A lot of safety education for students and residents is how to deal with wild bear attacks.

The reality is not as shown in some videos, where a few morons went to beat the brown bear in groups, and finally drove the brown bear fleeing in a hurry to declare the victory of mankind.

On the contrary, when encountering wild brown bears in reality, even the security personnel who have been dealing with brown bears in the zoo all year round will not fight them head-on without weapons. They showed their submission in another tame. Those brown bears have been taught countless times by humans with modern anesthetic weapons.

But wild brown bears are not like this. In their eyes, human beings are so insignificant that they can be slapped to death. A paw that is bigger than a human head will give you a direct slap.

If the photo is not real, maybe the rescuer can survive, but if the photo is real, the person who is photographed should not expect to have the rest of his life, and he will directly take away the cremation urn and provide one-stop service.

Obviously the two brown bears that broke into the town were the latter, and they seemed to be driven mad by something. You can tell by looking at the residents lying on the ground on both sides of the street and the puddles of frozen blood under them .

Seeing this, Wu Yue was startled, hurriedly pushed the four people beside the pestle, and shouted: "There is a bear, run!"

Under the impact of a large number of people, coupled with the slippery roadside, Er Nai slipped and fell to the ground. If it weren't for the protection of the other four people, she might be trampled by the crowd.

But... a bear seemed to be heading in their direction.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

The strength of an adult brown bear is naturally difficult for ordinary people to match. The strength of a simple slap is between 700kg and 950kg, and the bite force can reach a terrifying figure of up to 850 pounds!

To give a more intuitive example, Tyson's heavy punch record is only 224 kilograms!

When such a huge force as a brown bear hits a person, the possibility of surviving must be carefully considered.

To put it bluntly, it is difficult to live.

In the same situation as the Nakano sisters, Thomas and his party are not far away. After finding that the situation was not good, they ran faster than rabbits one by one.

But people are prone to things that they least want to happen when they are most nervous. Many students fell miserably because of the collision of the crowd and the reduced friction of the icy ground. It is a pity that they don't care whether they lose face, they only care about it. Will the bear running over in a second throw himself down?

Which of these people is not the young master and the young lady?After coming out, it’s fine if you lose the game. Anyway, many people just regard this trip as gaining experience, and they don’t care about winning or losing at all. What they care about is whether they have fun and whether they can meet some good girls.

Even the male students were scared and panicked, and many female students who were not physically strong were even more frightened. It was no less frightening than waking up to find dozens of snakes lying in front of them.

Thomas subconsciously wanted to run away too, but when he saw many of his classmates falling down, getting up, and falling down again, he suddenly stopped in his tracks.

Originally, in the eyes of many people, he was just a muscular man who practiced boxing all day long, and his mind might be filled with muscles. In such an elite environment, Thomas' status was naturally not much higher. , the only reason why he won't be bullied by others is that there is a good family standing behind him.

Thinking of the picture of him easily punching through the wall with one punch, although he was a little embarrassed to hang on it for most of the day because of his surprise, Thomas still felt that he should stand up bravely to protect others at this time.

Power is not a reason for bullying, with more power then he needs to take more responsibility.

Isn't that how it's written in novels and movies?How heroic and handsome it is for a man (hexie) with strength to stand up against thousands of troops!

He turned around and ran towards the direction where everyone was fleeing, as if he had become a rebel.

Some students who fell to the ground had their legs limp from fright, but suddenly saw a figure passing by their side, running towards the oncoming brown bear.

'Is Thomas crazy? '

Many people who couldn't help turning their heads were still wondering if Thomas hadn't recovered from the concussion he was beaten by Chen Feng last time, which made his brain unclear.

Someone shouted from behind:

"Thomas, what are you doing!? Run!"

However, the man whose sense of heroism suddenly occupied the peak of his heart didn't seem to hear it, he just stepped over some people who were lying on the ground and even tried to pretend to be dead, and ran towards the brown bear.

The Nakano sisters are also extremely nervous. Chen Feng taught them some self-defense skills, but this self-defense skills are far from enough to single out a crazy brown bear!

Gritting her teeth, Clover took a step forward, her eyes fixed on the rushing brown bear.

"You go!"

When she said this, Yotsuba's heart was trembling, and she had already begun to simulate how to cover the retreat plan of the sisters in her head. Her eyes swept to all the nearby terrain and props that could be borrowed.

"Four leaves...!"

"I'm trying to stop it, you run, or no one will be able to run!"

Yihua bit her lips tightly, but she was still able to maintain rational thinking and said anxiously: "Everyone, let's go, let's go and tell the police! I'll work with Yotsuba to find a solution."

"What about you? What do you do!"

For a while, no one wanted to give up their sisters and run for their lives in a hurry. Even though they knew that what Yihua said was the most correct choice, no one really turned around and left.


Suddenly, the glass of a shop in front of them shattered all over the place, and a man was still holding a greased fork in his hand.

"It's fine if one dies, but all of you must die. Do you have goldfish in your mind?"

"Chen Feng?!"

Suddenly seeing this man's figure, the five of them were pleasantly surprised. They had no idea that Chen Feng was eating at a restaurant a few meters away from them.

However, the situation is still very critical. Chen Feng's force value is strong, but he always fights with others. At this time, there are two brown bears, one of which is making trouble on the other side of the road. They can't threaten them for the time being, but even if there is only one It's not something normal people can deal with!

Clover picked up Nino on her back, and shouted:

"Student Chen Feng, run! You can't fight at close range!"

"Sorry, whoever gets close to this kind of thing is an idiot."

Chen Feng curled his lips, and in the blink of an eye, the five people suddenly saw an extra rifle in Chen Feng's hand, he pulled the bolt to load it without saying a word, and pulled the trigger at the brown bear that was running towards it in a straight line.

Because the system-enhanced bullets were used, the five sisters did not hear the gunshots, nor did they see any flames emanating from the muzzle. Each bullet had already triggered the primer, and the bullets rotated to break through the air and penetrate into the into the body of the brown bear.

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