This was similar to the excitement of a hunter at the top of the food chain hunting the creatures below, and this was the first time she felt the thrill of standing at the top of the food chain.

The joy of professional players going to fish ponds to fry fish.

She has practiced before, and even now she will practice self-defense, but even so, she will be more aware of her own reaction ability, speed, strength, etc., and the former self simply cannot do it. The bugs were directly knocked down in mid-air.

At the beginning, she thought it was just her own illusion, but when the real battle started, Sayuri unexpectedly discovered that all of this was real, not some strange illusion, she could really see accurately Get rid of those hidden bugs!

It was true that Chen Feng stood in the front row and encountered the most enemies, but this did not mean that he did not know the situation of the people behind him.


Chen Feng raised his left hand and stood still, "Miss Sayuri, there is something wrong with you..."

This is more than a little bit, Chen Feng himself thought it was an understatement, Sayuri was extremely wrong!

No, Xiao Lily's current state was as if she had taken medicine, she casually grabbed the bug that Chen Feng accidentally slipped over in her hand, and crushed it into a piece of paper.

Lianhua was very discerning and silently pulled Xue Nai back a few steps, and began to be wary of her surroundings.

"No... something is wrong? What are you talking about, Mr. Feng?"

However, Chen Feng didn't relax because of these words, and the expression on his face was more dignified.

Little Baihe didn't know how terrifying she looked when she smiled now, one part brave, two parts naive, seven parts crazy, even Chen Feng could feel that Sayuri wanted to tear something up...

Chen Feng didn't speak, just took out a small bottle of medicine from his pocket, poured out most of it, diluted the medicine in the bottle with water from the bottle, sucked it into the syringe, walked over and stuck it on Sayuri's shoulder.

"The road ahead is not easy to walk, let's rest for a few minutes."

Chen Feng is good at making up nonsense, because he doesn't know what's ahead, but he wants Sayuri to recover from this state.

This is not to ask you to take drugs and charge, if he allows Sayuri's emotions to continue in such a state of confusion, something will happen.

Sayuri felt a little weak in limbs at first, and then she was pushed under a tree by Chen Feng and sat down, waving his hand, Chen Feng signaled Lianhua to come over.

"Give me some medicine."


A faint green light began to condense on Lianhua's hands, and Sayuri felt her body becoming weaker and weaker, and her brain did not allow her to use it excessively, and her whole body became a fish on a sticky board.

After a while, her hot brain gradually calmed down, and Lianhua patted her kimono and stood up.

"Okay, Chen."

Looking back, he found that Sayuri's eyes were different from before. Chen Feng sighed and asked:

"Miss Sayuri, what happened to you just now?"

"Me?" Said Baihe got up from the snow, shook her somewhat blurred head, flicked the ponytail on top of her head, and said in a rather low mood: "I don't know, but I feel very excited..."

"The way you looked just now was terrifying. Standing in front of you, I even felt that I would be torn apart by you."

Retelling his feeling just now, Chen Feng felt that it would be better to speak clearly, "If the pressure is too great, give yourself an injection, and deal with it urgently."

Throwing two 5ml syringes over, Sayuri held them in one hand.

Based on her previous feelings, she had a vague idea of ​​what Chen Feng threw to her, so she nodded vigorously.


The team continued to move forward, Yukino was still a little worried about Sayuri's situation, stepped forward and asked in a low voice:

"Miss Sayuri, are you really okay now?"

Xue Nai always felt very awkward when calling her sister, so she followed Chen Feng's example and changed her name.

"Don't worry, I will try not to cause trouble for everyone."

Sayuri smiled slightly, and began to deliberately suppress the malice that kept coming up in her heart under the fight.

Maybe because she felt that the atmosphere between the two was a bit awkward, Sayuri joked:

"Did Xiaoxue have a good time with Lord Feng?"


"Eh—the answer is too decisive."

"I just have an ordinary relationship with Chen Feng, please don't gossip like a child."

"If you don't seize the opportunity, your competitors will take advantage of it~"

Sayuri chuckled, she felt that Xue Nai and Ying Lili looked the same, they both belonged to the kind of people who said no, but their bodies were more honest than anyone else, in this regard, Xue Nao seemed to be better than Ying Lili?

Under the moonlight, Xue Nai gritted her teeth, her face was so ruddy that one wanted to take a bite, and finally reminded with a straight face:

"Be careful, don't cause trouble for Chen Feng."

Perhaps because she felt that her words were inappropriate, she added another sentence.

"You and I are the same."

After finishing speaking, Yukino stopped paying attention to Sayuri, but the atmosphere was indeed much more relaxed than before.

Shrugging her shoulders, Sayuri quickly followed Chen Feng's pace. Seeing that Sayuri finally stopped teasing her, Xue Nao also breathed a sigh of relief.

If you are not careful, you will die. Can you be more serious?

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