Chen Feng didn't have much time to help Sayuri slowly improve his martial arts level, and the current reality didn't allow him to do so, so the fastest way to improve his combat power came into being.


Times are changing, most of the practice of cold weapons is just for self-defense, and rarely directly fatal, but the gun is different, Chen Feng can't believe that Sayuri has never played with this thing before, even if she hasn't played it, it doesn't matter, Chen Feng Feng can help Sayuri practice briefly, anyway, he has silent bullets, and it won't cause any confusion.

Only Chen Feng can see the Beretta used by Chen Feng, and other people can't see the existence of this gun, so Chen Feng has no choice but to give his spare Glock to Sayuri for temporary use.

After getting this gun, Chen Feng, an old weapons expert, almost completely modified the gun. He also redesigned the barrel and grip, and the internal firing structure, recoil device and shelling device were improved. It's like changing a gun, a Glock 17 was abruptly changed by him to a fully automatic.

The principle of fully automatic is very simple, but it is necessary to be fully automatic while taking into account the rate of fire and the reaction force brought by the bullets fired by the firearm, which is worth Chen Feng's adjustments a little bit.

In addition, Chen Feng has a magic-modified magazine with a capacity of 35 rounds. It is no problem to use it as a submachine gun if necessary. It may not be easy to hide guns for others.

"Come on, here's this."

Chen Feng touched his bosom, and directly took out a Glock 17 from inside. There was a long magazine on it. If it wasn't for the fact that the trigger was not loaded, Sayuri would have thought Chen Feng was some kind of spy.

However, Sayuri still had some vivid memories of what happened in Tokyo last time. Chen Feng fought back and forth with the samurai who killed countless felons with his bare hands. This is really not something that ordinary people can do.

For people like them who often appear on TV, it is obviously impossible to defend themselves without any weapons. Leaving aside Sayuri, Chen Feng also knows that Yang Nai has two guns himself, but it’s just that he doesn’t usually go out with Chen Feng. It's just for me, I don't know if I will bring Chen Feng at other times.

Since Yang Nai has it, Sayuri must also have it.

"Mr. Feng, give this... to me?"

Sayuri's cherry lips parted slightly, and she frowned, "What about you?"

"I have a lot of stuff, don't worry about that."

Not only a pistol, he even has a sniper rifle. After using the AR-15 in his hand once, Chen Feng changed it to a fully automatic with a look of disgust. Anyway, changing the gun should not be too simple for him.

Sayuri still looked skeptical. Chen Feng knew that if he didn't prove that he had some other weapons, maybe Sayuri would not want this gun, but Sayuri couldn't see his own Beretta 92f, so Chen Feng could only take it. The AR-15, which was modified into a fully automatic assault rifle by itself, came out.

It doesn't look right to appear out of thin air, Chen Feng prefers to hide the process of drawing his gun.Ever since, Chen Feng pulled his back collar and stretched his hand in, and Chen Feng took out an AR-15 that had been modified in all directions.

Chen Feng modified many guns, but he didn't touch his old buddy SVD at all. One is that he has modified many structures of this gun before. It's better not to change its state, it's nostalgic nostalgia.

Sayuri knew that Chen Feng was outrageous, she wouldn't be shocked if she punched through a palm tree with one fist or crushed a stone with one foot, but Sayuri never thought that Chen Feng even carried a rifle with him , his eyes were as big as a lantern.

She remembered that when Chen Feng took off his coat, there were at most a few medical kits, folding engineer shovels and multi-functional axes hanging on his head. Where did such a long gun come from?

But she wasn't stupid enough to really ask Chen Feng such a question, who hasn't told her little secret?Isn't it just that there are a lot of things that others can't stuff in? It's a big deal.

"It seems that I am really a little worried..."

Sayuri smiled awkwardly, but this embarrassment was not what she really wanted, but she suddenly realized that it seemed unnecessary to worry about Chen Feng.

"Well, you also have these five magazines, will you use them?"

"Of course, you don't have to worry about Feng Jun."

"In that case, then I won't say anything more." Chen Feng nodded secretly, and said, "You should carry it with you for a few days, and attack directly if you encounter danger. Don't keep your hands."

Even if Chen Feng didn't say that, Sayuri knew what to do, and she would never be merciful if something really happened.

Chen Feng, who picked up his skis and was about to go out, suddenly stopped, turned around and said:

"This gun is different from other guns. It won't make any sound, not even a gun flame."

This is a warning in advance, Chen Feng is afraid that Sayuri will suddenly realize that the trigger is pulled but there is no sound at all when she is about to shoot, and she will miss it.

" sound?"

"Yes, you can find an empty place by the window and fire a shot to test your hand. I'll go out first and contact you if you have any questions."

Watching Chen Feng leave the room, Sayuri scratched her face.

No sound when shooting?There is such a thing?

Ever since, she opened the window and fired a shot into the sky.

call out--

A yellow bullet shot out from the muzzle of the gun, and Sayuri also saw the bullet flying out for a moment, feeling the pistol in hand without the slightest recoil, gun flame, or sound, and suddenly became puzzled.

This kind of bullet...could it come out of some sci-fi movie?

Beside the elevator in the hotel, Chen Feng was still waiting for the elevator, he planned to eat, sleep and play as usual.

This is the good mentality he has cultivated since he became a mercenary, because a mercenary never knows whether his death day is today. If he lives in fear and cautiously every day, and gets nervous when he encounters a little danger, then this kind of person will definitely live. Not too long.

It is enough to be able to know in advance that you will be in danger. It can be regarded as getting the information you deserve first.

But at this moment, Chen Feng suddenly heard the exclamation of the girl behind him and her hurried steps.

"Senior, Senior!!"

With such a high resolution and always energetic voice, who else could it be except Komachi?

Chen Feng also lowered his guard, and in the next second a large koala pounced on his back.

Komachi is now wearing a heavy cotton jacket, and the goggles are held tightly in his hands, just hanging from Chen Feng's shoulders, so that Chen Feng can clearly see Komachi's blue goggles and goggle belt.

The others were either still repairing, or had already gone somewhere to play. Komachi played with his mobile phone in the room for a while before slowly coming out. He thought he was the only one left in the hotel, but unexpectedly met Chen Feng.

No, Komachi was so excited that he even threw his skis on the ground, and jumped onto Chen Feng's back to lie on his stomach.

"Sniff, sniff—"

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