragraphs, and finally drawing an article. Article.

He is writing his idea into a novel. As for why he is in the bathroom...of course it is because Rachel is still sleeping. This girl rushed to draw the draft last night until [-]:[-] in the morning, and has not slept until now. stand up.

Chen Feng didn't want to disturb Ruiji's sleep, if he used the keyboard outside, the crackling sound would definitely wake up Ray in his sleep.

Since the end of the game, everyone has become a free activity, but when they go out to play, they need to report their whereabouts to their leading teachers, so that if there is danger, it is also convenient for rescue.

Of course, there are so many dangerous things in the world.

Chen Feng was very rude to Er Nai last night, because he was indeed angry. No wonder he always felt that these five girls could suppress themselves to work hard no matter what they did. Except for the study, the five reached a consensus face to face. Other than that, the others will only reveal their true colors after they are separated.

The kinship of the five people turned out to be a shackle that bound them. Even though their hearts rushed out, the superficial consensus has not been broken.

There is no distinction between greatness and ordinaryness in dreams. In front of the huge world machine, everyone is just a gear that turns the world. No matter how great a person is, he will turn into dust like ordinary people one day. Human beings have always been They are all fighting against the world, and as a part of the struggle, everyone's real ending is the same.

But even if the ending is doomed, people who are gears will not give up their inner desires willingly. Everyone rushes to the forest deep in their hearts, and this process will face more obstacles.

Some people can cross the past and end their life with satisfaction; some people don't cross the past, leaving regrets and lamenting the imperfection of their life.

None of them discovered that the original wish of the quintuplets game has already been fulfilled by everyone. It is a kind of spiritual connection, not a formal communication.

Even for their future, Chen Feng, their former old man, is willing to be such a villain.

Only by breaking their barrier can a dilapidated wooden barrel be repaired, and the water contained in it will not flow out of the hole, making their respective efforts so far in vain.

If Chen Feng were to go back to last night, his choice would not change, or even worse.

What unrealistic ideals need is social beatings. If they are not denied... who would think deeply about the problems?

Huge manuscripts are written, and time disappears by the minute.

At this moment, Chen Feng's cell phone vibrated, it was an email.

Nakano Nino: "Come to the yard behind the hotel, I have something to tell you, hurry up!" '

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Chapter 86 Not bad, I passed the second disease

The world wrapped in silver has its own unique charm. The chic and flowing long hair swayed up and down with the cold wind that rises and falls from time to time. The girl hurriedly smoothed her long hair blowing on her shoulders. lips, standing nervously in the deserted courtyard.

"Only...only the sun with its back facing its! Ahhh——forgot again!"

Under the goose-yellow British beret, the uncontrollable traditional Ji hairstyle falls vertically, and the black bowknot headbands on both sides all prove that this anxious girl who stomped her feet was scolded by Chen Feng last night. Nakano Nino with his head dripping.

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