Kong Ninja is a group of ninjas who master the ability to fly in the sky with iron wings. They are called "flying techniques" and pay attention to the ninjas who attack with modern weapons. They were defeated by Konoha Ninja Village in the Second Ninja World War. However, they did not completely die out. The survivors at that time fled with the air base Angkor Fortress and lived in seclusion behind the scenes. Want to destroy Konoha.

Shen Nong had a good plan, but unfortunately Yang Jian didn't give him a chance. A few years ago, he went directly to the door and asked him to join Yinren Village.

At that time, Shennong refused very embarrassingly, especially after knowing that Yang Jian came from the big family of Muye Village, the oil girl clan, he directly wanted to kill Yang Jian.

Of course, Yang Jian would not be polite to a shameless person like Shennong. He went up and beat Shennong fatly, and even sealed the zero tail he summoned, and then gave him two choices, either die or die. Either surrender!

Needless to say, the final result is that although Shennong is quite old, he has not lived enough and does not want to die, so he can only submit to Yinren Village honestly. Although Yang Jian has been away from the Younv Clan for many years, after all, he is himself. Naturally, Shennong will not let Shennong continue to retaliate against Konoha, and Shennong's plan will come to nothing.

However, Shennong surrendered on the surface, but he was definitely unwilling in his heart, and Yang Jian didn't care about it. Yang Jian believed that he had his own strength and could completely suppress Shennong. He goes to hell.

In the past few years, Shennong has been very honest, and he has made a lot of contributions to Yinnin Village. After all, his medical ninjutsu is also among the top people in the entire Naruto world, and he has saved countless people. An excellent scientist who has made great contributions to the study of biology and chakra.

In addition, there are empty ninjas who have been incorporated into Yinnin Village. They are rare flying troops in the ninja world. Together with a super air base, the strength of Yinnin Village has been greatly enhanced.

Of course, Shennong did not suffer either. After joining Yinren Village, he deliberately enjoyed the resources of the village. The air fortress was actually seriously damaged and has not been repaired. However, with the resources provided by Yang Jian, in just a few years time It has been repaired, and many weapons have been added, which are even worse than those in the heyday.

In recent years, Shennong has been busy researching his artificial tail beast, that is, Zero Tail, which has entered the final stage, and when it is about to succeed, something went wrong again.

"Come on, let's go see what's going on?"

Yang Jian immediately ran out of the experiment together with Shennong. Orochimaru and Chisha Zhixie glanced at each other and followed. They were also very interested in artificial tailed beasts, so Orochimaru temporarily put aside their own affairs.

The four of Yang Jian came outside, and a six- to seven-meter-long airship was already waiting there. The airship originally belonged to Kong Nin's equipment, but after joining Yin Nin Village, it naturally became Yin Nin's.

However, Kong Nin’s original airship has a big flaw. It uses chakra as its energy source, but the airship does not store much chakra at one time, and the energy utilization rate is low, so the flying speed is not fast, and the flying distance is also limited. You have to return frequently to replenish energy.

After Yang Jian introduced them to Yinren Village, of course he would not just watch these defects without improving them. You must know that Yang Jian came from the age of advanced information and knew a lot about various advanced flying equipment in later generations. Just a little exposure is enough These forbearance benefited for life. .

Yang Jian and Xie teamed up to upgrade the airship. Xie remodeled the whole and used lighter materials. Yang Jian applied the sealing technique of the Vortex Kingdom to it so that it could store more chakras and even make When it comes to recycling, adding chakra once can keep flying for several days, and then the original old-style airship was directly eliminated.

After Yang Jian's suggestion, there are different types of airships, some for one person, some for two people, and even larger ones that can hold more than a dozen people. The airship in front of me is a large one.

The four of them got on the airship immediately, and the front pilot stepped on the foot, and the airship flew into the air immediately, bringing a strong wind, and flew towards the mountains behind Yinnin Village.

The airship passed through a forest, and then through a canyon, and came to a valley. Soon Yang Jian and the others were attracted by a huge, dark monster that looked like a python in the middle of the valley.

The giant beast seemed to be enduring unimaginable pain, its body was constantly twisting, and it let out a roar. Around the giant beast, each of the sound ninjas wearing eight-note forehead protectors pressed their hands on the ground, constantly inputting data. Carat, formed runes one by one and slowly gathered around the giant beast, forming a huge sealing circle to trap the giant beast. Needless to say, the giant beast is naturally zero-tailed.

Yang Jian didn't wait for the airship to land, and jumped down from above. After landing, he quickly came to Lingwei's side, checked the situation of Lingwei carefully, and then stretched out his hand to grab it. A black flame emerged from Lingwei's body. Flying in front of Yang Jian, he just floated in mid-air and burned.

"You actually burned it with the fire of Amaterasu. No wonder something happened. What the hell are you doing?" Yang Jian stared at Shennong and asked.

Shen Nong was a little afraid to look at Yang Jian. After Yang Jian's repeated questioning, he hesitated and said: "That... Actually, I got the inspiration from the method you said to ignite the fire to become a god, and I want to make this This method is applied to Zero Tail to make it a real tailed beast. Don’t you think that Zero Tail’s current situation is very similar to what you said about the belief in becoming a god? Collect thousands of beliefs in one body and ignite the divine fire to temper and condense Godhead, the god of immortality, so I plan to try it with zero tail."

Yang Jian was so angry that he hung Shennong up and beat him up on the spot, and scolded: "Don't you listen to only part of what I say? I said that lighting the divine fire will condense the godhead, but there is a premise. Before lighting the divine fire, First of all, you must form your own domain, otherwise the essence transformed by the power of faith will dissipate after being calcined by the divine fire. Without the suppression of the domain, it will not be able to condense, let alone form the so-called godhead. Similarly, Chakra is somewhat similar to the power of faith. , but it’s completely different, how can it be successful if it is directly calcined with the fire of Amaterasu, and there is no domain?”

Yang Jian is also very curious about Zero-Tail. After special research, he found that Zero-Tail is not a real tailed beast. After being killed by Konoha because of a large number of Kong Nin, the remaining chakra gathered to form a monster. chakra aggregates.

It has to be said that Chakra is a very magical power, which can be placed on human consciousness, and there are too many ninja Chakras in Zero Tail, and each ninja's Chakra has a different consciousness, which cannot be unified and coordinated. The only reason why they gather together and not disperse is because of the hatred for Konoha. If one day their hatred is resolved, these chakras will dissipate, and Zero Tail will no longer exist.

In general, it was not Shennong who created the zero tail, but an accident. It was only later that Shennong continued to collect chakra and integrate it into it, and this group of chakra aggregates continued to grow, forming the current scale.

Since Zero-Tail was originally based on the chakra that initially contained hatred emotions, Shennong would also use chakras with similar properties and negative emotions for fusion in later collections, so Zero-Tail can also be regarded as an aggregate of resentment.

After Yang Jian had an insight into the mystery of Zero Tail, he wondered if he could become a real tailed beast and integrate the different consciousness contained in these chakras into one.

After careful consideration, Yang Jian really thought of a way. In ancient times, it is said that there were no gods, but in the later period, human beings felt fear or worship for certain natural phenomena, and began to pray to them, and these emotions were transformed. Became the power of faith.

Faith contains a little bit of human thoughts. When the power of faith is condensed to a certain level, these thoughts will give birth to a consciousness, which is the prototype of a god, who is endowed with a priesthood by humans. When one day his power becomes strong to a certain level After that, it will ignite the divine fire to condense the godhead and become a real god.

If we compare the consciousness in chakra to the power of faith, if we find something similar to divine fire for calcination, can it also extract its essence and discard its dross? Can this method transform Zero Tail into a real tailed beast? .

Of course, Zero Tail is based on the resentful Chakra. Even if it becomes a real tailed beast, it is an evil tailed beast.

Yang Jian casually told Shen Nong what he thought, and Shen Nong began to study it as if he had found a treasure. Well, Yang Jian also specifically warned him that this method is not completely suitable for tailed beasts. Come, but unexpectedly, Shennong couldn't bear it anymore and took this step.

"I said a few days ago, why did you ask me for Amaterasu's fire, and you said that it was just to study, this is what you call research, do you know how much effort I have spent to get Amaterasu's fire? I ran to I had a fight with Uchiha Itachi before luring him to use Amaterasu, and it was wasted here for me."

Yang Jian had no reason not to be angry. Shen Nong had ignored his words. Could it be that he was too loose with him, making Shen Nong so bold?

"Don't be angry! Don't be angry!" Shen Nong nodded and bowed quickly with a smile, handed a scroll to Yang Jian, and said, "The fire of Amaterasu is still there. I just released a part of it. Unexpectedly, something happened, so I sealed it again." The scroll put away the fire of Amaterasu, only a little wasted, and the rest is here."

"It's not too bad!" Yang Jian snatched the scroll and put it in his arms, his expression improved a little.

"My lord Yang Jian, then hurry up and think of a way for me! If this continues, Lingwei will really collapse. This is my painstaking effort for many years, and you must save it." Shennong said in the end, his voice trembling. With a hint of crying.

Yang Jian looked at the constant struggle there, and the zero tail of howling was also a headache. After all, this is a powerful combat force, so it's a pity to give up like this, but if you want to save it, how can you save it?

"Generally speaking, your thinking is correct. Using this fire of illumination to calcine can completely replace the role of divine fire, because the fire of Amaterasu is a kind of Yin escape chakra, which can burn the spirit and soul. In theory, it can indeed burn the chakra Incinerate the consciousness of the chakra, so that the zero and zero chakras can be completely integrated to form its independent and unique consciousness. The key is that there is no domain to prevent the essence from dissipating when the chakra is calcined. Didn’t you think of it at the beginning?”

Shen Nong said with an aggrieved face: "Actually, I set up a barrier, but I didn't expect the fire of Amaterasu to be too strong, and the barrier was burned."

"What did I say? How could you make such a low-level mistake? It seems that the key issue now is how to find a special container that can withstand the burning of the Amaterasu fire and recondense the tempered Chakra."

"Field, space, confinement!" At this moment, Shennong seemed to have thought of something, and looked at Yang Jian eagerly: "Can your red gourd withstand the burning of the fire of Amaterasu? Tempering in the fire of Amaterasu should allow Zero Tail to evolve, right?"

But Yang Jian quickly shattered Shennong's fantasy, "No! On the one hand, I have other uses for the red gourd, so I can't use it here. On the other hand, the red gourd is already the limit for sealing tailed beasts. The chakra will become extremely violent, and the red gourd may not be able to bear it. When it explodes, the power will be dozens of times stronger than the tailed beast jade, and it will be reduced to ashes in a radius of more than ten miles. I dare not take risks. "

The red gourd that Yang Jian and Shennong talked about is naturally the treasure in the hands of Jin Jiao and Yin Jiao in the original plot, and the props left by the Immortals of the Six Paths. Summon them, and then control them to channel out all four treasures. Among them, Yang Jian values ​​the red gourd the most.

However, what Yang Jian just said was actually a lie to Shennong. In fact, the red gourd in Yang Jian’s hands is now somewhat different from the original red gourd. Yang Jian sent the red gourd to the chaotic space. The space is huge, even if it is to seal the ten tails, there is a lot of confidence. Needless to say, there is no danger of explosion if there is only one zero tail. It's just that this gourd is Yang Jian's trump card and has other uses.

"Is there really no other way? No! I'm not reconciled. There must be another way. Please, think again."

Yang Jian looked at the pitiful Shennong, and couldn't bear it. He lowered his head and pondered for a while, and suddenly thought that there was a treasure that seemed very suitable for Lingwei's current situation. The treasure left by the Sage of the Six Paths can completely replace the role of the domain.

"Actually, there is no way, but a special treasure is needed, which is also left by the Sage of the Six Paths."

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