"Xiaoxiaodi... do an experiment?"

Chen Feng answered with interrogative sentences. It seems that he himself was quite skeptical about such an answer. He lowered his head and wiped the dried mud. A lot came out, and this was one of them, and the only way I could find a way to make it out of existing materials."

He didn't understand what the ingredients in the so-called "boosting" and "flying" medicine formulas in his head were. In many formulas, he even doubted whether the ingredients in the formulas existed in this world.

The Essence Stone of the Moon, the Body Fluid of the Elf, the Stone Tablet that Records Thousands of Years...

What are these things?

But in the end, Chen Feng still found a potion that he seems to be able to make, because the materials needed are very simple, most of them are some ingredients, specific frozen soil, and gold fragments. The difficulty is that the proportion is extremely strict. Fortunately, Chen Feng himself is a body measuring device, otherwise he really couldn't do it without the relevant equipment.

"I don't quite understand what can bring people back to their heyday." Chen Feng shook his head, "But I did it anyway, and it succeeded."

"Ah... ah?"

Sayuri was also confused. Is there such a powerful potion in the world?So wouldn't it be possible to achieve superhuman per capita without weakening one's own physical level due to injury?

After thinking about it, Sayuri can only think of a medicine that may, probably, and barely have some of the effects described by Chen Feng--the hallucinogen.

But Sayuri felt that something was wrong, which company's hallucinogens would be made of frozen soil?Besides, according to her understanding of biochemistry, it seems that there is no chemical formula that will make the liquid change color continuously, and condense into bits without heating.

I always feel that this thing is not simple.

"Whether it will work or not is yet to be determined."

"Maybe try it with animals?"

"According to the information in my brain, this thing is only effective for humans."

"That's a pity..."

Sayuri lost her mind. After all, the whole process of this thing is very magical, and the reliability can be improved a little bit, but if it is not a critical moment, who would want to test it on herself?

Chen Feng washed the dirty towel, took out the tiny syringe filled with purple viscous liquid from his arms, and said lightly:

"A person will only take effect once."

Well, this sentence made Sayuri shut up, who originally wanted to mention that she should be an experimental subject first. It seems that the idea of ​​being an experimental subject by herself is no longer feasible.

In fact, Sayuri didn't know, even if she really mentioned this matter, Chen Feng would not agree.

No, when Chen Feng saw Sayuri who was about to move, he thought of something in his heart and asked:

"Miss Sayuri, do you want to try?"

"Well... I originally had this idea."

Since he was asked by Chen Feng, it meant that Chen Feng must have guessed what he was thinking, and Sayuri did not hide it, but admitted it openly.

"Mr. Feng, you are preparing for possible dangers, aren't you? If you can determine the effect, it can be regarded as a reference."

Chen Feng stuffed things into the weapon box silently, and he didn't understand why this thing could be defined as a 'weapon'.

"It is not recommended." Chen Feng poured cold water on Sayuri and explained: "There are two reasons why I said that a person can only use it once. One of them is because there is a high probability of death after using it. Of course, even if After surviving, the effect will indeed not take effect again."

His slender index finger pointed to his forehead.

"If you use it rashly, you will only lose more. I like to gamble, but I don't like to gamble."

Is it a gamble at the bottom of the boat?

Sayuri thought so.

Unfortunately, Chen Feng is a gambler, and his favorite thing to do is to gamble recklessly!

Sighing, Sayuri had already cleaned up the remaining stains on the table, she sighed: "I hope... it won't be useful."

Looking at Chen Feng with wine-red eyes, Sayuri didn't ask Chen Feng to make a share for herself, because she knew very well that the young man in front of her was very mysterious, and in a certain sense, the value of force was not in the category of human beings. If it was so dangerous that even Chen Feng couldn't do anything about it, she couldn't make any useful struggles.

It's better not to cause trouble to Feng Jun...

For Sayuri, the best thing she can do is to do her own thing well and try her best not to be a stumbling block on the road. She has a very clear position on herself and will not do stupid things like those pig teammates.

Next, Sayuri went to take a bath, and Chen Feng made corresponding alarm measures at any position that could be invaded by foreign objects.

According to the previous experience, Chen Feng added a lot of blind spots to the dark alarm device, especially taking care of the vicinity of the air conditioner and the window position.

Chen Feng's observation ability is very keen. He didn't have much time to reason at the scene, so he secretly took a few photos and analyzed the scene at that time. Finally, Chen Feng came to the conclusion that Intrusion into the room is likely to come in through the window or air conditioner.

Not safe at all...

Chen Feng started to fall ill again, and the delusion of being persecuted began to spread wildly.

A few minutes later, Sayuri came out of the bathroom, looked at the suddenly changed room, and was stunned for a while, not knowing what to say.

"That... that Lord Feng..."

"Be a little defensive."

"a little……?"

The corner of Sayuri's mouth twitched, but thinking that Chen Feng did this for the safety of the two of them, he swallowed the words that had already spit down his throat.

Chen Feng really has a lot of things, and Sayuri doesn't understand how Chen Feng can take everything out of his pockets. Could it be that this is the so-called Doraemon?

The pocket has become a treasure bag, whether it is medicine, brushes, firearms, ammunition, knives...

No matter what level of contraband it is, Chen Feng can still pass through the security check at the airport and bring all these things on board the plane, as if as long as he doesn't want others to find them, even if he is searched all over his body, they will not be able to find them.

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