As if he didn't notice that the expression on Rachel's face was getting stiffer, Zhenbai was still talking to himself with a blank expression.

"I very much hope that one day I can reach the teacher's level, but the teacher is like a god and can't surpass it. I can't do it, but I will work hard!"

Ding dong, the password is correct.

Although Rachel felt uncomfortable, she still handed over the drawing in her hand.


Sayuri, who was watching this scene, was very happy. The two of them are just like two children. One has a treasure that she cherishes, and the other likes the founder of this treasure. .

So funny!

She couldn't hold back for a while, the corners of her mouth raised, and she didn't forget to remind:

"If others give you, remember to thank you."

"Well, thank you Ray."

Zhenbai still remembered how Sayuri called Ruijier, so she just took it and applied it.

"Sit down, sit down and watch slowly."

Sayuri here greeted Mashiro to sit down, and the two chatted from time to time. During the chat, Sayuri had a subtle expression on her face when she heard that Mashiro was going to transfer to Chiba.

It seems... more interesting?I don't know what Feng Jun will think when he finds out, but it must be very interesting.

Zhenbai reads very carefully, and sees every detail of each cartoon into his eyes.

"The background here is not suitable, and the body here is sideways, so there should be blood."

The location of the dial can be said to be merciless. Zhenbai pointed out the shortcomings of Rachel's drawing one by one, ranging from the outline of the lines to the distribution of the background.

Is he worthy of being a genius in the oil painting world?

Sayuri watched as Ruijier moved her head closer, and the two little girls seemed to be talking seriously.

Finally, Zhenbai returned the painting to Rachel, shaking his head in disappointment.

"There are too many flaws. If it were a teacher, it would definitely not be like this. Are you also learning from the teacher's paintings? It's very good."


Ruijier didn't expect that this person who looked similar to her age would be so powerful, and the pimples in her heart also eased a lot, "Ah Feng... Teacher is very powerful!"

"Well! The teacher is very powerful."

"Yes! How are you drawing?"


"Mine are bad too."

"The teacher is really strong."

Strange touting dialogue comes up...

Sayuri looked at the two of them, she got up and said:

"I'm also planning to go down for a walk, Ray will come with me. Mabai-san, do you want to come together?"

She blinked her eyes, always feeling that something interesting would happen if these two girls were brought to Lord Feng's side, and in fact she planned to do so.

Zhenbai thought for a while, and responded:

"Thank you."

"Yeah, very polite."

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

"Then can the senior really know how to ski?"

Komachi took a sip of the milk tea in the cup, and the word curiosity was written all over her face. It seemed that as long as Chen Feng didn't answer, she would continue to ask questions without limit.

Thinking about it is not difficult to say, Chen Feng responded readily:

"Of course it will."

More than just being able to, Chen Feng even passed the ISIA Stamp certificate before, even if he went directly to work as a ski instructor, it would not be difficult.

It can also be regarded as benefiting from his mercenary career. In the early stage of being valued, Chen Feng was sent by the organization to train most of the time. The training content involved all walks of life. After all, his organization did not want him to lead troops at the beginning Instead of fighting, he just wanted him to be the leader of the dark forces to solve various goals that would hinder the development of the organization.

Chen Feng learned all kinds of messy knowledge during that time period.

Feeling the faint sweetness in his mouth, Komachi thought for a few seconds, and felt that it might not be appropriate for him to ask directly, so he said:

"Komachi is not very good at skiing, and neither is my brother. Can the senior teach me?"

This made Chen Feng into a difficult situation. Originally, he planned to teach Xue Nai, and if a small town was added in the middle, it would be tantamount to changing his teaching plan, and he hadn't thought of any remedial measures.

Seeing Chen Feng's frowning and silence, Komachi, who saw all this in his eyes, was relieved.

Knowing and not being able are two different concepts, but being able and being proficient are another term. Since sister Xue Nai dared to say that she wants to teach the senior to ski, it means that sister Xue Nai must still have some accomplishments in skiing. The senior just said that she would, But if you don't promise yourself directly, the high probability should be just casual slippery.

Sister Yukino is saved! Go up with A, and you can win if you just go up with A!

Unfortunately, Chen Feng's next sentence directly poured cold water on Komachi.

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