"Well, please, I will pay the money, and I won't embarrass you."

Hearing what Chen Feng said with a slight nod, the stars in the eyes of the lady who made the milk tea were about to pop out.

God, what kind of angel is this?He is handsome and temperamental, and he is so considerate of others, which is really great!

"No...no need! This is our event, randomly select customers to taste our new products that have not yet started selling, you are lucky!"

"Is there such a thing?"

Chen Feng was taken aback for a moment.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

In fact, Chen Feng has not yet discovered that there seems to be some strange attraction on his body. Since he entered the store, many customers of the opposite sex in the store have all turned their attention to him.

"Yeah!" The clerk nodded vigorously, and was relieved that the half lie she had just told hadn't been caught.

Why is it a half lie?Because they have just researched some new products in their store, and they really want to do some tasting activities, but this tasting event is not held today, but is scheduled for next week.

The reason why she said that Chen Feng was chosen today is because she wanted to have a few more words with this gentleman from a foreign land in front of her. When she thought of the girl who walked in the door, there was a girl holding her arm. She should be a girlfriend, right?

While making milk tea, she cast envious eyes at Komachi's location.

I may never meet another man who can make my heart move so much in my life. Such an excellent person must be very popular. She also knows her position. If she is not worthy, she is not worthy. Can't you say a few more words?

"Because it's a new product, many of the materials that can be used were shipped in yesterday. Your luck is really good, sir."

The movements in her hands didn't stop at all. She and the shop owner were researching this new product together, and she also wanted to see the reaction of the first customer to drink it.

The greatest compliment you can give to someone who really knows how to cook is to praise her meals.

Soon, a glass of blue drink with a slice of lemon embedded in the wall was handed over to Chen Feng.

"Please drink and watch."

Chen Feng stared at the young lady's clerk's movements throughout the whole process, and there was nothing abnormal in the middle. He still felt that the clerk seemed a little too enthusiastic, so enthusiastic that he didn't even straighten out the logic of lying in the end. Chen Feng, who thought too much, noticed the problem.

One is that he has never heard of the test product and there are random sayings; the other is that the eyes of the lady clerk are a little dodgy; passers-by; fourth!It is also the most important point. When the young lady said that she would make new products for him, the eyes of the other shop assistants fluctuated for a moment, and then they turned to let go for some reason.

If this was really some kind of unruly action against him, then the words should not be so full of loopholes, which made Chen Feng a little difficult to judge for a while.

But if it wasn't the worst result that I guessed, and I didn't drink all the things in my hands, it would be too rude.

Chen Feng was silent for a while, and then he figured out a more moderate plan in his mind.

If it were him before, as long as he felt that there was a problem, he would simply reject it and maintain a high level of vigilance for almost everything. Now he has become a lot more normal, and all this is due to them...

A faint smile appeared on his face, and then Chen Feng sighed again.

This series of performances made the shop assistant's mood go up for a while, and down for a while, not sure what happened to Chen Feng.

"Sir...do you...don't like this kind of drink?"

She felt a little wronged, obviously all the ingredients were added according to the most perfect ratio, and if it was actually sold, in order to save costs, the ingredients would not be put in so much.

However, Chen Feng's next words made the dark clouds in her heart suddenly shrouded in sunshine.

"Hey... I just think that if I drink it alone, I may not be able to taste much. If it is food, it is better to share it with others to get the most moderate evaluation. May I share a little bit for others to taste together? Is it?"

Chen Feng sighed, with a look of compassion, but his eyes did not leave the face of the clerk for a second, trying to see something on it.

If the other party simply refused, then Chen Feng would be sure that there was definitely something wrong with this drink, but unfortunately it was not the case.

The clerk was stunned for a moment, and the grievance just dissipated in the surrounding air in a blink of an eye, and she nodded happily.

"Yeah! Please feel free!! But please be sure to give your evaluation!"

Turning around, he randomly scanned around the store, and many people were still looking in his direction. Chen Feng spotted a few girls by the window. They seemed to be laughing and joking while looking at him, but when Chen Feng looked at them, When they went, one and two not only did not bow their heads, but looked at him with smiles.

Well, just these few people!

He made up his mind that it was impossible for Chen Feng to give Komachi something he wasn't sure about, so he nodded to the clerk and walked towards the girls by the window.

On the way, he heard the other party speak French. This language is indeed very complicated to some extent, and beginners are all tortured to the point of crying and howling, but unfortunately, Chen Feng knows it.

Komachi lowered his head and was very nervous all the time. When he saw Chen Feng walking down, he thought he had ordered a meal, but he didn't expect Chen Feng to walk to another road with a glass of blue drink in his hand.


Komachi's eyes widened, and he covered his eyes with a slap.

It's over, it's over, did the senior see something?I knew I wouldn't say anything...

From the bottom of my heart, I kept praying that Chen Feng would not hit anyone, and if he did hit himself, he must stop him.

There were three girls sitting beside the bed. Chen Feng started his own business model. After all, the original plan was to test whether there was any problem with this cup of drink. It would be bad if the other party was too vigilant and refused to drink it.

"Sorry to interrupt, ladies, are you from France?"

The other party obviously didn't expect that Chen Feng could speak his mother tongue, and each of them was stunned for a moment, and the blond girl with wavy hair who was closest to Chen Feng raised the corners of her mouth.

"I know you, classmate Chen Feng. You are a student of Nihong Zongwu High School. Your boxing match is very beautiful. I still remember it."

Chen Feng didn't deliberately remember the students from other schools. Even if he returned to the hotel, he would either stay behind closed doors or come back at night, so he didn't know that these people were students who came to the competition together.

Chen Feng nodded.

"It's nothing, I was just making a fuss, but I can't get on the stage."

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