The Tsuruchikai member, who only had a pistol in his hand, was panicked, but he still stared at the exposed foot of Zero Man and shot for a while, but because Zero Man was always moving, he was stunned and shot at Zero Man's foot. Neither hit.

Just as he was changing bullets, Zero Man had already rushed in front of him and swept him to the ground. Under the terrified eyes of this member, a bullet permanently settled in his skull.

Even a muscular man like Zero Man couldn't easily use a FAL assault rifle with one hand. The gun in his hand was almost thrown out by the recoil force.


With a foul language, Zero Man repeated his old tricks and charged towards the next poor Tsuruchikai member.

Although the old man in kimono at the back of the team looked down on the mindless Zero Man, the opponent was indeed much stronger than many people in the fight, but in order to make everyone as far as possible to evacuate after completing the task, he still reminded loudly.

"Don't get hurt, or no one can resist you!"

"Damn old man, am I like the kind of person who gets hurt?"

In a corner of a flower bed, Zero Man kicked the pistol in the hand of the member of the Tsuruchikai, and stomped the other party under his feet.His body stood up straight, and the people who bullied Heqianhui were so suppressed by their firepower that they could hardly even lift their heads.

He raised the muzzle of the gun and pointed it at the opponent's head, looked back and scolded with a smile: "It's really cool to do this big task. Don't take credit with me when that time comes."

"Who the hell took the credit for you, idiot! Do you know how dangerous you look like?"

"Dangerous? How is it possible, they can't even lift their heads to shoot at me..."

As he spoke, Zero Man was about to pull the trigger to kill the member of the Tsuruchikai on the ground.


call out--


A smear of blood, accompanied by some thick white liquid, splashed out from the side of Zero Man's forehead, and even a large piece of blood was splattered on the wall beside him.

The huge body instantly fell to the ground like a deflated balloon and lost its sound.

"What... what?!"

The old man in the kimono opened his mouth in surprise. He followed the trajectory of Zero O's shooting. Was the shooting location outside the manor? ?

"Cease fire! Cease fire!"

Some of the Winter Club members who hadn't found out that Zero Man had been shot looked suspiciously at Imai who issued the order and stopped shooting. They were still waiting for Imai to give them a decent answer when suddenly another half crouched down. A member of the Winter Club under a sakura tree with a thick waist fell to one side with a groan.

There was also a blood hole in his forehead, but the bullet came from just above the back of his neck.

Now they don't need to say what the kimono old man said, they know what's going on, they didn't hear any gunshots at all, and such a strong bullet is clearly not a pistol!

Then there is only one possibility, sniper! !

Before he could react and hide, another member of the Winter Club was hit, but he was hit in the stomach and fell to the ground and kept moaning.


A member of the Winter Club who seemed to have a good relationship with the person who was hit ran over half-squatting, as if trying to drag the shot but not dead member to a safe location.

However, just as he walked up to the member, he was suddenly shot in the chest, and instantly lay on the ground and moaned like the person he wanted to save.

Next, no matter who wants to contact the members who are not killed by the gun, they will be shot indifferently...

The situation of the Winter Party was in crisis.

The bullets without gunshots are like an invisible sickle, mercilessly reaping the lives in the yard.

Chapter 64 Finding a sniper, not so simple

7 guns are already the limit of this position, and the other party has already discovered their existence, and the enemy behind the bunker is not convenient to shoot, so killing the enemy will be very inefficient.

Crawling back for some distance, Chen Feng shot at the foot of a Winter Club member who suddenly rushed out of the gate of the manor. At this moment, he took out his pistol and fired a shot at the sky. The two were almost the same. simultaneously.

Immediately afterwards, Chen Feng put the SVD into the weapon box, took off his brightly colored coat, put a stone on it and put it on the branch of a tree not far away, then returned to the small slope and took out the ready-made The AR15 was covered with a layer of weeds and shrunk into the bushes behind the small slope to wait quietly.

He seemed to be at one with the bush, whether it was the camouflage on his body or the motionless body like a plant, it seemed so harmonious with the environment.

As for him taking out a pistol and shooting to expose this position is also part of his plan. A sniper's sniper battle is not only about the level of gun skills, but also the psychological tactics of both sides. It is rare to miss, but if you use your brain well, you will not only be able to kill a few more people, but also ensure that you will retreat.

After he stopped shooting, there was no gunshot coming from Yang Nai. Maybe they are still testing whether they are still aiming at them.

It didn't take long, just a moment, for them to understand how stupid it was to blindly search for a sniper.

Leaning on the fence of the small manor, the old man in the kimono was covered with dense beads of sweat on his forehead, scolding inwardly.

Has this Yukinoshita family been so lawless?How come there are even snipers?

But after living for a long time, even if some things have not been encountered, Imai can make judgments based on his own experience that is more abundant than others, so as to ensure that there will be no problems in the general direction.

Gritting his teeth, the old man in the kimono looked at the positions of the people who had been sniped before, and pointed to a hapless ghost beside him and ordered:

"Get out of here and keep running to the left!"


The elite of the Winter Club was originally a member of Zero Man, but his boss is now dead, and all they can listen to is the old man in the kimono.

He knew that this person who had reached the senior level in the gang would not let him die in vain. He must have a certain intention to do so, so he took a deep breath and ran quickly towards the gate of the manor, and then gave him the old man in the kimono. The designated route ran wild all the way.

After the member rushed out, Imai touched the door of the manor, tilted his head slightly, and glanced at the member who was running away.

Suddenly, the soil beside the member's feet was shot, and the concrete floor was hit, and he heard gunshots only afterward.

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