There is a more important piece of information that makes Chen Feng puzzled, that is, he went to the bookstore alone, what about Sayuri?Maybe it can be explained that the clerk's attention was attracted by him and he didn't notice Sayuri, but the porridge he bought on the way was only two according to the other party, one was eaten by himself, and the other was given to her.


Even though it was [-]:[-] in the evening, Chen Feng still didn't show the slightest sign of fatigue. On the contrary, he even felt that his brain was very clear, and the fragmentary information deduced various results in his mind.

At [-]:[-] in the morning, I entered the bookstore alone, and then asked Anastasia Bookstore if there were any good book recommendations, and then I kept reading, and would go to strike up a chat from time to time. The overall process was not a big problem, but ...Why did you become yourself?


He touched his chest, and the hot feeling there still didn't dissipate, and he could even vaguely feel that the pendant was on his neck, but he couldn't see it or touch it.

At this time, a thunderbolt suddenly flashed across the sky, illuminating the suburban path that Chen Feng was walking on foot.

With the thunderbolts, strong winds began to blow in the suburbs, and the snow on the surrounding trees was blown off by the strong winds. However, only Chen Feng's hair would sway with the strong winds, and he could not feel any wind blowing in other places. coming resistance.

How is this going?

His mind went blank. Chen Feng looked at the surrounding scenery, and then looked down at himself. He felt that this might be the most outrageous thing he had ever encountered. Be outrageous!

Just like that, Chen Feng ran back to the hotel against the strong wind. The first thing he did when he returned to the hotel was to see if there was anything unusual about Sayuri. After all, Sayuri went to the bookstore with him, there is absolutely no doubt about the fact.

He kept knocking on the door, but after a minute there was still no movement in the room.

"Damn it, there won't be a real problem, right?"

Just when he was about to break in directly, the door was opened.

Sleepy Sayuri stood at the door, and yawned when she saw it was Chen Feng.

"Feng Jun... eh—?!"

Chen Feng grabbed her wrist and pushed it in, the two entered the room directly, and Chen Feng closed the door smoothly.

This series of actions directly startled Sayuri, who was still sleepy, and inexplicably felt joy and nervousness in her heart.

It's a pity that Sayuri was going to be disappointed in the end. Chen Feng took her hand and went to the innermost place to check all the places carefully.

If it was said that Chen Feng suddenly became very tough and entered her room to make her happy, then Chen Feng's operation made Sayuri puzzled.

"Mr. Feng, what's the matter with you?"

"Miss Sayuri, you went to the bookstore with me, right?"


Sayuri is still very confused.

"The dilapidated bookstore in the alley, there is only one old store manager in it, and he gave me something later, do you remember what it is?"

"A silver key-shaped pendant." Saidori recalled, "You said the purity is very high."

"Hiss—then what went wrong..."

Sitting at the end of the bed, Chen Feng held his head and began to recall all the events that happened today.

Seeing Chen Feng suddenly became strange, Sayuri sat beside him.

"Did something happen? Lord Feng."

"After I came back, I met May who also came back."

" that child from the Nakano family?"

"Yes, but when I talked to her about the bookstore, the scene we described didn't match up at all! She said there was no place for us to go there."

Sayuri's delicate body trembled, she also felt a cold wind blowing on her back, and her smile became stiff.

"Mr. Feng, do you mean that we went to the wrong place, or... there was nothing there?"

"I just came back from there, and I took a look around, and there is indeed a bookstore there."

"Oh..." Sayuri patted her chest and breathed a sigh of relief, "It's all right now."

"But the bookstore there is a very large bookstore, well-decorated, at least 10 times larger than the place we went to, and the second floor is also a bookstore, which is completely different."



The two were silent at the same time, and their faces were not very good-looking, Sayuri even felt scared.

After a few minutes, Chen Feng broke the silence.

"Miss Sayuri, did you feel anything unusual during this process?"

"Abnormal? If you want to say abnormal, you don't seem to know "The Count of Monte Cristo", Mr. Feng."

"Count of Monte Cristo? What's the matter?"

Chen Feng felt that Sayuri's words were very inexplicable.

"Isn't the first book you read "The Count of Monte Cristo"? It looks very well packaged."

Well, now Chen Feng knows what the strange thing he felt in the store is. He dare not say that he knows [-]% of the languages ​​in the world, but he has learned a certain range of languages ​​that he can use. Sayuri saw that those so-called 'fairy tales' might not really be fairy tales.

The book read by two people will become another existence in the eyes of the other.

"What about the second book I read?"

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