With a gentle smile, she took her dagger from Yukino's hand, and Sayuri patted Yukino's shoulder reassuringly, "Just a little...be patient for a while, I believe Lord Feng can save everyone."

Give yourself a better weapon to defend yourself?

Xue Nai's mood is more complicated at this time.

"Let's go, the two of us are about to leave the team. Don't cause trouble to Lord Feng."

The two followed quickly, and Xue Nai was silent while trotting.

Several people have already left the hotel. As guessed before, the people in the hotel lobby are also lying on the ground sprawled on the ground. The computer screen at the front desk still displays the words 'playing finished', but no one cares about it at the moment , because everyone fell asleep.


The cold wind was blowing outside the hotel, and the sky was as dark as night, but it was a large swath of dark clouds, we couldn't see the moon, let alone the sun!

The light outside was extremely dim, completely different from the sky that was slightly exposed in the morning light before. All the darkness seemed to hit suddenly in an instant, leaving no one with time to react.

"Wait a moment!"

Chen Feng vaguely saw a few figures in the darkness, squinted his eyes, and looked at them like the workers who were clearing the snow before.

Slowly bending down, Chen Feng signaled the others behind him to stay where they were, but he had already put the gun behind his back, took out a stick from his arms and touched it quietly.

At the edge of the forest, Chen Feng finally saw the black shadows clearly, but the appearance of these shadows made him grit his teeth.

These workers squatted on the snow like walking corpses. Their clothes were intact, but their faces had become extremely distorted, and their bones had even changed.

Chen Feng could see with the naked eye that there seemed to be many bugs crawling around under the flesh of the faces of these workers, which made him feel sick.

[The taste of blood? 】

Chen Feng frowned. He could smell a stench keenly. He was very familiar with this smell. Someone must have been injured.


He was as nimble as a leopard hiding in the snow ready to hunt, and when he approached these workers, he quickly tapped the main artery on the back of their necks.

This group of people should be saved, and Chen Feng didn't want to kill them. If possible, he didn't want to kill anyone.

Chen Feng was very precise about his strength. According to his strength, there is a small probability that these workers will die, and there is a high probability that they will faint, but Chen Feng can't control that much, after all, there are some strange features on them.

But an accident happened. Instead of fainting, these workers staggered a few times and rushed towards Chen Feng.

no solution anymore.

Chen Feng directly smashed the heads of these workers with a stick, as if hitting a watermelon with a baseball bat. With a muffled sound of "boom", they fell down, but it was not over yet. The moment their heads burst, Chen Feng saw several worms of various shapes gushing out from the head of the killed worker, he stepped back abruptly and smashed them all.

After solving these problems, he realized that the place where the group of workers were sitting around turned out to be a half-gnawed corpse!

"What shit."

Chen Feng spat impatiently, his eyes filled with countless disgust.

"what is this?"

Xue Nai covered her nose, her brows were tightly frowned, seeing this scene, she still felt very unbelievable.

Those who were still wearing work clothes were obviously employees here, and even though the corpse on the ground was so mutilated, it could still be seen that the victim was also an employee.

On the contrary, Lianhua became the most courageous person among them. After all, she had seen far more things than the other two. In her opinion, this might just be a small scene.

Half squatting in front of the corpse, Lianhua grabbed an arm on the ground without hesitation, pondered for a few seconds and then shook her head helplessly.

"An empty shell where the soul no longer exists, and even the need for salvation is gone."

Whether she was in the past or she is now, they all have the ability and obligation to save their souls.

His long black hair was draped behind him, swaying easily with the cold wind that blows from time to time, and his emerald green eyes glanced at Chen Feng from the corner of his eye.

Chen doesn't seem to know about that...

Wanhua Mirror was broken into countless pieces by Chen Feng. Lianhua, who was supposed to live and die with Wanhua Mirror, was signed an unequal treaty by the system at the moment Wanhua Mirror collapsed. In the end, she looked like a servant. Chen Feng's identity was assisted by Chen Feng's side, but the Wanhua Mirror was not actually broken, what was broken was the consciousness and control given to the Wanhua Mirror by the "Day of Heaven".

Today's Lianhua still has the Wanhua Mirror in her hand, but compared to the Wanhua Mirror in its prime, it is obviously much weaker.

However, she still has the ability to make people watch a movie. Even Lianhua herself will watch a few movies from time to time. Anyway, this thing is not harmful to her, let alone pose any threat. It is used to pass the time. It couldn't be more suitable.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

In the past, she could use the Wanhua mirror to sneak a peek at Chen Feng, but now... Wanhua mirror is terribly afraid of this man. Hua Jing would decisively pinch the live broadcast, making Lianhua feel so uncomfortable that she couldn't get up and down.

It's as disgusting as someone frantically knocking on your door while you're watching an online video of a handicraft.

Peeping at Chen Feng's activities is not very good, but it can't stop Lianhua from reading Chen Feng's previous stories. After reading it, she feels distressed and depressed. It is true that this man did not appear "behavior confusion caused by volatility mental disorder" rare.

It is not a good thing for Lianhua to detect the slightest fluctuation of the soul from the corpse on the ground, because after death, especially after this kind of 'accidental' death, the soul will be in a kind of confusion and do not know. The state of the road ahead, if you want the soul to go where it should go, you need the help of Lianhua, a cleaner.

But this time...these corpses have completely lost their souls, becoming an empty shell as if they had been devoured.

"Probably this is the situation of losing rationality and morality, but I think it may be much more serious than that described. When they died just now, a bug rushed out of their heads."

Chen Feng was not idle either, who knows if there is anything hidden in these corpses, he took out the fire ax and conducted a comprehensive analysis on these corpses, and did not stop until the corpses were completely destroyed.

Xue Nai turned her head away when Chen Feng performed the 'violence', biting her lips lightly to show that she didn't like Chen Feng's actions very much, but reason told her that Chen Feng had to do so.

"Don't be too far away from me, it's definitely in this direction, right?"

Chen Feng turned his head, looked at Lianhua at the side and confirmed.

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