After getting into the car, Thomas closed his eyes and took a nap, but the strange feeling coming from inside his body made him unable to calm down. For a while, the skin on his back was itchy unbearably, for a while, his thighs were cramped, for a while, his stomach was writhing and painful, and for a while, he could only see a white light...

It's strange, obviously I didn't play for too long last night, I used to play more crazy than now, why did I suddenly stretch my hips this time?

"Thomas... are you okay?"

Seeing Thomas' appearance, a woman sitting next to him asked worriedly.

Can he admit it at this time?If he admits it, then he is not Thomas, but a tractor.

Immediately, Thomas smiled gently and said:

"It's okay, maybe it's because I worked hard with you last night after working hard yesterday."

The girl blushed immediately and acted coquettishly with Thomas.

He is a person who loves face very much, especially after showing his heroic figure in front of everyone yesterday, he has gained a lot of benefits that he never thought of.When he was on the phone with his family this morning, he was praised by his father without hesitation. After all, hooking up with a group of powerful young ladies is not something that ordinary people can do. The raised image is destroyed once.

itchy?Itches, but must be held back!Does it hurt?It hurts, but you have to endure it!Feel like throwing up?I want to, but I have to hold on!

Just like that, Thomas's face turned green, and he finally arrived at the last place they visited on the island - the ski resort!

This ski resort is the largest ski resort on this island. It is composed of 7 snow mountains in total. There are four kinds of difficulty in green, blue, red and black. The black trail marks are even more difficult. There are very few people on the snow trails with black road marks, because few people dare to play on the slopes of this slope, and the snow trails with double black road marks are even less crowded.

In the hotel room as high as the 17th floor, Chen Feng can overlook the situation and recreational facilities at the top of other snow peaks, because the location of the hotel is the highest one among the seven snow peaks surrounded by a group, and the price of the room is even higher. It's outrageous. The price of each room they live in is around 3 yen. It's really the wool of the school.

"What is Feng Jun looking at?"

There was a gust of fragrant wind blowing beside him, and there was a curious little head beside his shoulder. Who else could this person be besides Sayuri?

Pointing to the top of the mountain on the far right, there are several cable cars hanging there, transporting the guests here, Chen Feng said:

"In fact, the view on that mountain will be better, and the terrain is more conducive to observing other locations. If the hotel is built there, it should be able to see about 40% of the entire ski resort. And it is also far away from the emergency exit. Even closer, roads have been built below to allow vehicles to go up the mountain better to deal with emergencies."

Sayuri froze for a moment, Chen Feng's attention was always not on the same level as the others, she thought Chen Feng was looking at the scenery below.

"By the way, Miss Sayuri, I collected some strange liquids next to the pothole in the room."


Sayuri was almost scared to death by Chen Feng's words. She had already dealt with the scene, so there shouldn't be residues...

Chen Feng suddenly remembered something, turned around and took out a folded napkin from his pocket, and revealed the light green stain on it. Seeing this, Sayuri heaved a sigh of relief after being worried.

It would be nice not to have those mosaic things...

But... what is this?

Sayuri squinted her eyes, and took the napkin handed over by Chen Feng.

She felt an extreme discomfort from the green stain on it, as if... the dead remains of something disgusting.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Said Baihe looked hesitant, with a slight frown between her eyebrows, and the raised left corner of her mouth looked like a smile, but Chen Feng understood that Sayuri's micro-expression was not a smile, on the contrary, it was an expression of disgust.

Unless it is a person like Chen Feng who has undergone rigorous training and practiced nearly a hundred times, no matter how good a person's talent is, it is impossible to make the facial expression completely opposite to the inner thoughts, or keep it on the same level There is no change at all.

Sayuri has indeed experienced countless ways in the world, and she is also very good at hiding her expression, but in Chen Feng's eyes, as long as the hiding is not thorough, it means that there is no hiding.

Emoticons are the most primitive language of human beings, allowing people of the same kind or enemies to understand the thoughts of the person who showed the expressions after seeing their various expressions.As early as how many years ago, when human beings were still competing with wild beasts for the living space in nature, the gestures and ferocious expressions of human beings have saved countless human fragile lives.

Even if it continues to the present era, human beings can't get rid of the language of expressions after all. Sometimes it only takes a look to let others understand what they think, and sometimes pulling up their face can let the evildoers understand that this person has passed away. Standing on the brink of anger.

After all, as a former main language and today's secondary language, expression is difficult to separate from human social life.

"It gives me a very uncomfortable feeling..."

Sayuri stared carefully for a while and said slowly, while refolding the napkin and returning it to Chen Feng.

"Me too, it gave me a very bad first impression."

Putting the napkin away again, Chen Feng nodded in agreement and said, "However, according to the situation at the scene, this thing is more like a blood stain, and the pothole doesn't look like a phenomenon left by an explosion, but more It's like something like a hammer hammered on it."

Sayuri was startled when she heard this.

"Mr. Feng, what do you mean...something sneaked into the room and died inside?"

"That's the only way it makes sense. I checked the room before I left... Either it was hidden too well and I didn't find it, or it was a room that we entered after we left, but it was obviously damaged by something." As a result of the attack, except for this little blood-stained liquid, there is nothing left."

This is a normal inference, but Chen Feng feels that this kind of abnormal thing is probably not applicable. He is more inclined to attack methods that may be some kind of intruder, but they are lucky enough to escape. .

Chen Feng indeed has strength, speed, and resilience that normal people do not possess. Many of his minor injuries can be healed within one night, and even broken bones can be recovered within two days at most. But if he dies Then there will be nothing...

Originally a villain, now that he is a little bit kinder does not mean that Chen Feng is the kind of person who can be bullied casually, even if he respects life now and will not disregard other people's lives too much, but when he judges that the other party may When his life would be threatened, Chen Feng would return to his old profession.

If you ask him to be kind, he can be extremely kind; if you ask him to be cruel, he can do it without blinking an eye.

Fortunately, he is not a great man, otherwise it may be more troublesome to comment on in the future, and there will be many controversial points, but he doesn't care about other people's comments.

"We have to be more careful, Miss Sayuri, do you have any weapons that you can handle?"

"Me?" Said Baihe was silent for a while, and laughed teasingly: "I have six stages of swordsmanship, and I may be able to struggle in normal situations."

"Six paragraphs...?"

Chen Feng also has a good understanding of kendo, but it is not the kind of kendo that is used as self-defense or physical fitness with a form of performance, but a simple and neat killing technique, without any extra frills. It is mainly about killing people. What else do you want to perform after killing everyone?

If it is the sixth rank, it means that Sayuri still knows how to practice swords, and her level is not low. This rank is generally the peak rank of amateur players. At least she has her own understanding of using swords and sticks. If she really wants to fight, she will really beat an opponent. It's really not a big problem to kill.

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