At this time, she was holding a piece of A4 paper that had been folded and reopened many times. The folds on the paper formed waves, which made the paper that had just been produced not long ago suddenly aged several times. ten times.

The paper is written in delicate fonts, and it looks like it should be written with a pen. The words on it are not long, just a few short sentences. It seems that she feels aggrieved because she can't remember the content on it?

Crystal jade dust fell from the sky, landed on her shoulders, on the top of her head, on her sleeves, but it did not land on her heart.

She discovered a long time ago that there was an invisible gap between her five sisters. Everyone seemed to be hiding something. Only when the five of them were together could she feel that her hard work had not been in vain. , After so many years, everyone is still together.

People always like to think in a beautiful direction, and believe in everything that can bring them luck. As long as the opposite of luck comes, cowardly people will turn their heads and grab all the reasons they can. rebuttals, regardless of whether they really have a corresponding logic or not.

In this way, she fell into a bottomless quagmire, and the persistence in her heart abstractly forcibly pieced together the torn memories. When she finally woke up, the viscous and foul-smelling mud had already covered her entire body. her throat.

The feeling of oppression made her brain feel speechless suffocation, and her hands were already soaked in muddy water so that she couldn't struggle, but someone jumped off the bank and kicked her ass hard.

It hurts, but it saves lives.

They stood by their side tacitly, but they didn't know that everyone's hearts had already gone their separate ways. The sound...and everyone's own experiences.

Different experiences can’t bring everyone the same feeling. Some people will choose to reflect, some will take the initiative to accept their mistakes, some will choose to escape, and some will choose to work harder...

Such a simple truth... In the end, you still need to be beaten up by the stinky hooligans before you wake up, how embarrassing...

Er Nai is not a person who likes to hide and hide. On the contrary, she is the most delicate among the five people. As mentioned above, she is not willing to believe what she sees and hears. Exception' fooled the past.

She understands, of course she understands!

But sometimes people who see more clearly are unwilling to believe the truth, and she is like this.

The light from the sky began to pour down on the ground, and the beige sweater was particularly dazzling under the snow.

In that dark night, Er Nao confirmed to everyone the various deeds that he did not want to believe, and everyone confirmed them one by one.

She didn't sleep much that night, such a huge amount of information tortured her brain to humming.

Er Nai recalled what Chen Feng did, it seemed like a desperate action, just a simple empathy, Er Nai knew that if she stood in Chen Feng's position, she would never be able to do this Stand firm and strong on one side, but cowardly choose to stay in the middle and muddy.

It was this choice that made Er Nai feel an unprecedented sense of crisis and emptiness. Even when she sent an email, she was already prepared to be blocked, and all her actions would be in vain.

Fortunately, the email was sent.

The angry self in front of him must be ugly, right?If he were Chen Feng, he would definitely not have planned to see the person involved again before he acted, and even if he did, he would treat him as a passer-by he didn't know...

Clutching the paper tightly in her tender hands, her sense of urgency arose spontaneously after she calmed down. When she thought that she would only need to make the five lunches that had lasted for an unknown amount of time in the future, she felt lost in her heart.

Therefore, at night after Yotsuba fell asleep, she racked her brains to piece together all the words she could think of into sentences.As for why I didn't copy it must be because such an apology would make my conscience sorry!

Having said that, Nino still used his "friend" to insinuate how to write similar words from Yotsuba's mouth when he woke up in the morning.

Everyone's "friend" has a lot of unspeakable history, I believe many people are like this.

It's just a pity that when Yotsuba asked Nino directly in the next sentence if the friend she mentioned was herself, Nino knew that the stupid Yotsuba was more sensitive than anyone else.

In the end, this letter came from my own hand, without the help of anyone...

She wanted to memorize what she wrote word by word, and then use these words to apologize to Chen Feng.

She couldn't accept such an ending. If the estrangement was not eliminated, the future meeting would only be with strangers.

But her brain is not strong enough, it's just a few words, she thought it would only take a few minutes to memorize them firmly, but it's been more than an hour since she woke up, and she can't even remember a certain sentence.

This is the reason for her anxiety. She doesn't want to be unable to do such a simple thing well, otherwise she will definitely be underestimated by him!

It's just...why haven't people come here yet?

The restless heart suddenly seemed to be hit by a huge stone, and she felt a kind of tearing pain...

No way... Could it be that you don't want to meet directly?

Er Nai's complexion was pale, if she could go back in time, she even wanted to go back to last night and punched herself hard, it would be better if she was knocked out, and let the current self talk about it...

Pearly white teeth clenched together tightly.

She decides!If Chen Feng doesn't show up, she won't go back!

Facing the cold outside, Er Nao pursed her lips and began to memorize the content on the paper again, but it's a pity that her ability to memorize words now is far worse than just now.

Over and over again, Er Nao stared at the A4 paper in his hand, and kept chanting with his small mouth in an attempt to memorize the content on it in this way.

Time passed by, and she didn't raise her head once, because she was afraid that what she looked up would still be the empty yard.

Nino still lowered his head against the pain in the stubborn ninja's chest.

"Only the back is facing the sunrise, so naturally you can't witness the dazzling light... The writing is not bad, it can be regarded as a high school pass, Ninao."

A voice suddenly came out from behind. At this moment, Er Nai stopped breathing. She turned her head firmly and saw Chen Feng standing behind her with his arms folded. snowflake.

With a swipe, Nino squeezed the paper in his hand into a ball very quickly, her pretty face flushed as if water could drip out.

" did you..."

"It was about ten minutes ago. Seeing that you are serious like this, I can't bear to disturb you."

After hearing this, Er Nai's ears were all red, she couldn't imagine that this man would be so wicked.

Ten minutes, standing behind me ten minutes ago, wouldn't that have seen me completely?

Is this social death?

Shouldn't it count?After all, only he saw it...

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