The plot is very prominent, and Sayuri doesn't need to watch much to understand its market value, but if it can have its own characteristics in the formation of style, maybe it will be better.

Rubbing her somewhat cold fingers, Sayuri told Rachel little by little what she could see.

What Chen Feng taught in general cultural learning is very useful, and it can also make learners more efficient in learning, but painting and literature are more inclined to artistic culture, and many of them are things that can only be understood An unspeakable existence.

The premise that Sayuri has taught Ying Lili is here. Many things are much better than Chen Feng. At the beginning, Rui Jier just didn't want to embarrass Sayuri and agreed to the request. Unexpectedly, what she said was very reasonable. To her The creation of is also very helpful, and the state of the whole person also changes accordingly, becoming very serious.

It is undeniable that Rachel's talent is very exaggerated in many fields, and it is not easy to draw inferences from one instance, but Rachel can do it, which surprised Sayuri, and felt that this pair of brothers and sisters are as outrageous as monsters.

Sayuri didn't have much to say, after all, she was just starting in many aspects, and Rachel had already figured it out and figured out the existing problems on her own initiative.

Rachel bowed politely.

"Thank you."

"It's okay, little ray is great. This comic makes my blood boil. If Lord Feng is here, he must be very happy too."

"Hmm...Sayuri...Sister, has Afeng gone down? I want to find Afeng, so I'll tell Afeng in advance."


Ever since, the previous scene happened.

In the room, the two of them heard Zhenbai who seemed to have done something wrong, that didn't seem like an explanation, and they all understood the reason.

But whether it is Ruijier or Sayuri, both of them know that Chen Feng has never announced his identity at all, and he is unwilling to disclose even a little bit of information. It seems that other strangers know about his information, which will make people He's very insecure.

Maybe just a small fan of Ah Feng (Feng Jun)?

The two looked at each other, but neither of them spoke.

"I thought it was the teacher's painting, so I wanted to take a look."

Obviously she reached out to snatch it without saying a word, people who didn't know thought she had encountered some kind of robber who was rushing to snatch it, but looking at the truth, she always felt that she was very righteous.

"Student Zhenbai, who is the teacher you are talking about?"

Sayuri asked in a soft voice while helping Zhenbai straighten her clothes.

She discovered that in this industry, the talented girls who are like gods come down to earth don't seem to have the ability to take care of themselves, and they seem to be extremely lacking in common sense in life.

"It's Teacher Fenglin."


The two of them had already proved that their guess was correct, but they didn't expect such a person to be that person's fan.

"You... like it very much?" Sayuri tried to ask.

"Teacher's painting is very good!" Zhenbai's originally unwavering eyes were full of longing, his little head kept shaking up and down, and his hands were crossed in front of his chest. "It gave me a lot of inspiration and rich emotions. Um!"

Well, this has completely become a cult.


Sayuri looked at Ruijier at the side. Not only did this fidgeting little girl not let go of her hostility, but her hostility became stronger. If eyes could kill, Zhenbai would be riddled with holes. Even taking hemostatic powder would stop her. The kind that can't live.

"All right."

Sayuri looked at the slim young girl in front of her. Compared with just now, her appearance had changed a hundred and eighty times. Her messy hair was combed very smoothly. The buttons of underwear, it is as if the beauty that should only exist in the painting has come to reality.

Sayuri patted the girl in front of her who was a little taller than herself, and said, "If you want to take something from someone else's hands, you need to get their consent, classmate Zhenbai."


Zhenbai tilted her head. In the past, others would give her what she wanted directly. Is there any reason to ask?

Sayuri didn't quite understand how the child's family educated her, she didn't even understand such a simple truth, but she still said patiently: "Because the things are not yours, others can choose to give it to you or not." Here you are, giving is fraternity, not giving is sympathy, other people are not obliged to give their things to others, so they need to ask. For example, I have a bottle of water, if you want to drink, you have to ask me first, rather than trying to take it outright.”

"I see, I know."

After being confused for a while, Zhenbai nodded vigorously, then looked at Sayuri, and said seriously: "Can you show me the painting?"

The air suddenly froze, Sayuri was dumbfounded, and hurriedly said:

"The painting is not mine, but Xiao Ray's. You have to ask her about that."

How clever Ren Xiaobaihe is, she never thought that Shiina Mashiro would ask herself for Ruijier's painting. Although it seems to be smarter in a certain sense, but she is not Feng Jun, she really feels that she has no ability to control the people around her This little girl.


Just chatting and staying close to Chen Feng for three sentences, that kind of behavior is no longer clingy...

Following Zhenbai's eyes looking at herself, Rachel shrank dissatisfiedly, and turned her head to the side.

"Can you show me the painting?"


"It's like a teacher's style, very powerful, I can't do this."


"I drew a lot, and all the teacher's drawings were drawn, but none of them succeeded."


"I haven't drawn this style of painting before, it's very interesting, can you teach me?"

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