"An excellent man like you should have a girlfriend, right? Don't you come with your girlfriend? Or... Your girlfriend didn't come to participate in the competition?"

"No, no." Chen Feng smiled bitterly: "Now I'm in the graduating class, so it's not suitable to talk about the opposite sex. I was brought here by a junior, and I feel pretty good."

"Oh...?" Vanessa raised her eyebrows, she was not interested in how Chen Feng came here, and who brought him, "By the way, I almost forgot to introduce myself, the little girl is from Hathaway's house, Less famous you may not have heard, my name is Vanessa and they are my friends."

The other two girls also smiled and nodded towards Chen Feng, without saying a word, not even introducing their names, as if they were afraid of something.

Before Chen Feng came, the two of them should have talked the most, but since Vanessa opened her mouth, they unexpectedly closed their mouths without saying a word.

All of this was seen by Chen Feng, and he was thinking about something in his heart.

"Chen Feng, from Chiba, is doing some small work now, doing catering delivery, handicrafts and other small things."

"That's not bad. It's very close to people's lives. This way the market will be much bigger. I've thought about this too, but it's a pity that my father doesn't like me to do things related to the business world."

Vanessa thought that Chen Feng had already taken over a small part of the family's resources to practice, but she saw that even Chen Feng's teacher treated this student differently from other students, and she also met Chen Feng and many of her a little The women I have known are mixed together, and they seem to have a relatively good relationship. Among them is the Sawamura family, one of the sponsors of this competition.

The average person wants to hitch so many lines?Hehe, it's possible that it was really shit luck.

This is Vanessa's temptation. She is still a little curious about this person, mainly because he looks good and has a good figure. She likes this kind of capable and handsome person.

"No, that's just part-time work."

"Hehehehe—you are really interesting, but yes, this kind of small business can be regarded as a part-time job if you use it to practice your hands. After all, you don't have much income. The main thing is to exercise."

Chen Feng: "..."

At this time, Vanessa noticed the unopened drink in Chen Feng's hand, and cast a curious look.

Chen Feng also knew that the time had come, and said slowly:

"I just got a new drink, and it seems that I haven't started to try it yet. I wonder if I'm lucky enough to share it with some ladies?"

While speaking, out of the corner of Chen Feng's eyes, he caught sight of the other two girls looking at Vanessa, as if they were waiting for Vanessa to make a decision.

Chen Feng is now [-]% sure that this girl named Vanessa is the leader of their small circle.

In fact, after being recognized by the other party, Chen Feng still hesitated whether to change someone, but after a brief conversation, Chen Feng found that the girl's gaze made him very uncomfortable, just like a customer weighing the goods when buying goods. The look of value in the eyes and the skill of speaking are also tempting Chen Feng to reveal his wealth.

It seems that it is not a good thing, so just give it.

Vanessa kept smiling and nodded.

"Thank you very much for your generosity. It just so happens that I also like this color of drink very much. It is full of freedom."

"Shouldn't that be white?"

"Eh? Why?"

"Because the people who captured the Congress raised red...cough cough, it's nothing."

"Hehehe~ You are really interesting."


In the following time, after Chen Feng let them drink, he observed them for about five or six minutes for the reason of evaluation, and finally left.

Doesn't appear to be a problematic drink.

When Chen Feng walked back to the front desk, he took a small sip. The sour taste could taste a little sweetness. With just one sip, Chen Feng drank all the ingredients of this drink. The names of the ingredients seemed like a movie screen Appeared in his mind, even the additives of some ingredients appeared!

This made Chen Feng confused for a moment.

What happened?

When Chen Feng wanted to say some constructive words to the clerk, various words about how this drink should be improved when facing people in a messy area appeared in his mind.

After talking blabberingly for a while, Chen Fengcai said: "Then give me two cups of milk tea recommended by Miss."

The young lady was so excited that she nodded frequently.

"Hmm! Please sit down, I will bring it over later!"

Returning to his seat, Komachi carefully raised his head and asked, "Why did it take you so long, Senpai?"

"Oh, I was selected as a lucky customer and gave away a cup of this thing. I don't know if it's good or not, so I gave it to others to try. Come, Komachi, take a sip and see."

"Is that so?" Komachi took the drink from Chen Feng and took a sip, "Hey, it's so sour! But... the taste is really good."

"I also think that the rest will be given to you to drink first."

Holding his face, Chen Feng began to think about the situation that when he wanted to see what this thing was made of, the formula would inexplicably pop up in his mind.

He didn't even swallow it!

Not far away, Vanessa saw Chen Feng coming down, and then sat opposite a girl, she frowned.

Why does this girl's back look so familiar?

But Vanessa didn't think about Komachi, because she would soon forget people in such an unpleasant urban area, and this kind of worthless person...does it need to be remembered by herself?

"It tastes really good!"

Vanessa, who was already ignoring her, turned her head and wanted to chat with her two little followers about luxury goods, but unexpectedly, a familiar voice came from beside her ear.

Is it that humble guy? ?

Before Vanessa's two little followers could speak, Vanessa got up and said:

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