Sometimes Sayuri even wonders, is there a different dimension in Chen Feng?

After setting up the alarm device, Chen Feng turned his head and gave Sayuri a thumbs up.

"Don't worry, Ms. Sayuri, I will always pay attention to my surroundings, and no one with ulterior motives will come in."

No... People with ulterior motives have always been...

Sayuri moved away her flickering eyes, cleared her throat and said:

"Then rest early?"

"I'll go to the bathroom to tidy up, you can rest first."

Late at night……

The lights in the hotel rooms dimmed. Except for the brightly lit lobby on the first floor, most of the guests seemed to have fallen asleep.

The melatonin secreted by the pineal gland makes many people who still want to stay up late tired. Gradually, they hold their mobile phones and close their eyes, enjoying a sufficient and happy night's sleep.

However, there are exceptions, and that is Chen Feng who only maintains a light sleep. He lays motionless on the bed and looks like he is asleep, but his eyelids move from time to time, and it can be seen that he is forcing himself to maintain a A state of alertness.

—— rustling

Chen Feng's ears trembled slightly, his eyes opened suddenly, and he looked towards the place where the sound came from.

Oh, so it turned out that Sayuri turned over and was about to get out of bed?

That's what Chen Feng thought, and it probably means getting up at night, which is not an uncommon thing.

After dispelling his vigilance, Chen Feng planned to continue resting, but soon he realized that something was wrong, as if someone had gotten into his bed?

Chen Feng could very keenly feel that the mattress under him sank slightly.

"Miss Sayuri?"

"That...that Lord Feng..."

The sound of extremely rapid breathing came from his ears, and wisps of fragrant breath passed into his nasal cavity.Just when he was about to get up, he unexpectedly found that his hand was clamped by Sayuri!

Can't break free!

Why is there such a big force? !

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

In the darkness, Chen Feng didn't struggle anymore, but quietly looked at Sayuri who was riding on him.

"What's wrong with you?"

This kind of reaction was not like what Sayuri would do normally. Chen Feng knew very well that Sayuri should have been affected by something.

Chen Feng's eyesight is very good. In such a dark environment, he can still see the figure in front of him relatively clearly, especially those eyes. He can see a kind of restraint from it, but it's a pity that this restraint has been being used by others. A kind of impulse to suppress, just like his current state.

The dull breathing became heavier and heavier, and Chen Feng heard Sayuri's trembling voice.

"I... I'm very sorry, I just hope that you can... a little... be patient... I'm really sorry..."

Chen Feng could already hear a hint of crying in Xiao Baihe's voice, and it could be seen that Xiao Baihe didn't want to do this, at least not for the time being.

Sayuri had described the person she dreamed of to Chen Feng before when she still had memories, but at that time, Chen Feng didn't think about it too deeply, it was really a big mistake of her own...

Reminiscent of the old bookstore manager in that dream, or the outer god of 'Yog-Sothoth' had already told him that the one who found Sayuri was actually his wife, so who is the old store manager's wife?

Thanks to the books he read in that small bookstore, Chen Feng felt that there was a high probability that it was Shab Nicholas, known as the 'Supreme Mother Goddess'.

If Sayuri's situation is not quite right, it can only mean that she has received the so-called 'shelter' and 'gift' just like herself.

Is this a side effect?

Chen Feng moved his wrist a little bit, to be honest, his hand hurt a little bit from being held by Sayuri...

He is not a young man who talks and doesn't know anything. Under his youthful appearance, he has already gone through hardships, tasted the warmth and coldness of the world, sang all the prosperity, and finally ended the tragedy of the soul.

Looking at everything in front of him, he already understood what was going to happen.

In fact, Chen Feng has always restrained himself from overly sensitive contact with friends around him, and even resisted going further with those kind-hearted friends around him.

He has been looking forward to being able to integrate into the society safely and steadily, and has been looking forward to living an ordinary life like an ordinary person. This is also the case. Chen Feng has been working hard to change himself, but no matter how hard he tries. To change in a timely manner, the concept that has already been shaped and completed is destined to cause him a lot of trouble.

The feeling of losing a friend is very painful, and the feeling of losing a lover is even more tormenting a person's mind, but if the lost also his lover...what will happen?

People will have memory, and memory will bring good memories to people, and it will also torment the person involved in the silent night.There is nothing more painful than uncovering the scar that he didn't want to show under the moonlight.

There has been a shadow in his heart that only he knows, which contains almost all negative emotions, but he will suppress it...

Wouldn't it be better to suppress it?No, if there is a future, then these pains will be 'brought up' by the cradle of the heart, and the moment they erupt, they will become a nightmare, a nightmare in which they are trapped like a quagmire.

It's not that Chen Feng can't see the intentions of those children, it is precisely because he can see that Chen Feng chooses to stay away at the right moment.

He understands that a person like himself will always be a very evil person with troubles and dangers around him. He has the same attitude towards his friends, but Chen Feng doesn't quite understand why they have such admiration for him. heart?

Those girls in the Nakano family are like this, Xue Nai is like this... Even that little girl Ruijier has evil intentions.

Thinking of this, Chen Feng could only smile bitterly.

It is obvious that he has been taking care of these children as an elder, teaching them that means can be used, but means cannot be used.But why... all these girls have become like this?

In the end, Chen Feng could only attribute these to immature impulses. If it takes a little time to calm down and disappear, it is not a real relationship.If someone can really make up his mind, it's not impossible for him to accept it.

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