
If Thomas believed his nonsense, even if his brain was not eaten by bugs, Thomas' expression soon became serious, "Today I will eliminate harm for the people, and you must pay the price!"

"Oh—this is not allowed! Mr. Thomas, you are a perfect nurturing body. If you injure the offspring of Lord God, God will definitely blame us! So...you should take a rest."

When the old man's voice fell, Thomas' eardrums trembled, as if he heard something screaming, and the high-pitched voice was about to pierce his fragile eardrums.

With nausea coming from his stomach, Thomas, who couldn't suppress it, widened his eyes, bent down and started to vomit directly.


Stomach acid spurted out with the drink he drank, mineral water and food residues. Well, Thomas originally thought so, but the foreign objects in his stomach were too huge, and they got stuck in his throat many times. He had to feel uncomfortable. I closed my eyes.

While vomiting, he vaguely heard cheers from the side, and out of the corner of his eye, he saw someone running over to pick up his vomit.

These people are out of their minds, right? !

But when Thomas looked carefully at his vomit, his eyes rolled and he fainted.

Because there are no food residues in what he spit out, some are just a bunch of worms gathered into a ball. Their bodies are small, but they are tightly packed together, and there is a hard shell on their bodies. The thing is densely wriggling tentacles!

Thomas couldn't believe what happened in front of him. It was also caused by the fear in his heart, which triggered his body's protection mechanism, and he fainted.

Dozens of people gathered in the forest, and they left the forest slowly with Thomas on their shoulders. The heavy snow quickly covered their footprints and washed away all traces of biological activities in the forest, as if nothing had happened, so peaceful.


The staff in the hotel didn't know that a guest living here had disappeared. Not only them, but even Thomas's teacher simply thought that he was hungry and went to eat.

In the room, Chen Feng took the cake from Komachi with an embarrassed expression, and thanked him.

"Thank you, Komachi."

"It's nothing. I have to thank my senior for borrowing Komachi's money to buy the cake. This is the last one. It's almost gone."

Komachi's eyes narrowed into a smile, holding a knife covered with cream in his hand, and a mousse cake about six inches in front of him.

Everyone found this cake on the way back. Komachi seemed to want to eat it, but he didn't bring enough cash, so he borrowed the money to buy the cake from Chen Feng.

"This is sister Yukino!"

"Thank you."

Xue Nai took the cake, but her eyes glanced at Chen Feng intentionally or unintentionally.

Chen Feng: "..."

Xue Nai: "..."

The atmosphere was a little awkward.

"The senior is very good at skiing, and so is sister Yukino. Where did you all learn it?"

Komachi, who is very good at reading air, could not detect the embarrassment of the two of them at this moment, so he quickly found a topic, and seemed to use this topic to divert the attention of the two of them.

These two people have very good and strong personalities, and they must strive to be the best in certain areas of concern. For this reason, they are willing to work overtime and even risk their lives at critical moments.

But also because of this, after the two people understood the misunderstanding, they were so embarrassed that they couldn't talk properly.

Who is to blame?

The eyes of the two turned to Komachi, who was guilty at the side. Facing the gaze of the two pairs of eyes, Komachi got goosebumps all over his body, and said with a sneer:

"Senior sister is really amazing, hahahaha——"

Helplessly knocking on the girl's head, Chen Feng sighed.

"Forget it, I'll let you off this time. Next time you have something like this, don't hide it yourself. Remember to explain the situation clearly. It's too embarrassing like this."

"Okay, Komachi remembers, the senior is really generous!"

Komachi hugged Chen Feng gratefully, but the girl's hands were a little dishonest, and Chen Feng always felt that he was being robbed.

"Indeed, but I don't think there's anything to be embarrassed about."

Xue Nai took a bite of the cake, as if the cream was too sweet, she frowned twice, "Chen Feng, do you feel embarrassed?"

Hearing this, Chen Feng narrowed his eyes.

"Oh? I'm not worried that you feel uncomfortable. I think this kind of misunderstanding is so normal. It's so normal that I have encountered it many times, but that's all."

"Huh, but that's it."

The two clashed again...

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

In the high-rise room of the hotel, a blond girl stood in front of the door. She stared blankly at the closed door in front of her, and then pulled her eyes to a hard plastic card in her hand.

This card is very beautiful. The picture on it feels uneven. An eagle soaring in the sky is spreading its wings. The wings are very full. The exposed feathers are firm and powerful against the strong winds that hit the sky. .

Shiina Mashiro has always felt that she is doing something she likes very much. She spends almost all her energy on painting, constructing pictures from whimsical things in her mind. Just fill the picture with cold paint, Then these pigments can improve the paintings to a higher level as if they have emotions.

She doesn't think it's a job, because she doesn't need to think about how to obtain living resources at all. This can only be called her hobby, a hobby without any conflicts of interest.

Except for painting, Zhenbai seldom becomes interested in other things. In her memory of her parents’ education, it seems that she only needs to do painting well. She doesn’t need to do other things, as long as she opens her mouth, there will be Countless servants have come to replace her to complete those small things that can be done with just a few gestures.

A very simple thing, a seemingly simple thing, so as long as you do it casually, can it be done?Even if you haven't done it before, even if you haven't learned it before, a very simple thing is very simple.

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