"I'm getting old, and I can't continue fishing like before. I can only leave it to my son. The child is exhausted to get enough food. I don't want to involve him. Later, I heard that the Earth Chamber of Commerce's move People, young and old, take care of food, housing, and wages. Although I suspected they were cheating at first, I thought at the time that I was cheated anyway, and it’s okay to die outside, so I reported it. But I didn’t expect everything to be true. I only worked 12 hours a day. Not only did I have enough to eat, but my wages were paid on time. The money I earned in a month was enough to feed our family for a year. Really happy."

If Yang Jian was here, she would definitely blush when she heard what they said. She worked twelve hours a day, not counting the rest time in between. What a black-hearted boss could do this!But these workers don't feel that the boss is black-hearted at all, but are grateful to Dade, which is really speechless.

"Isn't it? During the time I lived in Yinren Village, it was like a dream. This is my happiest day." The middle-aged man also said with emotion.

"That's right, on such a good day, of course I can't forget my family, so after working here for a few months, I simply took over my family, but unfortunately it was a bit late, my old lady was too old , I was hungry for too long, but I couldn't hold on, and she died, poorly, she didn't have a good life for a few days in her life." After the old man said, his eyes were red, and tears almost flowed out.

The middle-aged man quickly comforted: "Don't be sad, brother, everything will be fine, I believe that the old sister-in-law is in the spirit of heaven, and I will be happy to see that you are living so well."

The old man wiped away his tears, "Yeah, everything will be fine. Now my son and daughter-in-law are working in the village to earn money. They have fish and meat every day, and they are full. The grandson is also sent to school to learn knowledge. In the future, he will definitely become a talent useful to the village."

"That's right. We must not forget the great kindness the village has shown me. We must repay the village. I hope your village can become a ninja and you can live in the inner village in the future."

The old man laughed so hard that he opened his mouth, "Accept your auspicious words, this is my greatest wish, I hope my grandson will live up to it, by the way, just talk about me, I haven't asked my brother where you are from and how you got there From here?"

The middle-aged man's face darkened, and he said after a while: "If I were from the Kingdom of Rain, to be honest, I used to have a worse life than you, because the Kingdom of Rain is located between the three big countries, and it is often The battlefield where countries are fighting, due to the perennial wars and the lack of sufficient food, it can be said that the people are in dire straits.”

"Hey! In the final analysis, it is still caused by war. Why can't everyone live in peace? Always start a war..."

"Those who want to go to war always have their reasons. My wife and children were all killed by ninjas who participated in the war, and I am the only one left alone. I rely on hunting in the mountains to barely fill my stomach on weekdays, but once in the mountains, I met A pack of wolves escaped through the traps left behind with great effort, but they lost a leg."

At this time, the middle-aged man rolled up his pants, and Dashemaru realized that his right leg was actually a prosthesis.

"After I escaped, I passed out on the side of the road due to excessive blood loss. I thought I was going to die, but I didn't expect to meet people from the Earth Chamber of Commerce. They revived me and sent me here. I thought I was already a person. Disabled, unable to support myself at all, I might as well let it go, but the people from the Earth Chamber of Commerce stopped me and arranged manual work for me. The money I earned was not only enough to fill my stomach, but also had a lot of money left over. Last year, the village developed After I heard about the puppet prosthetic technology, I spent money to install one for myself. Now I can go out for a walk by myself. Sometimes I have a meal with my friends and drink a little wine. No one finds out that my leg is fake."

"It's true, brother, if you don't tell me, I really can't see it, alas! It's not easy for you, brother, but it doesn't matter, everything will be fine."

"Yeah, everything will be fine, all of this is thanks to Lord Yinying, um, and Lord Yang Jian, but I have been here for more than a year, and I have never seen Lord Yinying. I don’t even know what he looks like, I really want to meet him and say thank you to him personally!”

"Don't talk about you, I have been in Yinnin Village for three or four years, and I also don't know what Otokage-sama looks like. I heard that Otokage-sama usually wears a mask, which is very mysterious. It must be a domineering face."

"It could also be a handsome face..."

The two were talking happily, completely unaware that Master Yinying was sitting not far from them.

Dashemaru listened to the conversation between the two, feeling a lot of emotion in his heart. Is the world changing too fast, or is he falling behind?This village obviously developed under his nose, but why is it so strange?

But then Orochimaru laughed again, although the changes in the village were too fast, which made him a little strange, but for this change, it didn't seem to be a bad thing, and it felt pretty good, better than he imagined.

Orochimaru took out a few banknotes from his arms and put them on the table, but he couldn't walk out. Not long after, a red-haired girl came over, walked up to Orochimaru, and said in a respectful tone: "Sound Master Ying, Master Yang Jian knows you are back, let me tell you to go quickly."

Dashemaru said gently: "Xianglin, don't worry, I will go, I can do the rest by myself, you and I have been busy outside the village for more than two months, you must be exhausted, you go back first Let the family report that it is safe, lest your mother worry."

Xianglin hesitated for a moment, although it was impolite to leave like this, but she still nodded when she thought of her mother: "Okay, I'll go right away, thank you, Oshemaru-sama."

Because of Yang Jian, the fate of some people has also changed. For example, Xianglin is one of them. In the original plot, she lived very hard in Cao Ninja Village. The mother is born with huge yang attribute chakra, and their vitality is extremely strong, and their blood has a powerful healing effect. No matter how serious the injury is, just drink a sip of their blood to recover quickly.

It is precisely because of this that it led to the tragedy of Xianglin and her mother. They almost became the blood bags of all ninjas in Cao Ninja Village. When they were injured, they would come to their mother and daughter to suck blood. The physique of their Uzumaki clan can't support it, after all, the blood in a human body is limited.

If the original plot develops according to the original plot, in the end Xianglin’s mother will die because the blood is sucked dry, and Xianglin will become an orphan because of this, and will eventually be accepted by Orochimaru as a subordinate, and then madly obsessed with Sasuke, and experience hardships with Sasuke, but it is a pity that he finally became The emotionally defeated dog watched Sasuke and Sakura come together.

But since Yang Jian came to this world, of course he would not let the tragedy of Xianglin's mother and daughter happen. It is very important to know that Xianglin's ability as a support is very important. The strength of the seal chain is definitely above the shadow level.

Yang Jian told Orochimaru the information about Xianglin's mother and daughter, and Orochimaru did not hesitate, and immediately sneaked into Kusanagi Village to rescue them. At that time, Xianglin's mother had become extremely weak, and Orochimaru spent a lot of energy Only then did she heal.

However, both Yang Jian and Orochimaru thought it was worth it. Although Xianglin's mother had a large number of Uzumaki Clan's sealing techniques in her hands, in order to thank Orochimaru for saving her life, she became the captain of the Otonin Village Guard after recovering. , with her kagura mind and sealing technique, Yinnin Village was built like an iron barrel, and all the enemies who sneaked into Yinnin Village were captured without fail.

Chapter 86 The Different Ninja Village

Through conversation, I learned from Xiang Rin's mother that her name is Uzumaki Ling, and that Xiang Rin's father is actually a member of Uzumaki's royal family, so Xiang Rin has the purest Uzumaki bloodline, which is even better than Naruto's. and.

In the Naruto plot, there is no mention of Xiang Rin’s parents, so Yang Jian is not clear about these things, but thinking about it, Xiang Rin’s performance in the original plot is really dazzling. Coupled with the chakra chain that is enough to seal Nine Tails at the end of the plot, if it is the blood of ordinary Uzumaki civilians, how can it be possible.

According to Xianglin's mother, when the Uzumaki Kingdom was breached, Xianglin's father fled with their mother and daughter. As a member of the royal family, in order to ensure the inheritance of the Uzumaki family's sealing technique, he had a copied scroll of the sealing technique in his hand. Rin's father died in battle to protect them, so after Xiang Rin's mother hid the scroll, she continued to flee with Rin, and finally ended up in Kusanagi Village, where she was treated as a blood bag, and their tragic fate began.

Those ninjas in Cao Ninja Village only treated her as a blood bag and were bullied everywhere. Of course, Xiang Rin's mother could not give them this sealing technique, and would rather go to hell with the last secret.

But facing Dashemaru, the lifesaver, who also gave them the audio and video of a happy life, Xianglin's mother did not hesitate to donate the scroll. Anyway, the country of Uzumaki has perished, and those messy rules don't matter anymore. Her biggest I hope that my daughter Xianglin can live a happy life, and this wish has been fulfilled for her by Orochimaru. In Yinnin Village, their mother and daughter spend all the best expenses, and Xianglin also has many friends who play with her. , laughing happily every day, in order to protect this smile, she is willing to give her everything, even her life.

After reading the scroll, Orochimaru shouted and earned it. Those sealing techniques ranged from low-level to advanced, and they were very complete, even more complete than the sealing techniques he had seen in Konoha before. Yang Jian and Orochimaru studied together. Let them greatly increase their strength in sealing techniques.

Orochimaru walked along a wide street to the inner village unhurriedly. When he passed a fork in the road, he suddenly heard a commotion coming from the front. When he looked up, he found that it was a team from Otonin Village. The patrol team passed by, but the two leaders were Sokinyoukin with two heads and Kidomaru with six arms.

Both of these two are Oshemaru's confidantes, and they have seen the real face of Oshemaru. In this crowded place, Oshemaru didn't want to meet them, so he took the initiative to retreat and hide in a corner.

When the patrol team passed by, the surrounding residents gave way one after another, but they didn't mean to be afraid. They just watched the patrol team comment on both sides of the road, and some of the girls were the most excited.

"Wow, it's Kidomaru-sama, he must be able to work very quickly with six arms, how cool! I don't know what it feels like to be held in his arms by his six arms?"

"I think Ukon-sama is more handsome, he has two heads, he must be smarter, stronger than Kidomaru-sama..."

"No, Kidomaru-sama is the strongest."

"Nonsense, it's Master Zuo Jin You Jin..."


The two girls quarreled more and more fiercely, and they almost started fighting on the spot. As ninjas, Ukon Ukon and Kidomaru had sharp eyes and ears, and they observed the surroundings more carefully. They knew exactly what was happening on the side of the road. own mood.

Of course, Kidomaru and Ukon Konkan knew that their appearance was different from ordinary people, and most people could not accept it. People who saw them before were afraid at first, afraid to approach them because of their strange appearance, and then cursed, throwing all kinds of Vicious language was used upon them.

But now, none of them are afraid anymore, and they even call them adults, and they have accumulated a large number of fans. Looking at the group of girls who are almost crazy around them, they don't dare to laugh, for fear that these girls will pounce on them.

Orochimaru, who was hiding in the corner, twitched his face, and he was a little stunned, who was always indifferent.

What's going on here?Is the aesthetic view of the residents of Yinnin Village distorted?What happened?The left and right sides of the two heads are basically a conjoined twin. Everyone regards it as a monster, and there are girls who like it.

There is also Kidomaru, how can the appearance of six arms be described as handsome, that is a deformed child, who was abandoned by his parents when he was born, how did he become cool in the eyes of these people?Orochimaru felt that he was a little behind the trend of the times.

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