"Little water!"

Arthur suppressed the pain and let out a roar, only to see a face appear on the battle armor on Arthur's chest, that face opened its mouth, and a high-pressure water cannon ruthlessly blasted on Doomsday's face.

Although Doomsday's body is strong, the high-pressure water cannon will not cause much damage to him, but the face is always the vital point of a living body, Doomsday Japan can feel fear, loosen his hand, and Arthur immediately took the opportunity to get away.

Doomsday took a few steps back and stabilized his figure. Just as he was about to continue chasing Arthur, Wonder Woman came down from the sky and stabbed Doomsday's head with the Excalibur.

Originally, Arthur planned to escape a little further, but seeing Wonder Woman so desperately, he couldn't help showing a wry smile. Under such circumstances, if Wonder Woman alone fights Doomsday alone, it will definitely be a disaster. As a big man, I can't be ashamed, so I rushed up in desperation, stabbing Doomsday's chest with a water fork.

Whether it is Wonder Woman or Arthur, their speeds have surpassed the lows that human eyes can accept, but facing Doomsday, it is still better not to look at it. At the moment when the two artifacts approached, Doomsday reached out , Grasping Excalibur and Water Fork at the same time, Wonder Woman and Arthur's bodies changed from extremely dynamic to extremely still, no matter how hard they tried, they could not go any further.

At this time, Doomsday's eyes and mouth lit up again. The orange light was extremely dazzling. Wonder Woman and Arthur were shocked at the same time. If they were hit at such a close distance, they might really kill them. .

But neither Wonder Woman nor Arthur intended to retreat. If any one of them escapes at this time, Doomsday will probably focus on the other person, and that person will be more ominous. They all have their own pride. It is really impossible to save lives at the expense of others.

Seeing that the light of the doomsday was about to be emitted, a loud shout came to their ears suddenly, which made them breathe a sigh of relief.

"The ultimate punch!"

A figure rushed over suddenly, bumped into Doomsday's arms, and then punched fiercely on the chest. Doomsday's chest collapsed visible to the naked eye, and his body fell thousands of meters like a shell, directly smashing through the periphery of the metropolis One building, then inlaid on the wall of another building.

But Yang Jian has not had time to be happy.A series of exclamations and screams came, and Yang Jian was startled. Just now, in a hurry to save people, he accidentally hit Doomsday to the metropolis. I don't know if he hurt innocent people.

Although Yang Jian doesn't think he's a good person, he can't just watch others die because of himself, and who knows if there will be any fierce people in it, just like a hero's civil war, isn't it just because of a small accident? Was it caused by the harm of several innocent people?

"You come to save people!" Yang Jian said to Arthur, and immediately chased after Doomsday.

Doomsday pulled himself out of the wall, looked at the screaming crowd around him, felt bored, and grabbed the nearest middle-aged man.

"If you don't save my life, who will save me!"

The man turned around and ran, but how could he be faster than Doomsday? When he was about to be caught, Yang Jian finally arrived and stood in front of the man, raising his arms to block Doomsday's big hand .

When Doomsday saw the person coming, Yang Jian immediately increased his strength, and the two competed there.

When Arthur arrived, he saw the dense crowd around him. With a glance, he soon found his target, a red fire hydrant.


Arthur stretched out his hand, and the fire hydrant was flushed away by the water, and a column of water rose into the sky. Then, under Arthur's control, the water flow converged and rolled quickly, washing away the crowd of onlookers.

Doomsday couldn't suppress Yang Jian with one fist, and the other fist slammed down. Yang Jian had no choice but to extend a hand to meet him. With a bang, Yang Jian's body sank half a meter, and at the same time, a violent shock erupted.

The building that was smashed through by Doom Day was already covered with dense cracks, and now it was hit by a violent vibration, those cracks grew rapidly, the building began to tilt, and it seemed that it was about to collapse.

Arthur was startled, and quickly gathered all the water around to form a water polo more than ten meters high. At the same time, the water-blue armor on his body expanded, dyeing the water polo blue, and then plunged into the building.

Arthur cooperated with Xiaoshui to control the flow of water to shuttle through the building, and one after another figure was caught by the water and thrown out. Among them were couples of men and women hugging each other in disheveled clothes. You don't need to guess what they were doing before.

The power of Doomsday soared all at once, and Yang Jian could hardly stand it, his body was bent, and he could even hear the cracking sound of bones, as if he was about to fall apart at any moment, but he gritted his teeth and persisted every time .

Doomsday tried a few times but couldn't crush Yang Jian, and finally changed his tactics. He grabbed Yang Jian's two fists with both hands, lifted Yang Jian up forcefully, and tore his arms from side to side. Tore up Yang Jian.

Wonder Woman rushed over to save someone, but before she could get close, Destroyer turned her head, and an orange beam of light was released from her eyes, which slammed heavily on Wonder Woman and flew back at a faster speed.

Yang Jian felt severe pain coming from his arms, which might break off at any time. As soon as he gritted his teeth, the venom controlling his feet began to squirm, stretching continuously, forming a three-meter-long sharp blade, and then suddenly Kicked out and stabbed Doomsday hard in the chest.


Doomsday screamed, and the strength in his hands was released. Yang Jian took the opportunity to break free, then rushed to the bottom of Doomsday, and kicked Doomsday fiercely between his legs.


This time the screams were even more horrific, and he couldn't help but bend down. Yang Jian jumped up and slammed his Dragon Rising Fist hard on Ruin's chin.

Doomsday was hit in the air, Yang Jian took advantage of this opportunity to bump into it, and pushed Doomsday to an open place far away from the metropolis, only then did he feel relieved.

Chapter 84

After making sure that there was no one else around and that there was no need to worry about harming innocent people in the battle here, Yang Jian pushed Doomsday down and dropped it on a small hillside. With a loud roar, the earth shook and dust flew up, and the hillside was directly flattened .

Yang Jian landed and waited quietly. Yang Jian knew that it was impossible for him to defeat Destroyer with this damage, and he would recover soon.

Sure enough, it didn't take long for the flying dust to dissipate, revealing the tall figure of Doomsday in the big pit, step by step, and Doomsday, who has always rarely changed his emotions, showed a hint of hatred on his face at this moment.

"What do you look at, do you need to be so stingy? Anyway, you can still grow out, and besides, it's useless even if you have that thing. With your body shape, what kind of woman can stand you."


I don't know if Doomsday understood Yang Jian's words. It seemed that he was irritated by Yang Jian. His body turned into a gust of wind and rushed over, waving two huge fists, and smashed them down like a storm, looking like he would never die.

Yang Jian knew very well that Doomsday had far surpassed him in terms of physical fitness, strength, and energy at this time, and he absolutely couldn't fight recklessly with such an opponent, so most of them focused on dodging, and cooperated with the tricks of using strength to fight , Fight with the opponent to delay time, and only choose head-to-head confrontation when it is absolutely necessary.

All of a sudden, the flames of war resumed. On the surface it looked fierce, but in fact there was not much real contact between the two. Most of Doomsday's attacks landed in the air and hit the ground. With the sound of bang bang bang, The ground was smashed with potholes. These pits were large and small. The diameter of the small ones was tens of meters, and the large ones could reach hundreds of meters.

At this time, Yang Jian no longer asked herself to solve Doomsday, but only hoped that Batman would send the kryptonite weapon over as soon as possible. At the same time, she was wondering why Wonder Woman didn't come with her. Could it be that she had changed her temper?Don't be a woman who dares to fight and fight?

Yang Jian didn't know that it wasn't that Wonder Woman didn't want to come, but that she was held back. When Arthur was busy saving people, the building tilted faster and faster. In desperation, Wonder Woman could only use a mantra lock to trap the building. At the top, relying on his own strength, he pulled and temporarily stopped the collapse of the building, buying Arthur a few minutes to rescue all the people, and the two were able to get away and rush to the battlefield.

At the same time, Superman, who was like a mummy in outer space, finally got out of the shadow area of ​​the earth and received the sunlight. His mummy-like body recovered visibly to the naked eye. His appearance turned into a tall, muscular man.

The recovered Superman immediately headed towards the earth. With his super ear power, he naturally discovered the news of the battle between Yang Jian and Doomsday, and his flying speed continued to increase, like a falling meteorite.

Superman arrived on the battlefield almost at the same time as Arthur and Wonder Woman, and besides the three of them, there was one more person, Mr. Batman.

"The kryptonite weapon is ready, let's go!" Batman dropped a three-meter-long spear in his hand to Superman.

Superman instinctively reached out to take it, but then he was taken aback by a touch of green in his eyes, and wanted to throw it out, but then he realized something was wrong. Kryptonite was extremely harmful to him, not to mention direct contact, even if it was If you get too close, you will be affected by radiation. Why don't you feel the slightest now?

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