Chapter 83 Kryptonite Bomb

"Hey, what is this?"

Embarrassed, Arthur wanted to change the subject when he saw a fist-sized metal instrument on the ground not far away, and it flickered, so he stepped forward to pick it up. .

Sure enough, Yang Jian was attracted by Arthur's words, turned her head to look, saw the appearance of the instrument, and quickly remembered where it came from.

"This is when I fought Doomsday just now. I made a big hole in his chest, and then this thing screamed out. Could it this a kryptonite bomb?"

Arthur nodded, "It should be, but unfortunately, there is no way to detonate this bomb without a controller."

"That's not necessarily true. Maybe I can find a way to detonate this bomb in vain?"

Yang Jian suddenly laughed, and reached out to take the kryptonite bomb from Arthur. Several tiny tentacles emerged from his palm, connected to the kryptonite bomb, and began to analyze the bomb.

When he was in the world of Shushan, Yang Jian's venom, with the help of Taiyi Hunyuan Patriarch, integrated Shushan's power system, the motherboard of the Flame Queen, forming an alternative existence, retaining all the functions of the price product and even producing Evolution, in theory, can analyze any technological product. Kryptonite bombs are also among the technological products. As long as they can be analyzed, they can control the detonation of a bomb and become a sharp weapon against Doomsday.

On the other hand, when Superman pushed Doomsday to outer space, a nuclear bomb flew directly from a missile silo closest to the metropolis, and after entering the universe, it started a second-stage propulsion, accelerating towards Superman and Doomsday. go up.

Not long after, a dazzling yellow light appeared, and then quickly turned red, and the fire spread instantly.

The nuclear bomb exploded in the universe, and no sound could be heard.Only the boundless flames expanded rapidly, and the scope rapidly expanded, and then gradually weakened.

After a while, the flames of the nuclear explosion finally spread to the atmosphere, and were quickly wiped out by the protective layer of the earth.

"Has that monster been eliminated?" Swanwick traffic policeman looked at the screen nervously and asked like his subordinates.

At this time, a ball of fire appeared on the screen, rapidly falling from outer space to the earth, and a technician's face changed drastically, "It's such a powerful energy, no good! That monster, General, is still alive."

"What a joke!" General Swanvik also found out, and couldn't help being furious in the face of the nuclear bomb's failure.

Although he had long guessed this aspect, he still couldn't help roaring when he actually faced it. He didn't expect this monster to be so difficult to deal with. Even the nuclear bomb, the most powerful weapon in the hands of human beings, can't do anything to him. Even according to the base monitoring The instrument showed that the other party's energy had not diminished at all under the bath of the nuclear bomb. On the contrary, he had improved a lot. Only then did he realize that he had done a stupid thing. !

After General Swanwick calmed down, he thought of something again, and asked quickly, "How is Superman doing now?"

"Superman's words are probably dead, we can't detect his energy fluctuations."

"That means the nuke we fired made that monster stronger and killed our allies."

"In general it is true."

General Swanvik was so angry that he couldn't speak for a moment, he didn't die, he didn't die, he asked for the launch of the nuclear bomb, how could he explain it to the president.

In fact, Superman did not die at this time, and of course the situation was not much better. After resisting a nuclear bomb, most of the cells in his body were annihilated by the explosion. The nuclear bomb exploded into the shadow area of ​​the earth, unable to absorb sunlight, and may really die if it takes a long time.

"Now send someone to contact the Golden Armored Warrior, Blue Armored Warrior, and Wonder Woman, now we can only rely on them."


A huge fireball fell from the sky, smashing out a huge stone pit and stirring up a large cloud of smoke and dust.

When the smoke and dust dissipated, Doomsday was intact, and even a more imposing figure reappeared in front of everyone!But his body was even bigger, already close to five meters, and the energy fluctuations on his body were much stronger than before.

Yang Jian, Arthur, and Wonder Woman quickly rushed towards the direction where Doomsday fell. Yang Jian was the fastest. Only then did he realize that the location where Doomsday landed was very bad. It was only less than five kilometers away from the metropolis. Fight here It is likely to affect innocent people and cause great damage to the metropolis.

As soon as Yang Jian gritted his teeth, he rushed towards Doomsday, intending to lead Doomsday to other places before fighting.

At this time, Doomsday's injuries had fully recovered, and his body had become even harder.


Seeing Yang Jian killing him on Doomsday, he raised his head to the sky and roared, and a violent electromagnetic storm erupted from his body again. This time, the range changed, covering a full three-kilometer radius, and everything he passed turned into scorched black.

Yang Jian didn't retreat, but gritted his teeth and rushed into the electromagnetic storm. The venom battle on his body was blocked by the damage of the electromagnetic storm, and he continued to rush towards Doomsday.

After Doomsday found out that his electromagnetic storm was ineffective, his eyes and mouth lit up at the same time, shining orange light. The three beams shot out and converged to blast Yang Jian.

Yang Jian raised his left arm, and the venom wriggled quickly, forming a two-meter-high golden shield in an instant, and shrank his body behind the shield.


The light beam hit the shield, and the shield transformed by the venom was hard enough to not be breached, but Yang Jian was pushed backwards by this force, like a meteor, and he didn't know where he fell.

When Wonder Woman arrived, she happened to see the scene where Yang Jian was blown away by Doomsday. At this time, Doomsday's electromagnetic storm had retracted into her body. Wonder Woman yelled, holding a sword and killing Doomsday.

Doomsday turned around and charged like Wonder Woman, every time he stepped on the ground, the ground shook, Doomsday leaped, wrapped in yellow lightning that kept overflowing and wandering around his body, and then waved that huge fist , gave Wonder Woman a punch.

Superman, who was caught off guard by Wonder Woman, was directly thrown into the air, embedded into the ground like a heavy artillery shell. Doomsday still refused to let her go. After falling, she stepped on Wonder Woman with one foot, and then punched and punched her. on her.

Even though Wonder Woman was wearing divine weapon-level armor, she still felt sore and sore all over her body, almost numb. Because of the gap in strength, Wonder Woman couldn't compete at all.

it hurts!Wonder Woman embedded in the ground couldn't help moaning in pain. How long has it been since she experienced such severe pain? It must have been the last time she fought against Ares, the God of War, right?

At this time, Arthur, who was the slowest, arrived, and without thinking about it, he immediately rushed to save people. A jet of water gushed out from the ground and surrounded Arthur, forming a huge water ball with a diameter of more than ten meters. Quickly, crash into Doomsday with a bang.

Doomsday sensed the huge movement and looked up, immediately gave up on Wonder Woman, clenched his fist and threw it at the water polo.


The water polo was directly smashed to pieces, splashing in all directions, and Doomsday's huge fist continued to hammer down on Arthur's head.

Arthur screamed in his heart that it was not good, and immediately raised his water fork to meet it. Fortunately, although the water polo was smashed, it somewhat relieved the power of Doomsday and bought Arthur a little time.

Seeing the huge fist approaching, when Arthur was about to bear the impact, he did not expect that the doomsday suddenly turned into a claw, grabbed the water fork, and pretended to be a family supporter, and lifted Arthur up with a little force. Then the crazy beating started, the Hulk was beating the three princesses, the scene was unbearable to look at.

Bang bang bang!Arthur was thrown to the ground again and again. Fortunately, the water-blue battle armor on his body turned into a flexible layer of water, which dissipated most of the power. Otherwise, Arthur would have lost half of his life if he didn't die this time.

But even so, Arthur still held onto the water fork tightly and refused to let go. It was his lifeline, and your life was more important. If you lost it, there was nowhere to cry.

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