In fact, this is not to blame for Orochimaru. He spent most of his time in the laboratory doing research. At the beginning, he was very guarded against Yang Jian. He always felt that he had some ulterior motives, but as time went by, , he discovered that Yang Jian was actually building an ideal ninja village, which was different from ninja villages in other countries. This is a ninja village where ninjas and civilians are integrated without any barriers between them.

After many times of probing, after Dashewan determined that he had no malice towards him, he completely delegated power. Although he was a voice and video in name, Yang Jian and others were basically responsible for major events in the village. The right people were assigned to the right positions, and then most of the powers were delegated. It was called believing in their abilities, so Yang Jian was also very free. As a result, the two largest leaders of Yinren Village were in the big city. Spend part of the time in the lab.

Because the funds are sufficient, the experimental materials needed by Orochimaru can be explained in one sentence, and someone will deliver them to him, so that Orochimaru can immerse himself in the research, and basically don't care about what happens outside, except for some major events. I don't even know much about the changes in Yinnin Village.

Why are the grotesque Kidomaru and Ukon so popular?In the final analysis, it is still a matter of profit. Most of the residents of Yinren Village are recruited from all over the world. Most of them are homeless poor people who have experienced too much pain. Now, in order to be able to live a better life, you are willing to pay any price, what is it to be ugly?As long as you have the ability, as long as you can bring them a better life, you don't need to care about it at all. On the contrary, if you are handsome but have no ability, then you are a waste.

In Yinren Village, there are also class distinctions. In order to stimulate the residents of Yinren Village, Yang Jian specially stipulated that the lower ninjas can move to the inner village to live, but they can only be individuals. Living in Neicun, children can receive higher education for free. If they reach the level of johnin, they can even take in servants. People in Neicun can enjoy the food grown in a special way, which can effectively enhance their physique and increase the chance of becoming a ninja.

Of course, the residents of Yinnin Village try their best to enter the inner village to live. It is very difficult to use normal methods, but they can also use tricky methods, such as becoming a family member with a certain Chunin, or serving as a servant for a certain Jōnin.

Although Kidomaru and Ukon Ukon are not very old, they have already reached the level of Jonin, and they are also Otokage's confidantes. For ordinary villagers, those are golden thighs.

These people who are afraid of poverty will of course try their best to get involved with them, so if these people have daughters in their families, they will try their best to instill some ideas, such as being handsome is useless, only strength is king .Then, the two-headed and six-armed weirdos like Kidomaru and Ukon Ukon are said to be extremely talented, very cool, and worthy of being with each other for a lifetime.

It's nothing for one person to say that, and it's nothing for two people, but if ten, hundred, thousand or even tens of thousands of people say that, then the fake will become true. After a long time, these girls The aesthetics of women have also been distorted, just like in the Tang Dynasty, it was not the fault of Concubine Yang Guifei who regarded fat as beauty, and there was also the so-called three-inch golden lotus. In order to make the feet smaller, women endured great pain to bind their feet , are all the same.

After the patrol team passed by, Orochimaru came out from the corner and continued to walk towards Uchimura, but he still remembered the previous scene in his mind, and then discovered something else.

The profession of ninja, in the eyes of most people, represents killing, so even if everyone knows that ninjas are superior, but you will instinctively reject them when they come into contact with them, even Konoha, which is known as the most prosperous ninja village, where ordinary residents come into contact with ninjas There is still a kind of instinctive fear when I am still cautious.

But what Orochimaru saw just now was completely different. Those villagers actually pointed and made irresponsible remarks in front of the ninja, but in their eyes there was a kind of respect from the heart, no fear, only approval, and ... Longing!

Orochimaru didn't know that Yang Jian had issued some strange regulations in Yinnin Village. For example, to be promoted to a ninja, one must not only have matching strength, but also need to make corresponding contributions.

Of course, the so-called contribution is not a big deal. You only need to do some small things within your ability to promote a ninja. There is one person who often helps the elderly to plow the land and cook, and another one supports two orphans. After the inspection, the others will help others more or less in normal times. There is no problem with their character, so they are directly promoted to Genin. Chunin, Jonin, if you want to be promoted, you have to do more and more difficult contribution tasks.

And after becoming a ninja, you don’t earn money entirely by completing tasks. You can also become a worker. For example, an earth ninja can build roads, a water ninja can water the ground, a wind ninja can generate electricity, and a fire ninja can burn boilers, etc. Wait, the money earned may not be as much as doing tasks, but it is better to be safe. Many ninjas have chosen this path.

After several years of hard work, the village's attempt to integrate civilians and ninjas has worked, so the villagers are no longer afraid of ninjas, because their neighbors or a farmer who waters the ground may be a powerful ninja. Using techniques to work is several times faster than ordinary people, and can create more value, so civilians have changed from fear of ninjas to respect.

After a long time, the ninjas got used to all this. Yang Jian used various methods to integrate the ninjutsu practice of the ninjas in the village into their daily life. How can the most accurate control and maintain the flame temperature when using a fire to burn a boiler?How to make the ground more even when using soil to build roads?How to ensure that the crops in the field will not be damaged when watering the ground? Unknowingly, their strength has increased, but I haven't noticed it yet.

Just when Orochimaru was thinking about his own thoughts, he had already arrived at the Audiovisual Building, but he did not go back to his office, but walked through the building to an empty place behind, and then went underground along a passage.

Soon Orochimaru came to the door of an underground laboratory, and was about to open the door to enter, but heard two people arguing inside.

"Your request is simply impossible to achieve, the chakra transmission system, signal coverage, audio and video transmission, this is simply a fantasy, and the power machinery you mentioned, there is not enough chakra transmission material, the output is limited, or give up You have an impossible idea."

"I don't care. In short, your task has been given to you, so you have to make what I want, and I will give you half a year at most, otherwise, what do I need you for?"

"Impossible, I can't do it, quit! Or you just let me die."

"It's up to you, you owe me two lives, even if you die, you still owe me one life, so even if you die, you have to finish the work first, or I will have to trouble Your parents are dead."

"Damn it, how many times have you threatened me with this matter? Even if you saved my parents, you don't need to say it every day. This is not the reason why you work better than me."

"You owe me two lives!"

"Okay! Okay! I'll try it, but half a year is too short."

"You owe me two lives!"

"Damn it, don't talk about it, half a year is half a year, but you have to prepare a few more talents in this field for me, or..."

"You owe me two lives!"


"You owe me two lives."

"Oh! I'll try my best..." The voice finally gave in, full of frustration, and weak, one can imagine the other party's mood.

Orochimaru listened to the conversation between the two inside, with a smile on his face. This is not the first time this happened, and the result is the same every time.

Orochimaru certainly wouldn't miss a good show, especially if the loser wanted to come to disagree with him and take this opportunity to hit him.

"Hello, Yang Jiansang, and Xie Sang, long time no see." Da Shewan smiled and greeted a red-haired and a black-haired young man in the laboratory, both in their twenties.

In the world of Naruto, what Yang Jian obtained was the body of the oily girl. Naturally, it was the black-haired young man, but the identity of the black-haired young man was surprising. Scorpion, and also a member of the Akatsuki organization, but now he joined Yinnin Village and became the head of the Mechanical Development Department of Yinnin Village. In addition, he is now a real flesh and blood body, not the puppet body of the original plot.

As for why Scorpion joined Otonin Village, it is actually very simple. After Orochimaru found him, he said directly: I can resurrect your parents, and Scorpion obediently left with Orochimaru.

Reviving the parents of the Red Sand Scorpion is not difficult for Orochimaru and Yang Jian. Orochimaru can be said to be the top scientist in the Naruto world. Coupled with the technology that Yang Jian brought from other worlds, the combination of the two is even more powerful.

The first step of resurrection is to use the cells of the parents of the red sand scorpion to create two clones.

In the second part, Orochimaru was supposed to reincarnate the souls of the parents of the scorpion with the dirty soil, but soon found that this step could be saved, because the souls of the parents of the red sand scorpion were actually sealed in the two puppets of the father and the mother.

Regarding this point, Yang Jian was also very surprised. He could only guess that after the death of Xie's parents, the love for his son in his soul resonated with Yu Xie's longing for his parents, and he actively merged into the two puppets.

In the third step, just take the soul out of the puppet and integrate it into a new body.

Then Xie honestly worked for Yang Jian and Dashewan in Yinnin Village, which is why Yang Jian said you owe me two lives and said you owe me two lives.

Chapter 87

When Xie saw that it was Orochimaru who came, his face immediately turned dark, especially when he saw the serious look on the surface of the other party, but the smile that could not be hidden in his eyes, he didn't know that he was eavesdropping outside just now.

Scorpion and Orochimaru used to have a bad relationship when they were in the Akatsuki organization. To be precise, there is no good relationship with Orochimaru in the Akatsuki organization. So after joining Otonin Village, Scorpion and Orochimaru met each other, and now they are ashamed The other side looked at him again, not to mention how bad the mood was.

"I haven't seen you for more than two months. How long has it been? What are you doing so soon? The village is the same with or without you. Wouldn't it be better to just stay outside for the rest of your life?"

Orochimaru didn't care about Xie Na's words again, and didn't refute, just smiled and said: "Just now I heard you said that the development of the puppet machinery department encountered difficulties, do you need my help?"

Immediately, Xie's face turned darker. Dashewan's words were meant to help on the surface, but in fact they hit the vital point. It's fine to lift the pot without opening it, and to help. This is to look down on him as the puppet genius. If a master in mechanics needs the help of a layman like Orochimaru, where will Scorpio lose face?

"How can you help? In terms of puppet machinery, if I say the first, who dares to say the second, so why don't you stay!"

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