
"What about the third book?"



Chen Feng covered his forehead, and finally asked:

"Then Miss Sayuri, do you still remember the above text?"

"It's English."

Sayuri blinked and blinked, and also felt that the content of Chen Feng's question was not quite right.

Taking a deep breath, Chen Feng said solemnly:

"The books I read are shells of animal skins, with no words on them, and the content of the books is written in Latin. I have discussed it with the store manager. Didn't you hear?"

Sayuri's eyes widened, and even her voice trembled.

"But...but I heard you were chatting in English there? The store manager also told you which store's butter bread tastes good."

"I also use English?"


"In fact, I used Russian at the beginning, and then directly communicated with the store manager in general Latin."

Things... just got more confusing.

Both of them were restless in their thoughts, after all, they had never encountered such a thing, and naturally they didn't know how to deal with it.

"Are there any other abnormalities?"

Now Sayuri also became serious, she racked her brains to think back, then looked out of the window, pointed at the dark night sky and said something that made Chen Feng's hair stand on end.

"Does it matter if the stars in the sky become bigger and brighter? And it feels unexpectedly calm outside."

However, Sayuri still didn't realize that something was wrong. Where would there be stars in the sky at this time?Where is the howling wind calm?

Chapter 94 Distorted space, struggling fear

The lights in the hotel room were flickering, but the wind was blowing the snowflakes falling from the ground outside, and the vegetation was crying out in pain. The two stood side by side in front of the window with the curtains drawn, but the scenery in their pupils was completely opposite.

The wind rolled up all kinds of sundries, as if erecting an unbreakable wall.

The panic in his heart stimulated Chen Feng's brain, and a nauseating feeling surged up from his abdomen, as if something was about to come out of his body.

Faced with such a big contrast, Chen Feng, who has always been calm, couldn't maintain his normal thinking, allowing various abnormalities to attack his fragile body.

He closed his eyes in unbearable pain and clenched his teeth together.

When he opened his eyes again, the wall was corroded by copper-green rust at a speed visible to the naked eye, and waves of yellow sand abrasions appeared. It became a deep and invisible abyss, absorbing all light, leaving only horrible and heinous distortions.

This spacious room seemed to be cut off from the world in an instant. The objects in Chen Feng's field of vision began to appear hideous eyeballs. Sent an SOS signal, attempting to manipulate limbs to escape the area.

The thermos cup on the coffee table, which was originally steaming hot, gradually faded like a withered rose, and the delicate and exquisite patterns continued to dim until they disappeared. into the liquid, and slapped the wall of the cup, as if trying to get out of it.

Get away—get out of here!

Chen Feng's sixth sense kept telling him to leave, but his legs were still tightly clinging to the ground, and Sayuri in front of him disappeared for some reason, leaving him alone in the spacious room .

The abnormality did not show signs of fading, and eyeballs popped up one after another on the wallpaper, and the whites of the eyes were covered with thick bloodshot eyes.

Lowering his head, Chen Feng glanced at his hands...

No... There was nothing there anymore, instead there was a space that shone with light, and he could even see planet-like light spots from it, as if it was a window through which he could peek into the universe.


In the next second, it was as if a sharp needle pierced his brain, and the needle continued to expand after being pierced, squeezing the extremely fragile brain, and time became timeless under the pressure of pain. Fast and slow, and this pain is constantly changing with time, just like torture to extract a confession when a spy is tortured.

I don't know how long it has passed, how many minutes?a couple of hours?Or how many days?several years?This sense of oppression that could be life-threatening suddenly became stronger. If it penetrated into the heads of other people, it would probably only result in death or disability.

But precisely because of the pain that had already threatened Chen Feng's life, the swelling feeling stimulated Chen Feng to calm down at an astonishing speed.

This is how he is, the more he can maintain his sanity and calmness when his life is in danger.

"This tmd is not reasonable at all, is it an illusion?"

The moment he came up with the answer, the surrounding scenery changed back like a waterfall falling from the sky, and the pain that had been tormenting him in his mind disappeared as if it had never existed, and Sayuri reappeared in front of him. She was still staring out the window.

For a moment, Chen Feng, whose footsteps were unsteady, staggered forward. Sayuri turned around when she heard the movement, and quickly grabbed Chen Feng's hand, which prevented him from falling to the ground.

"Huh... so dangerous, is Lord Feng too tired?"

There was a little doubt between her delicate brows.

Under normal circumstances, Chen Feng should not fall on the ground, right?

"Sorry..." Chen Feng panted, "Excuse me, how long have we been standing here?"

"How long? Less than 10 seconds."

Xiao Baihe helped Chen Feng to sit on the edge of the bed, patted his back gently, and worriedly said: "If you are too tired, you can rest first, and it will not be too late to discuss things tomorrow..."

Chen Feng was still a little restless, and he didn't realize that Sayuri was wiping the dense beads of sweat on his forehead with a handkerchief until he felt a gentle touch on his forehead.

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