Batman seemed to know the doubts in Superman's mind, and before he could ask, he immediately explained: "The surface of the kryptonite at the long end of the spear is coated with a coating that blocks radiation. If you can penetrate it into Doomsday's body, then The first layer of paint will melt away in no time, so you don't have to worry about it not working."

"It turns out that's the case, so I'm relieved." Superman was happy with Batman's arrangement. He felt that the other party was very careful and thought of everything. He was a worthy friend, but he didn't know how defensive Batman was against him.

"Okay! Don't be naughty. Now that the weapon has arrived, let's do it quickly. My father can't hold on anymore." Of course, Arthur was the most anxious, after all, it was his father who was desperately there!

After Arthur finished speaking, it was very rare to take the first shot. With a wave of the water fork, streams of water flowed from the ground, quickly entangled Ruin and the body, and gathered more and more, and finally formed a water ball to trap Doom Day.


Doomsday roared angrily and shook his body, splashing water all over the place, the water polo had already shattered, but this also made him pause a bit.

Wonder Woman saw the right moment, flicked the golden rope in her hand, put it on Doomsday, and quickly tightened it.

Doomsday stretched his arms and was about to get out of trouble, Batman made a move.

Bang bang bang!

Batman held the gun in his hand and fired continuously, and the bullets hit Doomsday's body one by one, destroying his defense, and clouds of green mist came out.

Ordinary bullets certainly couldn't hurt Doomsday, but this bullet was indeed different. It was made of kryptonite, and after being shot into Doomsday's body, it immediately began to destroy his cells.

"Aw!" Doomsday screamed, but the kryptonite bullet was too small and contained limited kryptonite, so it broke free from the rope.

But this was enough for Superman, he jumped out when he saw the opportunity, and the three-meter-long spear in his hand stabbed fiercely into Doomsday's chest.

Doomsday screamed and struggled, grabbing the spear with a big hand and pulling it out, but how could Yang Jian let him succeed, and kicked him fiercely at his feet, Doomsday lost his balance and couldn't help but fell backwards, Superman took the opportunity to throw The spear in his hand pierced deeper and deeper.

Although Doomsday kept screaming, he just didn't die.He was cool, but he didn't die, and his howls were full of anger, which made Yang Jian and the others look a little ugly. Could it be that kryptonite weapons couldn't kill Doomsday?

But soon Yang Jian discovered the abnormality again. After careful observation, he had a clear understanding in his heart, "No, the kryptonite weapon has already played its role, and its power has weakened a lot, otherwise we will not be able to suppress it at all. It has been immortal, it should be because of other technological transformations."

"Then what should we do now? We can't stay in such a stalemate forever."

"Chop off the head and try."

"Let me do it." Wonder Woman said and was ready to do it.

But at this moment, Doomsday suddenly punched the gun body, and the spear broke in response, then turned around to avoid Wonder Woman's sword, and quickly pulled out the half of the spear stuck in his body, turned around and slammed it fiercely. To Superman.

At this time, the layer of anti-radiation paint on the surface of the kryptonite, Superman was immediately affected by the radiation, and his reaction was a little slow. Doomsday grabbed half of the spear and stabbed him hard in the chest.


Superman uttered a scream, and fell backwards. The breath of life began to weaken rapidly, but Superman also became ruthless. He hugged Doomsday's arm and refused to let go.




Yang Jian and the others screamed at the same time. They didn't expect such an accident to happen at the critical moment. The wound on Doomsday's chest still hadn't healed, and there was green light around him, constantly destroying his cells. However, his condition was obviously worse than that of Superman. So much better, Jacques is about to break free from Superman's shackles.

If Doomsday recovers again, it will be very difficult to deal with him. At this time, Yang Jian's family suddenly thought of something, with a sinister smile on his face, he took out a gadget from his pocket, and took advantage of the fact that Doomsday's wound had not healed, forcefully Pushed the little thing in. .

"Go to hell! Monster! This is a kryptonite bomb that you specially installed in your body. I hope you like it."

Yang Jian snapped his fingers, and the bomb on Doomsday's chest flickered violently, and then exploded with a bang, a mass of green spread from the wound, and quickly spread to all parts of Doomsday's body.

Doomsday's body froze immediately, as if frozen in place, then slowly fell down, and soon completely lost his voice.

"Ah!" Just when Yang Jian and the others breathed a sigh of relief, a scream attracted them again, and when they turned their heads to look, it turned out that Superman himself pulled out the half of the spear stuck in his chest, and blood kept gushing out.

If it was Doomsday, with his powerful recovery ability, he would be able to recover slowly, but Superman obviously did not have the function of self-recovery. After pulling out the spear, there was still no sign of improvement. The weaker it is, the closer it is to death.

Wonder Woman had a sad face, and Batman was also depressed. Only Yang Jian and Arthur looked indifferent.

"Okay, don't cry with a sad face, isn't this still dead? Since there is still a breath, then I can revive it."

Yang Jianlai quickly came to Superman's side, helped him up, then took out a small bottle from his pocket, opened the lid and poured out a green bean, crushed the bean hard with two sticks, then opened Superman's mouth and sprinkled it. went in.

When Wonder Woman and Batman were wondering why Yang Jian gave Superman a bean, they were stunned by the next scene.

After Superman ate the bean, the wound on his chest recovered visibly with the naked eye, and a ball of green liquid was discharged. Wonder Woman and Batman thought they were hallucinating just now.

Superman stood up in amazement, and touched his wound. Until now, he couldn't believe that he was alive. .

"What's that? The effect is too amazing." Wonder Woman looked at the small bottle in Yang Jian's hand in surprise, and there were six or seven green beans in it.

"This is a fairy bean. My father doesn't know where he got it. He is usually very precious. I didn't expect to be generous this time, and he actually used one for Superman."

Arthur looked proud, because he also had one in his hand, and Yang Jian left it for him to use first, and Atlanta, of course, cared more about his wife, Yang Jian, and prepared three for her.

Yang Jian looked at Wonder Woman and Batman who were staring at the small bottle in their hands, thought for a while, then took out three fairy beans, and gave one to Superman each.

"I don't have many fairy beans in my hand. Each of you should take one for self-defense. You may need it in the future."

In fact, if Yang Jian wants to get more celestial beans, it is not difficult, as long as he goes to the chaotic space to ask for it. Now, under the auspices of Yang Jian, the little sheep, the cultivation technology of celestial beans has matured, and even the first one has been planted. There will only be more and more fairy beans in the future, but Yang Jian is not willing to take things from the chaotic space lightly unless it is a last resort, because although there are a lot of fairy beans, there are also many clones in other worlds, so he must take care of others. In the situation of the brothers, of course a treasure like Xiandou must be used at this critical moment.

"Thank you!"

Wonder Woman, Batman and Superman thanked Yang Jian at the same time, and their hearts were full of gratitude. Of course, they understood the preciousness of this fairy bean. One is equal to one life. It is very generous of Yang Jian to take out three.

Yang Jian himself didn't care too much, and waved his hands and said, "Okay, the crisis has been resolved, we should go too, and leave it to Mr. Batman and Mr. Superman to deal with it. It shouldn't be a problem, right?"

Batman nodded in agreement. He himself has some cooperation with the government. He often helps them catch criminals with the identity of Batman. Another identity, the president of the Wayne Group, often deals with government officials. He is very familiar with it. , As for Superman, because of his alien status, there are still many things that need to be coordinated with the government.

"Wait a minute." Yang Jian and Arthur were about to leave when Wonder Woman suddenly called them back.

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