"No, no, no...it's terrible..."

The ski trail here has many high platforms, and the slope is extremely steep. Sanjiu feels that as long as she moves forward a little, she will slide forward at a high speed. This is completely challenging her psychological limit.

In fact, other girls who had never been to such a snow track were also a little scared. Komachi had already turned her head and sat on the rest chair beside her, with her hands straight on her lap, looking at the snow track with a smile on her face.

"Senior sister, come on!"

She thinks that the gentle beginner's ski trail is the most suitable place for her. She should just take a look at this kind of place with a platform, and don't take it too seriously.

The snow track here is designed like a race for people to race. There are colorful flags in the middle to separate the track. Every 150 meters there is a high platform with an upward arc. It seems that people can play some other tricks. .

At the very beginning, everyone tacitly chose to let Chen Feng and Xue Nai come first, while the others went down to the viewing stands on both sides of the track to watch the show.

After the two checked out their respective gear, it looked like the game was about to officially begin.

Both Chen Feng and Xue Nai put on helmets, so as to ensure that they would not be fatally injured after falling.

There are actually many red roads here, but only this red road seems to be the most difficult. Chen Feng and Xue Nai, who wanted to make each other stop being stubborn, chose this most difficult red road without hesitation. After all, other red roads Tao doesn't seem to have a high platform...

"Aren't you afraid?"

Under the helmet, Xue Nai made a dull voice and asked Chen Feng.

"I also want to ask you this, it will be bad if you fall."

"Don't worry, I'm familiar with this kind of place."

"That's a coincidence, me too."

This guy (girl) is still talking hard!

In this case, let's talk about technology.

The two people who originally wanted to save face for each other looked at each other, and the sight from the eyes under the helmet seemed to spark a thousand layers of sparks. Not far away, Komachi felt that the temperature of the scene had dropped by a few points, so he couldn't help hugging shoulders.

"Strange...why did it suddenly become cold?"

Komachi rubbed his hands together and asked loudly, "Senior, sister, are you ready?"

"Okay!" X2

"Then Komachi is counting down, 3—2—1—start!"

Almost at the moment the "start" was issued, the two of them turned into afterimages and rushed out.

In terms of speed, the two can be said to be neck and neck, which surprised Xue Nai and Chen Feng.

However, what Chen Feng mainly displayed was skill, not pure speed.

Soon, Chen Feng put his weight behind his back, leaned back slightly, and lifted the front end of the veneer decisively.

This is not over yet, after Chen Feng slid less than 20 meters ahead, he suddenly jumped up, twisted his body and squatted down at the same time, the front end of the veneer landed on the ground, and the rear end was raised high, but his hands were already on the ground , rubbing up a piece of snow mist.


Everyone on the stage was amazed.

What?How can he even do this?

Xue Nai was shocked. Unwilling to lose the game, Xue Nai decisively aimed her gaze at the diving platform in front of her, bent her waist and rushed towards the diving platform at an accelerated speed.

When she reached the top of the platform, Xue Nai leaped high, rotated 270 degrees in the air, and then turned backwards and used the next platform to turn forward.

Chen Feng, who was still confident at first, was shocked when he saw Xue Nai in front of him show his hand.

Didn't you say you can't ski?

Chen Feng rushed to the front of Xue Nai who was waiting for him deliberately, rushed to the platform, and directly performed a backflip and three-circle rotation in the air.

The two gasped to compare moves one by one. Their match even surprised the staff at the finish line. They hurriedly took out their mobile phones to record, and lamented that the master is in the world.

Ever since, this 800-meter-long snow track became a performance scene for the two, with movements one after another, each more difficult than the other.

However, the snow track is only 800 meters long, so it is impossible to skate for a long time, and the two are still fighting, so they skated fast.

All the way to the finish line, Chen Feng, who stopped, and Xue Nai, who was panting slightly, looked at each other, and the scene was once very awkward.

Originally, both of them thought that the other party should not be very good at skiing, and they performed with the mentality of wanting to teach the other party, trying to suppress the other party's skills, but they never expected that it was completely opposite to their own ideas. Slippery, and slippery very well!

"You... so you will..."

"I thought you wouldn't come..."

"I thought you wouldn't..."

Xue Nai, who took off his helmet, had a very stiff expression on his face, regretting why he didn't explain it directly earlier, and made such a big oolong.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

The glory brought by power can easily promote a person to reach the pinnacle of power, but when power does not match one's own experience, its advantages will be transformed into disadvantages to a greater extent.

The gray night fell quickly, and there was no one in the ski resort shrouded in darkness, only the hotel room was lit, which seemed to announce to the outside that there were actually people here.

The shops on both sides of the hotel have always been open all night. In order to provide customers with 24-hour continuous service and to make the premium of hotel rooms more reasonable, the means are "extremely fierce".

The front desk personnel of the hotel have undergone considerable training. As the only five-star hotel on the island, all service personnel should receive several months of training before they are allowed to work.

Their busy time has passed, a large number of guests usually check in in the morning, and occasionally a few guests may be restless or hungry and go out to buy food in the evening, which they are used to.

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