Well, that's what I said, but Xue Nai's originally tense nerves can be regarded as a little relaxed, and her attention has been concentrated a lot, at least she won't suddenly look behind suspiciously.

Lianhua showed Chen Feng the direction from time to time, and he didn't know how long he had been killed or how long he had rested, but the few people saw a fierce fire from the front, where... it was as lively as a banquet.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

The crystal clear light snow fluttered and scattered, and the night sky with silver light covered the snow forest in silence, but there were still some bright yellow flames that seemed out of place in such an environment.

As everyone got closer and closer to the fire, the sky was covered by insects flying to the distance densely, and the obscure songs were as harsh as the sound of chalk rubbing against a blackboard.

These ballads are like an invisible big hand, touching the dark side of everyone's heart, seeming to want to release the devil in everyone's heart again, and dominate their will.

Among them, Chen Feng may be the one most affected. Although these languages ​​that he can't understand sound soothing, they make scenes in his mind that he doesn't want to think of at all.

In the ruins of the flames of war, the old man who was teaching him how to play cards yesterday opened his eyes wide, a lot of blood spattered between his brows, and he fell down straight...

The team's den was raided, which almost caused an explosion that wiped out the entire team. Only 4 people were left in the ruins...

A phone call that he never wanted to receive in his life informed the news of his sister's death...

The huge pothole was full of corpses, and he threw down the torch after splashing gasoline, and the brilliance of the flames filled the sky...

The battle report of that woman's death was the only birthday gift she gave to herself last week, but she had never opened it, and it has become her last relic at this moment...

In the refugee camp surrounded by a large number of soldiers, there were gunshots everywhere, and beautiful screams could be heard endlessly. The vivid gunshots seemed to form a melodious tune.

In the village that was already impoverished by the war, a large number of corpses of the villagers were dragged to him one by one, and finally he chopped off their heads with his own hands...

Not enough... not at all!

Suddenly, the scene of him ordering his subordinates to attack some disobedient towns appeared in Chen Feng's mind. The town with tens of thousands of people was wiped out in one night, and the crying of the baby could not suppress the hatred in his heart. The blood that comes out can even gather into a small stream, gurgling and flowing.

Gradually, he turned his attention to certain poor and backward countries. If there were no such countries, if there were not so many wars, wouldn't there be so many refugees?

That being the case, it is better to eliminate the root cause.

"whispering sound……"

Chen Feng shook his head, and hit a big tree beside him with his fist. The tree trunk screamed, and the snow fell to the ground instantly.

After all, his restraint still had its limit, his brain began to experience severe pain, and a voice was softly calling him to kill all human beings in his ears.

Suddenly, Chen Feng knelt down on the cold snow with his head in his arms, his shoulders trembling uncontrollably.

"Chen, you..."

"do not come!"

Chen Feng turned his head and warned loudly.

Lianhua, who was halfway there, suddenly stopped in her tracks, because she found that Chen Feng's entire face had become extremely ferocious, his eyes were filled with dense bloodshot eyes, protruding out horribly, and those eyes, which were originally relatively gentle There is a strange ferocity and cruelty in it.

The faint singing voices in their ears did make them very uncomfortable, but they were only affected by the negative emotions that surged up. If they wanted to endure it, it would not be a big problem, but Chen Feng was different. Lianhua was very uncomfortable. It is clear that the ballads from afar will cause emotional discomfort to the audience, so what about Chen Feng?Maybe it just went berserk.

Lianhua couldn't bear it, and was about to say something, when she suddenly saw Chen Feng raised his hand, and thrust the two fingers of each hand into his ear and tore it several times.


The moment he poked it in, Lianhua saw the blood flowing out from Chen Feng's finger.

One drop...two drops...

The bright red blood dripped into the icy and snowy environment and melted into the white snowflakes, looking like a coquettish flower.

His sudden approach frightened the three people behind him!

The whole world became extremely quiet in an instant, and the voice that had been affecting his rational thinking also quietly disappeared.

That's it……?

He smiled disdainfully.

Don't underestimate the executive power and willpower of this lunatic, he is the only one to manipulate others, how can anyone else influence his statement? !

"Chen Feng, are you crazy!?"

Xue Nai rushed forward and pulled his fingers out of his ears. Those weather-beaten palms were still as rough as ever, but they were a little different from the past. They were covered with blood, and the owner of the blood was himself!

Xue Nai stared, but in Chen Feng's eyes, he could only see Xue Nai's mouth opening and closing.

Standing up slowly from the ground, most of the cruelty in his eyes has faded, Chen Feng smiled lightly, and said:

"I'm... all right."

Not only Xue Nao, but also Sayuri and Lianhua felt their hearts were hit by a thunderstorm, because Chen Feng's voice was very different from just now.

He became a little bit unclear!

"How can you be fine like this!!"

Xue Nai was about to cry. From her point of view, Chen Feng suddenly fell to his knees while walking, and then completely damaged his hearing with his hands.

No matter how you look at such actions, it is not normal!

Slightly closing his eyes to calm down his restless mood, Chen Feng patted Xue Nai's head lightly, and comforted him:

"I can lip language, I know what you are talking about, it won't affect too many things."

Sayuri didn't speak, but lowered her eyes in a sigh, as if she couldn't bear to look at this side. Compared with Xue Nao, she seemed to understand Chen Feng's crazy behavior better.

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