Now Lianhua can be regarded as his guiding sign. If there is no Lianhua, it may be difficult for him to seize the last chance.

"Well...but in the forest..."

Lianhua hesitated to speak. In the woods with many obstacles, it is obviously more dangerous than in such an open place. If one is not careful, it may really be irreversible. She feels that she needs to remind Chen Feng.

"Of course I know, but so what?"

With a soft hum in his nasal cavity, Chen Feng strode forward, moving swiftly without even the slightest hesitation, probably... the word hesitation has never been associated with him.

"Tch... the snow is annoying..."

He swung the butt of his gun and knocked the resident who had been rampaging to the ground. Chen Feng pulled the trigger and smashed the resident's head—and the bugs in his head.

The copper-green liquid splashed onto the corner of his clothes, and soon froze in the freezing temperature, and the corners of the clothes also became hard.

Feeling the light snow gradually falling in the sky, if this is a rainforest, Chen Feng might burn it up with a single fire, and give him some light care by the way.

With Chen Feng standing in the front alone, most of the enemies were directly wiped out by his clean attack, and it was impossible for the three people behind him to make a move.

What's more... Judging from their eyesight, it would be better for them not to shoot in such an environment, so as not to hurt their own people.

As the snow forest went deeper and deeper, Chen Feng and others encountered more and more enemies. Compared with the crazy and rational people, the bugs hiding in some branches and snow were obviously more aggressive .

There is no other way, Chen Feng can only use Hawkeye for a long time. Originally, the side effects of Hawkeye have been reduced to the extreme, but such frequent use still makes his eyes extremely dry.


Chen Feng reminded loudly after looking around.

Sayuri, who was caught in the middle, immediately looked to her right. On a tree trunk five or six meters away from her, a ferocious insect was hiding there and staring at them.

The slender arms seemed to have inexhaustible strength, and this was the first time Sayuri made a move. She pinched the tip of the dagger in her hand and threw it out.


The dagger that shone with cold light tore through the air, made bursts of hissing sounds, and precisely and powerfully smashed the bug...

And the innocent cedar tree was shot straight through, only the handle of the dagger was exposed.

The snow on the tree fell with a clatter, and the whole tree was still vibrating at a very high but subtle frequency from the attack just now.

"Ah this..."

Sayuri covered her mouth in surprise, she had no idea that not only was she shooting quite accurately, but the force was obviously several times higher than the standard!

The muzzle of the gun had just turned around, and Xue Nai, who was still breathing hard in small mouthfuls, was directly covered by the snow on the top of her head. It was not until the fog disappeared and she could see the big tree not far in front of her clearly that she opened her mouth wide and her face was full. incredible.

"Sayuri... sister, you..."

"Who...who knows hahaha..."

Sayuri let out a haha, walked over and pulled the dagger out of the tree trunk.

Chen Feng clicked on the bullets in his magazine, and the corner of his mouth twitched when he saw Sayuri's movement.

"You throw it lightly next time, my heart aches..."

He spent a lot of money to build these two daggers. Although they are very hard and tough, they can't withstand being thrown like this...

"Yeah, definitely next time!"

Sayuri scratched her head in embarrassment and said.

The black mist covering the entire sky has begun to dissipate for some reason, and the full moon shining with silver light hangs high above several people's heads.

There will be a moon in the early morning, which is outrageous for your mother.

"Have you rested? If you rest well, move on."

Chen Feng glanced at Xue Nai, which made the ears of this physically weak person turn red.

Decided, if you can go back alive, you must exercise your physical strength, and this situation must never happen again!

"Don't worry about me, I can bear it."

"hope so."

Chen Feng started to take the lead again, and this time Lianhua ran to the end by herself. Originally, she wanted to take care of the other two, but now depending on the situation, she should only need to take care of one person.

As they encountered more and more bugs of all kinds, several people almost became immune to this disgusting big bug. Even Yukino shot and killed many bugs. She was a little afraid of this kind of bug at first Insects that can fly and crawl are now mentally numb.

Of course.

Xue Nai raised her head, and saw Sayuri, who was very excited, grabbed the bug that was pounced on her, and directly pulled it in half alive. She really didn't dare to do such an operation... and she couldn't do it either.

It's very strange, these bugs will attack Lianhua, and they will also attack themselves, but why didn't they take the initiative to attack Chen Feng and Sayuri in the first place?

Xue Nai's observation ability is still very strong. After encountering time many times, she found a little difference.

It is the mutated residents who will really take the initiative to attack Chen Feng, and only after these mutated residents are killed, the bugs in their bodies will frantically kill Chen Feng. After passing the two of them, they rushed towards her and Lianhua.

However, most of the bugs that rushed towards her and Lianhua would be blocked by Chen Feng and Sayuri, only a few scattered bugs would fly over, and she and Lianhua could deal with these scattered bugs.

It's so weird.

Sayuri became more and more excited. She was so excited that she didn't even bother to use the dagger in her hand. In most cases, the bugs that rushed over would be slapped into a pulp by her slap, or interrupted directly from the middle by her fist.

This excitement gradually became stronger as the number of bugs she killed increased.

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