A pair of cheetah-like eyes lifted up and saw a small high slope about 400 meters away.

He shouted: "Leave 10 people here to continue the attack, and the others will go with me to kill the sniper! He is on a small slope to the right of the door!"

The elites are the elites, and even if their morale is lowered when they are attacked by snipers, they still cannot stop their fanatical desire to survive.

Everyone knows that if they don't get rid of the snipers quickly, not only will they not be able to complete the task, but everyone will even explain it here.

As a result, the nearly [-]th Winter Club members rushed out of the manor under the cover of the attacking members, and ran towards the hillside covered with bushes and big trees not far away.

The old man Imai was ecstatic, because he and his men were not shot when they rushed to the hillside, which means that the sniper either ran away or changed positions.

It's just that because of his age, his physical strength is naturally not as good as when he was young, and a sprint of a few hundred meters will almost exhaust his physical strength.

"Huhu...you...you guys go there to see if anyone is there. If there are any, kill them directly. Go to a few commanding heights nearby and report to me if you find a sniper!"


However, even if he knew that the sniper had probably changed his position, the old man Imai did not dare to take it lightly, and he still tried his best to catch up with one of the small teams.

He bowed his head and sneered, summoned a member of the Winter Club, and put on him a different coat from the other members before he dared to move on.

According to his idea, the sniper should not be a fool either. It is impossible to stay in place and wait for him to come. His main purpose is actually to stop the sniper from interfering with their team. The people of the Crane Qianhui are almost dead, and the ten people he left behind will definitely not be a problem to rush in and kill the target.

It's just that the loss of this operation was too heavy. Not to mention that some of these elites died, even Zero Man died thoroughly. Even if Yono Yukinoshita was killed, this mission of his own is definitely not perfect. .

I'm really getting annoyed...

A small team of five people was looking for Chen Feng with guns in the front ten meters of the team he followed.

It stands to reason that there should not be so many weeds and shrubs here, but after all, this is not the place where the Yukinoshita family lives. Since the establishment of this manor, the Yukinoshita family has been inhabited in a real sense. Once, the surrounding weeds and shrubs will not be trimmed, and it will naturally become a place that greatly obstructs the view.

Among the members in front who stepped over the gravel and bushes under their feet, suddenly one of them seemed to trip over a vine.


It's not strange to stumble over a grass vine while walking in such a place, and a member who followed him said: "Be careful, don't..."

Bang! !

The member who spoke hadn't figured out what was going on. There was an explosion in the bush on his left, and the dense fragments directly tied the person at the front into a hedgehog.

At the end of the walk, he was startled by the sudden explosion, and unfortunately a member on his left was hit directly in the neck by a fragment, and suddenly fell to the ground and covered his bleeding neck, making a 'gurgling' the sound of.

"What?! The enemy is nearby?"

But as soon as he finished speaking, a small group of members who heard the sound and rushed to him also stumbled on a small grass vine, and they were all overwhelmed.

The old man's face turned black.

It's over...in a trap...

No matter how well-trained these gangsters were, they would never have imagined that the sniper they were looking for was a ruthless man. Not only did they predict where they would go, they even set up booby traps here.

In just ten seconds, more than ten of the twenty people who came to look for Chen Feng were killed by the booby trap set up by Chen Feng with a defensive fragmentation grenade.

The surface of the well is ashes.

It's over, this battle, the Winter Party can no longer be fought.



"My teacher and sister are so cute"

Every day when Jiang Liu wakes up, he must first flirt with his master, eat peaches with his senior sister Sun, enjoy a good-morning massage from the second senior sister, and deal with a vote of female goblins collected in the glass cup...

In this regard, Jiang Liu said:

I clearly crossed the river to become the master of the quicksand, abide by the law, never eat people, and wait for my master and senior brother to pick me up on the road westbound - who knew that it was a black long straight royal sister?

She said, "From today onwards, you are Wujing."

Chapter 65 越 共 冒 头

On the third floor of the house, Yang Nai's driver saw what was happening below through the window. He was a man who had been in the army for a few years before, but was expelled from the army because of his frequent actions. Introduced by a friend to fight hard, Yang Nai finally became her driver and bodyguard.

If it wasn't for being hired by the eldest lady, he might have died a few years ago.

Against the wall, the driver thought calmly.

Tsuruchikai's sniper?It doesn't seem right...

Even though the Crane Thousand Association, as the largest underworld organization in Chiba County, is also ranked first in the country, but these gangs are at best in fighting and kidnapping.

You must know that if the group of people sent by Hiratsuka Koicheng were his own guards, it is absolutely impossible to have the qualification to carry guns.A gang like this can actually have hundreds of pistols. No matter how strong it is, it will touch the bottom line of the government. It is impossible for the government to allow this kind of underworld that the police cannot compete with so freely.

Therefore, the government often engages in exorcism among the various gangs, in order to balance the strength of the various gangs and prevent them from being so powerful that they make them jealous.

Because he had been hiding upstairs, he also seized the opportunity to shoot a member of the Winter Club in the head, and then moved downstairs.

As soon as he exited the room door on the second floor, the driver encountered Yang Nai who had finished calling for help.

"Miss, there is a sniper helping us, which attracted a lot of firepower from the intruders, but they are still more powerful than us. Hurry up and hide, I must go down to support."

"Okay...you be careful."

Yang Nai had never encountered such an exciting thing since she was a child, and she never thought that armed men would try to kill her.

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