Today, there are three young ladies who are on duty. They are using the computer at the front desk to watch TV dramas. Even though the computer cannot make sound, they are very satisfied that they can watch the plot of the movie with subtitles.

After working in such a service industry for a long time, they have already developed the ability to "listen to the voice and judge their position". No, when the three of them heard the slight sound of footsteps in their ears, they turned off the TV screen and stood up. Standing at the front desk, waiting for a figure to come out of the stairwell, bent down and said in unison:

"Good evening, guest."

The movements are smooth and smooth, and the smile on the face is just right, neither exaggerated nor impolite, these are the basic requirements of a professional smile.

But unfortunately, the guest walked straight out of the hotel lobby as if he didn't hear their question marks.

They were not surprised, and after confirming that there were no guests, they sat down one after another and continued watching their TV series.

From 24:[-] in the evening, the equipment in the ski resort will stop operating, especially the cable car for guests to shuttle back and forth between several snow peaks. If such equipment is not operated by relevant personnel, it is easy to trap guests. Therefore, there is a staff member on duty [-] hours a day in the control room of the cable car to prevent people from coming here to cause damage.

There are gusts of wind and snow blowing outside, and the snow-capped mountains at night are far more terrifying than during the day. Not to mention the limited vision, there are many places that look the same on the left and right, which will inevitably make people who run around lose their way.

On the snow mountain, the undeveloped forest is the most dangerous place. Every year, many people stray into the snowy forest and get lost in it forever.

This place, which looks scary to outsiders, is now bright in Thomas' eyes, and he is still stirring in his heart, feeling that something in the forest is attracting him.

I can't help it, I can't help it at all!

It was as if an addict had died, and Thomas's heart itched unbearably, and he only had the bizarre idea of ​​going to the deep and dark forest.

Leaving the hotel pretending to be calm, he went all the way to the forest under the snow peak under the cover of the wind and snow. The forest outside the fence was covered with a thick layer of snow. Frozen, crystal clear with no signs of life.

After climbing over the fence with ease, Thomas' eyes gradually became dizzy, and some saliva flowed from the corners of his mouth, but in the cold temperature, it didn't take long for the saliva to freeze into one piece.


After walking for about half an hour, Thomas's slack eyes suddenly became clear, but there were bursts of painful murmurs coming out of his mouth, and the whole person fell to the side powerlessly, even though the place where he fell was a place The bumpy road and the sharp stones above scratched Thomas' skin, but they couldn't stop him from moaning in pain as he covered his head.

【This is where?why am i here ! 】

【My head hurts...why is my whole body itchy! ! 】

Compared with acute gastroenteritis, itching of the skin, Thomas would rather choose acute gastroenteritis to hurt continuously for more than ten days. He doesn't want to be like this now.

He fell to the ground and struggled for an unknown amount of time. Most of the strength in his body had been lost, and the pain and itching on Thomas' body gradually faded away.

rustle -- rustle --

There was the sound of being trampled on the soft snow beside him, and Thomas looked over immediately.

It turned out that in front of Thomas, a dozen or so people dressed in the same clothes appeared there. Some of them took off their hoods, and some showed their big arms.

It wasn't their unnatural behavior that Thomas wanted to scream, it was the way they looked!

The facial features of the people whose faces were exposed were distorted, and with their excellent eyesight, Thomas could still see something rapidly passing under the skin of these people's faces, which made him feel sick in his heart.

When this group of people saw him, they cheered wonderfully, and looked at him with excited eyes, like a dozen or so wild wolves that hadn't eaten for several days, and they all wanted to eat him.

"Oh! It's a success. It's really a perfect body. It's great that the adult's offspring can be cultivated so richly!"

"Great God, your day of sacrifice is approaching, please take a look at your descendants!"

"The last sacrifice has survived, survived! The world will be upgraded again, and the glory of mankind will last forever under your light!"

"Father Almighty, the oracle you gave us has been completed, completed!"

Thomas had a question mark on his head. He couldn't understand what the chattering people in front of him were talking about. At this moment, Thomas began to regret why he didn't learn Russian well.

Seeing the group of ugly people with distorted facial features prostrating to the ground, as if they were constantly worshiping something to the sky, Thomas took two steps back slightly, intending to slip away directly.

What a joke, these crazy old guys don't look like normal people at first glance, why should he invite them to dinner if he doesn't run away?

It is said that emotions are a wordless language. Thomas felt a strange feeling from the emotions of this group of people. The original thinking of this group of people seemed to be dead, and something was manipulating their brains. their bodies.

While the group of people knelt down to worship something, Thomas ran out in a hurry.

He became confused the moment he entered the forest, and now he couldn't remember the way out, but he would rather get lost and wait to be searched and rescued than being with these lunatics!

The thick snow boots broke through the branches on the ground, making a crisp 'click' sound.

Thomas, who was running wildly on the rough road, suddenly stopped, and the corners of his eyes trembled a few times.

He turned around, and at some point, he was surrounded by a group of people like the previous group, and Thomas even recognized one of them, that was the homeless old man he met outside the hospital during his hospitalization. .

When we met at that time, he felt that this person might not have a mental problem, but now it seems that he is not wrong at all.


The old man obviously noticed something wrong with the way Thomas looked at him, knowing that the other party recognized him, so he took off his hood and said: "Mr. Thomas, it seems that you still remember me, that's great, let's go .”

Be wary of this group of guys, bursts of anger rose in Thomas' heart.

During the time he was in the hospital, he had nothing to do and read some newspapers, and found that tourists or local residents disappeared on this island every once in a while. This phenomenon lasted for more than ten years, and the police force was insufficient at that time. , The case has been no progress, the police only classified some areas of the island as 'restricted areas', restricting the intrusion of tourists and local residents.

Thinking of this, Thomas became angry from the heart, and put on a fighting posture.

"If you want to touch me, you can try it!!"

If I can kill a bear with two fists, what is a human being?

Thomas felt that his own strength was his confidence, and his tone of voice was extremely tough.

"I've heard that disappearance cases often occur here, did you do it!"

"Oh!! My Heavenly Father, they are not missing, they voluntarily joined us, and voluntarily sacrificed themselves to promote the achievements of God, these children are so kind!!"

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