The little nose smelled Chen Feng's body. If a passer-by happened to pass by, he might think that Chen Feng had met some strange slut.

Probably smelling something, Komachi said:

"Senior smells good!"

"Okay, come down quickly."

Chen Feng, who was afraid of Komachi falling with his back hooked, urged with black lines: "Where did you get the dog from?"

"Hey hey, are you going skiing, senior?"

Jumping off Chen Feng's back resolutely, Komachi winked and said, "Sister Yukino has already gone down, she said to study the venue first."

"Research site?"

"Yeah, let's study which venue is suitable for beginners to practice."

Komachi said with a smile.

She has molested Xue Nai a lot in the room, because since Xue Nai came to the ski resort, she has been inseparable from Chen Feng and skiing, and she, who is already astute, immediately thought of Xue Nai's thinking. I made fun of Yukino.

"Is that so?"

Chen Feng's stern face relaxed slightly, thinking that Xue Nai actually has something she doesn't know. In theory, she should have practiced skiing before. Could it be that she fell too much and gave up?

But after thinking about it carefully, it seems impossible. If there is something that Yukino's rigid personality really can't learn, she will probably go straight to that thing. Giving up is really not something Yukino would do.

The result can only be that Yukino is not very good at skiing.

Adhering to the mentality of helping friends, Chen Feng felt that teaching others to ski was not a big problem. Sliding alone is not fun, and it is more appropriate to ask friends to play together.

But according to Xue Nai's personality... Will she let herself teach?

Chen Feng was skeptical.

After much deliberation, Chen Feng still decided to show off a wave of figure skiing in front of Xue Nai at that time, so as to subdue this rigid girl with technology.

As long as she shows a level that ordinary skiers do not have, Xue Nai will not be ashamed of being taught, and it will allow her to enjoy the joy of skiing faster.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

He had already made such a decision in his heart, the sense of accomplishment gained from helping others was no worse than beating them up, not to mention that Chen Feng didn't want to cause trouble.

At this time, Xue Nai, who was on a ski track, didn't know what kind of blow she was about to face. While skiing silently, she was thinking about how to teach this kind of thing so that people would not feel strange and learn slowly.

Ding Dong!

The elevator door opened, and Chen Feng and Komachi walked in. While the elevator was going down, Komachi came over and said:

"Senior, I saw a good-looking milk tea shop next to the hotel. How about I treat the two of us to go together? After all, Komachi thinks about it, and it seems that he hasn't repaid the kindness of senior, the kindness of giving Komachi extra lessons."

In fact, this is just an excuse for Komachi to guide Chen Feng to where Yukino is, but it can't be completely an excuse, because she really has been brooding over this matter.

It's like borrowing money from others, as long as you don't pay it back for a day, you will feel uncomfortable.

This can be regarded as the two results of doing one thing that can meet your expectations. Why not do such a cost-effective thing?

In addition, Chen Feng is much more easy-going than when we first met before, and he no longer said that he would kill people at every turn. In fact, at first Komachi always thought that Chen Feng was just playing, but when she After he was admitted to Zongwu High School, he was surprised to find that Chen Feng could do whatever he said...

The whole person is simply a campus nuclear bomb. There are many boys with naughty or strong personalities. Among them, nine out of ten are scared out of their souls when they hear this name, and the rest of them have already been beaten. hospital.

But the senior is very kind to me, if I don't repay it, it seems a little unreasonable, and I seem to be unreasonable.

Seeing Chen Feng being silent for a while, Komachi's heart skipped a beat. Could it be that he really refused?

She grabbed Chen Feng's hand and said coquettishly:

"Senpai, let's go~ It's all right! Let's take it as a trip with Komachi~"

In fact, Komachi guessed a little wrong, Chen Feng didn't even think of rejecting Komachi, anyway, since he didn't lack this little time, it would not be difficult to go out for a drink with the junior.

What he mainly thinks about is how to quickly improve a person's skiing level. Xue Nai's physical fitness is not bad, but she is more inclined to explosiveness rather than physical strength and endurance. Skiing is a test of physical strength and endurance. With matching physical strength and endurance, it can only become a kind of torture with sore hands and feet in the end.

Of course, if you fall a lot, your butt hurts too.

Rubbing Komachi's head, Chen Feng nodded and said:

"it is good."


Seeing the excited look of this girl, Chen Feng also felt a little emotional in his heart, why didn't he know that he was so favored by little girls before?

But that's okay, seeing these children so happy, he felt very comfortable in his heart, as if they were his daughters.

"Where did Hachiman go? Why didn't you come with him?"

", he went to wrestle." Komachi pouted, put his hands on his slender waist, and said rather dissatisfied: "I even threw things for him , the Komachi index for this trip is directly zero!"

"Uh...? Komachi index?"

A series of terms in economics flashed through Chen Feng's mind, but after thinking about it, it didn't seem right, so he asked, "What is that?"

"Hmph, senior, you don't understand. It's an explosive energy that only targets Komachi, and only my brother can take effect. If Komachi's score is too low, Komachi will treat him coldly. "

Strange game settings have been added.

Chen Feng nodded thoughtfully. In fact, he still couldn't understand the purpose of such a strange setting like Komachi, the exchange of feelings between brothers and sisters?

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