"What? Miss Diana, is there anything else?"

"Can you leave a contact information? After this incident, I realized my weakness, so I will have more arduous training after I go back. I know that I am far from your opponent now, but I hope to wait for my strength After strengthening, when I challenge you, I hope you will not refuse."

Yang Jian became a little embarrassed, "To be honest, I'm not very interested in this kind of challenge, but you can exchange ideas with my son. I'm not satisfied with his performance today, so I'm going to give him a challenge after I go back this time." For special training, the two of you are not much different in strength, so they should be very suitable opponents."

Wonder Woman was a little dissatisfied, but she didn't show it. She glanced at Arthur and said, "Okay, I agree, but I still hope to challenge you. When I defeat your son, I will challenge you again. I hope you don't reject."

"Yes, if you can really do it, let me give you some suggestions, which may help you increase your strength."

"Please advise!" Wonder Woman said solemnly.

"I can feel the powerful thunder power in your body, but it seems that you can't use it flexibly. You can only release it with a pair of silver bracelets, so I suggest that you first try to guide the thunder power in your body and find a way to control it. This power."

"Okay, I'll try it, any more?"

"The other is some methods of using the power of lightning. In my opinion, you are a bit of a waste of your talent. I know some people who control the power of lightning like you. Far inferior to you, but the control over one's own abilities has reached a level of nuance."

"Like what?"

"For example, there is a girl Misaka Mikoto. The power of lightning contained in her body is even one-tenth of yours, but she can condense the power of lightning on a coin. The power of lightning released by the bracelet is even worse.

There is also this little guy named Sasuke, who can condense the power of thunder and lightning in his hands to increase the piercing power, or you can condense it into a bunch for cutting. In addition, he can use the rainy environment to rain down dense lightning from the sky.

By the way, there is also a super strong man who can use lightning to condense his body to form a set of thunder armor, and can also use lightning to stimulate his own cells to enhance his physical fitness..."

Yang Jian told all the various skills about the power of lightning that he knew in one breath, hoping to help Wonder Woman, and use Wonder Woman to stimulate Arthur, so that this guy will not practice seriously in the future , being a man under a woman's body can't stand it.

Wonder Woman fell into silence when she heard Yang Jian's words, and she sighed heavily after a while, "It seems that I really underestimated people in the world before. It turns out that the power of thunder and lightning still has so many skills to use. My method of using the power of lightning is too rough, I will correct it in the future, thank you for your guidance."

Yang Jian smiled in satisfaction, and then gave Arthur a compliment, and Arthur handed a special card to Wonder Woman with an expression of displeasure. His heart was full of sorrow, knowing that his future was bleak. , the next days will definitely be all kinds of painful training.

After everything was settled, Yang Jian and Arthur came to a forest, boarded the invisible aircraft under cover, and then returned to the lighthouse.

So far, the Kryptonian invasion has finally come to an end. Superman and Batman have cooperated for the first time, and they have some understanding of each other. I believe that the plot of Batman vs. Superman will not happen again. During the long period of peace, Yang Jian felt that she could continue her happy life.

It's just that Yang Jian didn't know that in a corner of the metropolis, Fiora was talking with the only remaining Kryptonian warrior.

"Adjutant Fiora, what should we do next? Why don't we leave here? Instead, hide on Earth?"

"It is the best choice for us to stay on the earth, because the heat of the sun on the earth can make us quickly increase our strength. We need to live here for a while, and then find a way to leave the earth after we have enough strength, and I I have an idea, if we can find a chance to get the genes of our Kryptonians from Kal-El, and then go to the universe to find materials, maybe there is a chance to resurrect those people, although the hope is slim, but I think try it."

The Kryptonian soldier's eyes lit up when he heard Fatty's words. After thinking about it carefully, it was indeed possible, and he started to burn again. After discussing for a while, the two decided on the next way to go, and then slowly disappeared into the darkness.

Because of Yang Jian's intervention, two Kryptonians slipped through the net. I don't know what kind of impact they will have on the future?

Chapter 85 Naruto's Different Otonin Village

Naruto World, Tanokuni, Otono Village, this is the Ninja Village established after Orochimaru defected to Konoha, but in just a few years, it is surprising that the area of ​​Otonin Village now exceeds that of ordinary The town is extremely prosperous, even surpassing Konoha, the head of the Five Great Ninja Villages, which is unbelievable.

Of course, it is only the degree of prosperity, which is mainly reflected in the economy and the number of people. In terms of military strength, Otonin Village is of course far behind.

It’s just that until now few people know that the shadow of Otoshi Village is the S-class wanted criminal Orochimaru who defected from Konoha. Needless to say outsiders, even inside Otoshi Village, there are very few people who know about this, because Orochimaru usually He seldom shows up, even if there is something that requires him to show up, he will wear a mask. No one knows what Yinying looks like, only knows that his strength is very strong, and his subordinates are full of talents. Basically, there is no need for him to take action At that time, even those who had seen him attack were killed, making the so-called audio and video even more mysterious.

The reason why Orochimaru did this is of course to protect his village. He also knows that he has a special status now. Once his identity is exposed, Konoha will definitely target him. Although Orochimaru is no longer afraid of Konoha, it is unnecessary trouble Or as little as possible is better.

Orochimaru’s Otonin Village costs more than billions of dollars in construction materials alone. Even if Orochimaru goes bankrupt, he can’t afford it. Said that in this world, as long as money can solve the problem, it is not a problem, so Yinnin Village can develop to this level in a short period of time, and everything is due to the funder.

Yinren Village is divided into Inner Village and Outer Village. Lichun is more like a super-large castle. The only people who can live there are the ninjas of Yinren Village and their families, while the Outer Village is where ordinary villagers live. They My biggest hope is that I or my children can become ninjas and live in the inner village.

At this time, in a hotel outside Dashewan, Dashemaru who just came back from a trip sat near the window, ordered a few small dishes and ate leisurely, watched the people coming and going outside through the window, and felt the prosperity of the village , the scene of meeting that person a few years ago could not help appearing in my mind.

"My name is Yang Jian, the oil girl Yang Jian. Like you, I also came from Muye Village. I heard that you are building your own Ninja Village. It seems to be called Yinnin Village, right? I am very interested and cooperate. Go! I have money, you have the ability, let us build the most prosperous village and change the world together.”

At that time, Orochimaru was in a daze, feeling that the other party was simply boasting, knowing that the other party was from Konoha Village, and also a well-known oil girl clan, instinctively prepared, feeling that the other party was here to arrest him.

But what happened next left Orochimaru dumbfounded. The young man named Yang Jian directly took out a scroll, and after unlocking the seal, Orochimaru experienced for the first time what it was like to be knocked unconscious by money. [-] million, with so much money in front of you, even Orochimaru is a little dizzy, especially since the other party said that this is only the first batch of funds, so if you need more, just ask.

Orochimaru was still worried, and felt that such a thing of falling from the sky was unreliable, but then the other party showed his sincerity with actions, and he really gave what he wanted. With the help of Yang Jian, Orochimaru used With that batch of funds to build Ninja Village, recruit talents, purchase scientific research equipment, and increase funds one after another, everything went very smoothly.

When Orochimaru built Ninja Village in Tanokuni, he had already secretly controlled the daimyo of Tanokuni, but just controlling the daimyo was not enough. He still has many ministers under him, and he has always been on guard against Orochimaru. Although he did not say it clearly, he secretly There will always be various small actions against Dashewan, which makes Dashewan very annoying. .

But after Yang Jian came, everything was different. Those people made trouble because they didn't get any benefits. As long as they had enough benefits, they would be more obedient than pugs. Yang Jian's business bundles formed a whole with common interests. By uniting these ministers, the money earned from doing business every year is enough to feed them. How could it be possible to target Yinnin Village under such circumstances, but actively provide help and speed up the construction of Ninja Village.

Orochimaru also discovered that Yang Jian can be described as a genius in terms of business, if there is a God of Wealth in this world, it is definitely him.

With sufficient funds, it took less than half a year for Yinnin Village to be established from scratch. This speed can be called a miracle.

However, it is not enough to build the village well, it also needs to have enough talents, and then Yang Jian ordered to go on, and the Chamber of Commerce under his command called Earth Trade began to mobilize, recruiting people from all over the world, even homeless orphans, or Even the elderly who have lost the ability to live are always coming. After a few months, Yinren Village was full, and then began to expand. After several years of development and several re-planning, Ninja Village has the current scale and has become a relatively Konoha is a more prosperous village.

At this time, opposite Dashewan, a middle-aged man was talking with a white-haired old man, and the middle-aged man said: "Brother, you are good at cooking fish, where are you from?"

"I am from the country of water. I used to make a living by fishing. I can cook fish naturally. After I came to Yinnin Village, I worked for two years to earn some money. I opened this shop with my savings. Thinking of getting bigger and bigger, the scale has become, and the business is not bad.”

"It's no wonder. You are a fisherman, so you must eat fish often. The more you cook, the more you cook, the better the taste. I really envy you! You can eat fish every day." The middle-aged man was a little envious at the end Said.

Unexpectedly, the old man said angrily: "I'm envious, even though I'm a fisherman, I don't really eat fish much. Basically, I replace the fish with coarse grains, and I have to save some food. That way you can last a little longer.”

"How could this be? Don't you catch enough fish?"

"If it's just for our family to eat, the fish caught is enough, and we can even have a surplus, but the problem is that we have to pay taxes! I have two older brothers who were beaten to death because they couldn't pay the taxes." The old man There was a trace of silence in his eyes.

"Why is that?"

"Hey! I live in a fishing village on the edge of the country of water. Naturally, I make a living by fishing. I have been fishing with my father since I can remember. Then most of the money sold for the fish is used to pay taxes. The rest of the fish In exchange for some food to support the family, I took over from my father when I grew up and barely made ends meet.

However, the amount of fish caught became less and less, and the taxes to be paid increased. Our family would go hungry for a period of time every year, and we would be fined if we couldn’t pay the taxes. We couldn’t live on. "

"I see. It seems that it is not easy for everyone, but how did you come to Yinnin Village?"

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