"I am not as good as you in terms of puppets, but the problem now is the lack of chakra conduction materials, right? I have some ideas about this. If my guess is correct, there may be a way to obtain a large amount of chakra conduction materials. Are you sure? need my help?"

Xie suddenly looked confused, wondering if he should ask the next question, if he turned to Orochimaru for help, wouldn't that be like lowering the other party?

"Okay, stop teasing him, just say what you think, I should still have some face." Yang Jian looked at the troubled Scorpion, and took the initiative to help him out.

"You've said that, how can I not give you face, it's actually very simple, what I said is that the chakra conduction material is gold dust, and now the bloodstain boundary of the fourth Kazekage is magnetic escape, but it is slightly inferior to that of the third Kazekage First, the advantage is that you can use the magnetic force to extract the placer gold in the ground.”

The red sand scorpion's eyes lit up immediately, and at the same time, he felt a little regretful. As a former member of the hidden sand village, he didn't think of gold dust. It was really inappropriate.

"Then what are you waiting for? Hurry up, let's go to Sand Hidden Village to kill the Fourth Kazekage, let me make it into a personal puppet, and control him to get gold dust, so that we will have inexhaustible chakra transmission materials "The Red Sand Scorpion became more and more excited as he talked, and he didn't care at all whether doing so would have a bad impact on Hidden Sand Village.

"I said, are you addicted to killing Kazekage? It doesn't matter if you kill a third-generation Kazekage, and now you want to kill the fourth-generation Kazekage. Your parents are in the village. They still have a deep understanding of Shayin Village." Feelings, your grandma is still alive, and she is still a high-level person in Shayin Village, so you are not afraid that they will be sad if they find out."

Xie suddenly shuddered, looked back, and breathed a sigh of relief after confirming that his parents were not there, "I'm sorry, I was too excited, what else should I do? I know the bad temper of Kazekage in the past. If you cooperate with him , he will definitely open his mouth like a lion, the Land of Winds is really too poor, and basically those who cooperate with them cannot escape the fate of being blackmailed."

Orochimaru showed a look of embarrassment. With his current strength, it is actually not difficult to kill the fourth Kazekage, but he can't kill him silently. After all, he is the shadow of a village, and the guards around him There is a lot of power, once you do it, there will be a big commotion, if your true identity is exposed, it will be bad, you must know that Orochimaru is Konoha's S-level rebel ninja, and the scorpion is similar, belonging to the S of Hidden Sand Village. In addition, they broke away from Akatsuki's organization and offended Nagato. If the second child who claimed to be a god came to Yinnin Village to perform a Super Shenluo Tianzheng, the entire Yinnin Village would be destroyed. .

Unless the strength of Yinnen Village is exposed, directly fighting against Sand Yin Village and crushing it, the chance of winning is at least [-]%, but in this way, the strength of Yinnen Village is displayed in front of everyone, which will naturally cause other forces Paying attention is very detrimental to the future development of the village. Now is not the time for Yinnin Village to explode. It is necessary to develop in a low-key manner to accumulate strength and prepare for the future catastrophe in the ninja world.

On the surface, Yang Jian also looked troubled, but in his heart he didn't care too much, because there was less than half a year left before Konoha's Chunin exam. Although he didn't know exactly what it was, Yang Jian knew that it would happen soon There is an opportunity. In the plot, the fourth Kazekage was killed by Orochimaru, and then borrowed his identity to participate in Konoha's Chunin exam, and he deceived everyone. This shows that Orochimaru was killed without anyone knowing After four generations of Fengying, now with Yang Jian's help, it will definitely be smoother.

"Okay, let's put aside the matter of dealing with the Fourth Kazekage for now, and think of a way after we go back, and see if we can solve it in a more peaceful way." Yang Jian pretended to persuade.

"I don't think you should have any illusions about this aspect. Who else knows Sand Hidden Village better than me. Unless you conquer them, or you pay more benefits from your side, otherwise you will not give up if you want them .”

"Okay, let's stop here, the next thing is my business." Dashewan didn't want to continue to struggle with Sidai Kazekage, so he interrupted the conversation between Yang Jian and Xie, "It took me more than two In a month's time, I took Xianglin to wander around the five great ninja villages, and caught more than a hundred Baijue, all of which are here."

Orochimaru took out a seal scroll, opened it and lifted the seal, a series of bang bang bang sounded, and after the smoke passed, white corpses appeared in the open space of the laboratory, piled up into a hill.

Orochimaru looked at Yang Jian and said: "As you guessed, Bai Jue has been sending avatars to monitor the ninja villages. Most of them are hidden underground or among trees. Even Xianglin's Kagura Mind Eyes must be carefully investigated to find out. I found out that I paralyzed them with carefully prepared biological toxins, and then I dug them out one by one, a total of [-] Baijue corpses, um, five of them were of the Jōnin level, and twelve of the Chunin level. One, the others are at the ninja level, are they enough?"

Yang Jian mentioned Bai Jue's corpse before, felt it carefully, and then said: "That's enough, using these Bai Jue as materials, extracting their cell essence is enough to create a set of life-growth equipment for shadow-level powerhouses. Well, even though you have awakened Mu Dun in your final work, it is still a failure in the final analysis. Now his strength is only at the elite ninja stage. Even if his strength improves in the future, the shadow level is his limit. This life The self-recovery speed of the breeding yang escape chakra is extremely fast, which is enough for him to use. If he really enters the level of the shadow class, combined with the breeding equipment, he can exert the power of the peak of the shadow class, even It is the three generations of the strongest period that he can defeat."

"That's good. After the biological reproduction equipment is ready, I will send it to Konoha for the final settlement, and I will not owe them anything in the future." There was a trace of determination in Dashewan's eyes, as if to completely cut off the relationship between the past and the past. The fetters of leaves.

The red sand scorpion said with some disdain: "To be honest, I really didn't expect that you Orochimaru would care about such things as feelings. If you want me to say that you don't need to be so troublesome at all. Since you betrayed Konoha, then you will be Enemies, if you encounter them in the future, you will kill them all, so why pay back the favors."

Orochimaru did not immediately refute Xie's words, but looked forward, with memories in his eyes, "If it was before, I really wouldn't care about these things, but since I saw the method of spiritual cultivation from Yang Jiansang, I have been very touched. , if you want to climb to the highest level, you must complete your mind, no matter whether your goal is right or wrong, there must be no flaws in your mind."

"Spiritual practice? Don't you want to be like those monks, stop joking, okay?"

"This has nothing to do with monks. Spiritual practice is not the monopoly of monks. At the beginning, I just wanted to make up for the defects in my soul after reincarnation. I didn't expect to have unexpected gains. I have a This kind of feeling, if you want to make your strength go further and surpass the Kage class, the state of mind is very important, and the bond I want to cut off is not Konoha, but because of my teacher Sandai Hokage."

"Why, three generations have kicked you out of Konoha, and you still can't let go of that old man."

"Some things can never be let go. In fact, I don't feel that I owe Konoha anything. Although Konoha has trained me, I have also fought for this village for many years, and I have paid off long ago. Only for the third generation teacher, I still I feel indebted to him, so I want to give him one last shot."

Yang Jian looked at Orochimaru and couldn't help but nodded. Indeed, Sandai really had nothing to say about Orochimaru. Sandai was definitely a competent Hokage, who devoted his whole life to Konoha.

The third Hokage has almost been dedicated to the public in this life, and has not done any selfishness, but he has shown favoritism towards Orochimaru. When it was revealed that Orochimaru was doing human experiments, he deliberately let him go. A thorn in his heart.

Speaking of the three apprentices of the Three Hokages, the reason why they accepted Tsunade was to win over the Senju clan, and the reason why they accepted Jilai was also to win over the civilian ninja forces. Only Orochimaru is the apprentice who really wants to accept, without any utilitarianism .

When Yang Jian was talking with Scorpion in Orochimaru, he pushed out an instrument from another room. The precision of this instrument was astonishing. It looked like a ball full of tentacles, with a pipe underneath. The glass jar is attached below.

Yang Jian connected the tentacles of this instrument to a glass pool filled with liquid, measuring three meters in length and width, and about two meters in height. Yang Jian mentioned Bai Jue's corpse from the side and threw it in. The ablation visible to the naked eye breaks down.

When Dashewan saw Yang Jian making a move, he immediately stopped to talk to Xie.Some hesitated: "Is it just the two of us? Don't you call Beiliuhu and Shennong to help?"

"No need, the instrument has been adjusted a long time ago. You only need to throw these white corpses in to extract the essence of their bodies. Now Shennong is busy with the manufacture of artificial tailed beasts. It has reached a critical moment and cannot be separated from the body." .

As for Beiliuhu, he has made another breakthrough in his Ghost Luoya technique. He has already fused four kinds of blood succession boundaries, and is preparing to fuse the fifth one. Anyway, the two of us are completely busy, so we won't bother them. "

Orochimaru was no longer obsessed, and got busy with Yang Jian, throwing a white body into the glass pool every once in a while, and under the instrument, drops of white liquid-like substances dripped down and fell. into the jar below.

Xie didn't step forward to help, but just watched from the sidelines, because he was only good at mechanical puppets, and he didn't know what Orochimaru and Yang Jian were doing now, so joining rashly might be a disservice.

Time passed quickly, an hour passed in a blink of an eye, and it took about half a minute for each corpse to decompose. It was not until the last Baijue corpse was put in that the instrument did not have any accidents, and Yang Jian and Dashewan were relieved.

At this time, the jar below was already filled with a white, liquid-like jelly. Orochimaru carefully took out the jar, closed the lid, and sealed it with a scroll.

"I didn't expect it to be so easy to succeed. It's incredible to me that it went so smoothly."

"Easy!" Yang Jian chuckled, "Do you really think it's easy? Think about how much preparation we've done and how much effort we've put in before, let's just talk about this instrument, how many failures during the manufacturing process Again, there is still a lot of luck involved in being able to succeed in the end, do you still think it is easy now?"

In fact, no matter how lucky you are, you will not be able to manufacture this high-precision instrument in front of you. Even in a few decades, it will be out of reach with the technology of Naruto World. The reason why this instrument can appear is entirely due to Yang Jian. For the sake of cheating, many of the parts were made with the help of Yang Jian, the little sheep.

Orochimaru came to his senses, nodded and said: "Indeed, I was thinking too much. The reason why we were able to succeed is on the basis of this instrument. Without it, everything is fantasy, and with the precision of this instrument To the extent that it is impossible to make a second one, sometimes I wonder if this instrument is a masterpiece of God."

This time, Xie rarely disagreed with Dashewan, but said to Yang Jian with a face of approval: "To be honest, I have never admired anyone in my life, but I can only say that you can make this instrument." I am willing to bow down, some of the parts are so precise that I feel dazzled when I look at it, maybe this is really a masterpiece of God, let me show it with your hands."

The Scarlet Sand Scorpion has also studied this instrument, and even tried to imitate it, but it failed, and the failure was very thorough. He couldn't make those parts at all, but it was not without gains. Although the imitation failed, but through these Parts research has greatly enhanced his puppet manufacturing technology, which is acceptable.

Orochimaru put the scroll in his arms, and said, "I'm going to Konoha to solve the matter over there as soon as possible. I'll leave the matter in the village to you."

"Go, go, it doesn't matter if you are in the village or not. When have you ever been in charge of something these past few years? Didn't you spend all day in the laboratory, thinking how important you are to the village, and the village can still operate without you?" " Scorpion waved his hand impatiently, expressing his contempt for Orochimaru by the way.

Orochimaru curled his lips and didn't say much. After putting away the scroll, he walked towards the door of the laboratory, but just as he approached the door, he heard a rush of footsteps outside, and quickly took a step back.

The door was knocked open with a bang, and a figure rushed in, shouting: "It's not good! It's not good! There's something wrong with Zero Tail, please help me take a look, what should I do?"

Chapter 88

The person who broke into the laboratory was an old man with white hair and a black hat on his head. He was looking anxious at this moment.

Dashemaru looked at the old man and asked: "Shen Nong, what are you doing? Are you in such a hurry? You almost hit me!"

It turns out that this old man is Shennong, the leader of Kong Nin. In the original plot, he developed the technique of regeneration and created Zero Tail. Don't look at his benevolent look, but in fact he is a proper villain in the original plot.

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