"What are you laughing at! Isn't it your fault?"

"All right, all right, just blame me."

"Wait a minute, where did you get the news? Could it be you who lied to me?"

Ying Lili said very vigilantly that Sayuri had teased her like this not once or twice, she was a little suspicious that her mother was just checking Twitter to see her reply and using it to lie to herself.

"Oh——? Yingli pear sauce, look at the line, and I cut it for you. Although it's only a little bit, you should understand it, and you understand everything."

"What's the matter?"

Ying Lili opened her own line and saw a new message. It was a photo, which seemed to be the corner of a certain picture.

In the corner, there is marked 'Warring States Armed Girls Series——Red Demon Chapter Illustration ①', which immediately caught Ying Lili in awe. Looking at the body of some characters above the illustration, it is indeed the teacher's style of painting!


"Teacher Fenglin is my mother's friend, this is inside information, don't reveal it."


-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

The most exciting thing to say is that the teacher who pushed alone saw his message and adopted his opinion!

As a newcomer, Mr. Fenglin, Yinglili may still be able to overwhelm her in terms of seniority, but after all, the industry still depends on its strength. In the industry competition, there will inevitably be situations where the weak will prevail, even if it can be regarded as a senior in terms of qualifications, However, Ying Lili still respects this innovative colleague very much.

It's not too much to call him a 'teacher', right?

She has already had a lot of comments, but the few comments have been pushed up by fans. Unfortunately, she still hasn't interacted with the teacher. Whenever Ying Lili sees some comments on the top of Twitter, there will be some teachers and their friends. In fact, she still envies those people very much.

However, Ying Lili never expected that her mother knew this teacher, and even felt that these two people were very familiar!

If the two of them were unfamiliar, how could my mother obtain such secret information?

The teacher who can draw such sketches and make such exquisite hand-made figures shows that I have a very stable mind, and I am dexterous, and I am very patient in doing things. A person with such a bunch of qualities must be a very cute girl!If there is a chance to meet her, she must draw a picture of the teacher. Only in this way can she express her respect for the teacher.

Even if it goes ashore!

For former Xiahai painters, the way to express their respect is to paint the people they respect and like.

Yes, it is like that.

Poor Chen Feng still doesn't understand that without his knowledge, he has been tacitly assumed to be a girl, and his gender has been reversed [-] degrees.

"I'll keep it a secret!"

Ying Lili's expression was very serious, but she was still a little nervous in her heart. Even facing her own mother, she tried to ask: "That...can you introduce me?"

"Of course... I don't know! It depends on the teacher himself, I will try my best."

A little joy surfaced in her heart, Ying Lili was afraid that her mother would change her mind, so she hurriedly said: "I'm going to rush to finish the draft."

"Well, remember to rest early after rushing."

Sayuri on the balcony hung up the phone, shook the snow off her body, opened the closed glass door behind her and walked in.

At this time, Sayuri realized that Chen Feng was not drawing or writing a manuscript, but was sitting upright at the table, with a pile of strangely colored soil and ingredients beside him.

He was in a state of high concentration, his eyes fixed on the cup in his hand for gargling, and a lot of sticky mud had been stirred into the cup.

Blinking her eyes, Sayuri looked over curiously, but she didn't want to disturb Chen Feng's work. Although the curiosity in her heart was constantly impacting her will, Sayuri still resisted the idea of ​​asking.

It's not too late to ask after Feng Jun is done.

Sayuri thought so.

Chen Feng's other hand held a funnel made of white paper, which contained some non-Newtonian liquid. The arm hanging in the air was very stable, and it didn't shake like ordinary people at all.

When a trace of the non-Newtonian liquid inside him gushed out, he immediately pulled the hand holding the paper funnel aside, preferring that the excess dripped on the table and the floor, rather than spilling a trace into the cup.

About half an hour later, the mouthwash cup in front of Chen Feng has been filled with a lot of messy things, some are soil, some are liquid, and some are ingredients.

Sayuri had black lines, because Chen Feng's behavior reminded her of the operation of European alchemists in the Middle Ages to prepare potions.

From a certain level, she guessed correctly, Chen Feng was dispensing medicine, but what he was dispensing was not a medicine that could be explained by science.

In the next few seconds, Sayuri not far behind Chen Feng witnessed a very wonderful scene.

The cups in the hotel have a capacity of about 200ml, and they are already filled to the brim. If you are not careful, the contents of the cup will overflow, polluting the whole table in a mess. It seems that after adding the permafrost powder that was pried from outside the door, the contents of the cup began to shrink miraculously!

This process takes less than 3 seconds, but it gives people a sense of sight that a cup of clear water evaporates quickly after being boiled.

But...is there a fire?

Saiduri looked down, but did not see any signs of flames.

So why does such a full cup shrink like crazy?

Chen Feng also stared intently at the changes in the contents of the cup, until the color of these liquid-like but not liquid-like things gradually changed, shrinking into a purple thick liquid of less than 10ml, he finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Taking out the syringe he carried with him and carefully inhaling all the liquid inside, Chen Feng began to tidy up the messy tabletop.

A wet towel was handed over from his left side just right. There was a moment of surprise on his face, and then he quickly regained his composure.

"Thank you."

"It's okay." Sayuri took part in cleaning up the stains and asked, "What is Feng Jun doing?"

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