This is not a small-caliber anesthesia ammunition just kidding around with you, nor is it a shotgun ammunition for hunting to ensure that the fur is not seriously damaged, but a bullet that is really stuffed with flames and used for war!

Huge blood holes appeared on the body of the brown bear running rampant on the sidewalk, and the deafening roar shook everyone's heart.

If one bullet can make a brown bear angry due to injury, then 10 or 100 bullets can already turn a living giant bear into a dead bear with blood caves everywhere, not to mention that the place Chen Feng hit is It's on the bear's head and neck.

Under extreme pain, the brown bear realized that the problem was wrong and planned to turn around and run for his life. Chen Feng would not let go of any prey who provoked him. After he fired a few more shots and broke the limbs of the brown bear, Chen Feng directly chased after him. The brown bear that fell to the ground was a meal, and he didn't put away the gun in his hand until he beat the brown bear's head to pieces.

There was still a lot of movement on the other side of the street. Chen Feng originally wanted to go over to help, but when he turned his head, he saw a young man unloading the other brown bear's swing with one hand. Within a few seconds of defending, Thomas raised his fist and smashed it. The brown bear was dizzy from Thomas's fists, and the last punch almost exhausted all of Thomas's strength, smashing through from bottom to top. Brown bear's head.


He recognized this person, isn't this guy that little train?Shouldn't he be lying down in the hospital, how come his strength has become so unreasonable even after he was discharged from the hospital?

Chen Feng, who had fought against Thomas, knew very well that Thomas' strength had increased by at least [-] times compared to before. If a person wants to do it in a short time... no, it is impossible for a long time, and he is not seven or eight years old. Kid, how does an adult double his strength so much?

After frowning, Chen Feng wrote down the matter and turned to check the situation of the Nakano sisters. Fortunately, no one was injured, even this poor shopkeeper never thought that the two stacks he installed were superimposed, and each piece was worth a thousand dollars. The 2mm thick tempered glass would be shattered by a blow from a guest.

But luckily the shopkeeper did not see this scene, otherwise he would have a heart attack from fright when he saw Thomas, who was opposite Chen Feng, punching the bear's head with his fist.

The police could do whatever they wanted to investigate. Chen Feng didn't bother to care about these messy things, so he took Sayuri and the Nakano sisters back to the hotel.

As for Thomas and his group, when they saw Thomas' powerful figure, all the men looked at each other in blank dismay. They didn't quite understand why Thomas, who had just been discharged from the hospital, had such terrifying strength. If he was so powerful, how could he lose so badly in the game?

Thomas didn't care about the boy's thoughts. The girls who were indirectly rescued by Thomas were as excited as their prince charming rescued themselves. They swarmed up and surrounded Thomas. Thomas, who had been treated like this before, almost thought he had entered heaven. He hugged a lady with 'weak legs' on the left side, supported a lady with 'weak legs' on the right side, and hugged a 'terrified' lady on his chest. Missy.

Is this the Garden of Eden? ?

Seeing such a situation, many boys in the same class itch their teeth. Some of them saw their girlfriends fall into the arms of other men, and the color of the hats on their heads changed completely.

But it is true that Thomas saved them, until the police came and saw that one of the two brown bears that attacked the town was torn to pieces by bullets, and it was almost impossible to see that it was a bear, and the other was beaten to death by Thomas.

When investigating why a bear was shot to death, many passers-by who fled did not hear any gunshots at all, and the scene was extremely chaotic.

In desperation, the police put all the glory on Thomas. Anyway, the crisis is resolved. As for who killed a bear with a gun?It's okay, anyway, it's not a person who was killed, if the investigation is serious, it may make some people feel dissatisfied, so they just don't investigate.

This night, Thomas really enjoyed the treatment of being embraced as an emperor by people of his own class. It was like a single action that directly brushed everyone's favorability. Geometrically, he was brushed to the peak of favorability.

Everyone is running away, even the male classmates and boyfriends they have a crush on let go of their hands and run faster than rabbits. Only Thomas, who came in retrograde, rescued the trapped man like a god from the sky. They are in dispute.

Can this move?

Even a female classmate he confessed to before was posting back to him. Thinking of all the embarrassments he had been rejected and ridiculed, Thomas almost died of happiness.

What happened tonight directly led to the disintegration of the students who interacted with each other in the class. The relationship should not be broken too quickly. When a man encountered danger, he left his girlfriend and ran away. This group of girls was really disappointed. They chose a good family background , powerful, at most even the not-so-clever Thomas.

How could Thomas have experienced this kind of battle, even though he is the young master of a family, at most he has played with women in those romantic places, like these usually high-ranking, frost-faced young ladies who broke the defense one by one, forming groups Surrounding him in a group, he began to feel complacent, thinking of the woman who he went to strike up a conversation with but was treated with words and Chen Feng who caused him countless troubles.

Hmph, don't you think I'm alive and well?If you look down on Lao Tzu, it means you are not so lucky. Sooner or later, you will have good juice to eat!

Thomas has also entered Neptune mode. He seems to be a little more honest, but once he sees that he has the upper hand, how can he be as honest as before?The whole person should not be too inflated.

Thinking of how powerful he is, he will definitely be the first person to talk about the family in the future. At most, he will let his brother manage the property, and whoever has the biggest fist will speak!

For a while, Thomas felt that his ideological realm was several levels higher, and he began to be dissatisfied with his development in the boxing world, and his ambition gradually moved to the distant future.

Playing with the two young ladies who looked pure and pure, but were actually bohemian, Thomas looked proud, because there was a girlfriend between the two who was still his deadly enemy. Thinking of this, he became more and more excited.

He clenched his fist and looked out the window.

My extremely bright!

As everyone knows, in Thomas's body, his blood has become as muddy as mud, and the original bright red appearance is even invisible. Among these mud-like blood, there are densely packed blood that cannot be seen by the naked eye, but every once in a while An oval-shaped egg that becomes larger in a few minutes.

If these 'blood' are observed under a microscope, the observer can clearly see that there are some strange-shaped creatures in these eggs. This kind of creature is definitely not something that can be seen on the earth!

Looking back at Thomas's head, the brain that originally belonged to humans was covered with many tiny bugs. They were very similar to the things that got into Thomas's body before, but their size was countless times smaller.

But there is one thing in common, that is, the mouthparts of these bugs have all pierced into Thomas's brain, and they are sucking things and injecting copper-green liquid at the same time.

His brain is shrinking continuously, and the liquid injected by these bugs is gradually turning into a solid body, filling the missing parts of his brain shrinking...

Chapter 6 You can call me... Mother ([-]K plus more)


The mattress under him was twisted into irregular wrinkled lines by his fidgeting buttocks, and the white handkerchief made a 'creaking' sound under the friction of his teeth.

The second is that she is very unwilling, and the reason is because of Chen Feng's "friend" that she heard before.

I thought this friend was a boy, but she didn't expect that after she came back, she found out that Chen Feng had moved in with Xiao Baihe. What is this?

Clover was playing with the small dumbbells she bought at noon, the sound behind her made her unable to concentrate for a while, and when she looked back, she was almost scared to death by the resentful Nino.

Wiping the sweat beads that didn't exist on her forehead, she felt that Nino might have made too much fuss.

"Actually, it's not a big deal, is it? Chen Feng said that it was because of some dangerous things that the two of them took care of each other temporarily..."

"Where are there so many dangers! It's made me worry about so many things in vain."

"Didn't Chen Feng live with Sister Ray before that?"

"That's different!" Er Nai let go of the handkerchief he was biting into his mouth, and retorted, "The two of them are brother and sister, what do brothers and sisters expect to happen...?"

"There is no blood relationship."

Yotsuba murmured in a low voice, she didn't quite understand why Nino's reaction would be so big, besides, if something really wanted to happen, it's not something they can stop, since doubts are easy to arise, why not make the result better direction to think about?

Because there are too many things to suspect that there are cracks, and the result is easy to regret afterwards.

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