"What is it? Tell me quickly, we will grab it now."

"Its name is—the Bliss Box!"

Chapter 89 Ghost Lantern City

"Bliss Box!"

It was Orochimaru who called out first, "I've heard of it. In Konoha's database, there was an introduction about the Bliss Box. It is said that any wish can be fulfilled. A long time ago, someone used the Bliss Box to summon a person called The monster of 'Enlightenment' is even stronger than the Tailed Beast, almost unifying the world."

"That's right, it's the box of bliss, but the so-called fulfillment of any wish is just a lie. It absorbs human fear as energy, and finally develops 'enlightenment', because there is an ability called fear perception, which can read Taking other people's inner thoughts, you can perceive the enemy's attack in advance, and come up with a way to deal with it, which is indeed more difficult than mantissa."

"Don't talk nonsense, tell me where is the box of bliss?" Shennong saw that Yang Kan and Dashewan hadn't got to the point, and suddenly became a little anxious, and couldn't help urging.

"The Bliss Box is in Ghost Lantern City."

"Ghost Lamp City!" Orochimaru asked suspiciously, and then remembered the information of Ghost Lamp City: "Isn't there a prison for criminal ninjas entrusted by various countries to Caoyin Village? They actually put... wait, you just said bliss The box relies on absorbing the fear of human beings as energy. Those prisoners were imprisoned in the ghost lamp city and tortured. They must be full of fear. It seems that Caoyin Village has deceived everyone. They have been using the prisoners as the box of bliss Supplementing energy, must be calculating something."

"No matter what they plan, we need it now, so hurry up and grab it, don't delay any longer, let's go right away!" Shennong couldn't help urging.

Yang Jian coughed twice, cleared his throat, and then said solemnly: "How can you say robbing? We just learned that Caoyin Village conspired to disrupt the ninja world. In order to maintain world peace and destroy their conspiracy, we took the Bliss Treasure Chest back. public."

The three of Dashewan rolled their eyes at the same time, admiring Yang Jian's shamelessness, they would grab it as soon as possible, and they said it so righteously, those who didn't know really thought he was something good.

Yang Jian ignored the three pairs of white eyes, stepped forward a few steps, stretched out his hands and pressed them to the ground, and shouted loudly: "The eight trigrams seal!"

Ever since he got the seal scroll of the country of vortex, now when it comes to the sealing technique, Yang Jian said that he is the first, and no one in the ninja world would dare to say that he is second.

Following Yang Jian's movements, black sealing runes appeared around the palm of his hand, spreading rapidly, forming black chains, wrapping round and round around Lingwei's body, and soon completely sealed it .

"Okay, there are not many Amaterasu fires in Lingwei's body, this seal can last for three days, if it takes longer, it will probably be burned through, so we have to get rid of the extreme box within three days return."

Orochimaru: "Do you need my help?"

Scorpion: "I can also make a shot."

"No, the trees of the two of you are too conspicuous, and it is easy to reveal your identities. Now Caoyin Village is still in the development stage, so it must be low-key, so this time I go to Ghost East City, Shennong and I are fine, Shennong. This time you Don't drop the chain..."

"Don't worry, there is absolutely no problem. This is the end of the relationship. My lifeblood. Even if I risk my life, I will take back the Bliss Box. Whoever dares to stop me is my enemy."

"Alright then, let's go!"

Shennong recruited his deputy, a strong man named Yangtai, and after a few words, he and Yang Jian boarded a two-person airship, and with a gust of wind, it soared into the sky, and soon disappeared.

Only Orochimaru and Scorpion were left in place. The two glanced at each other without saying anything. Scorpion returned to the laboratory and continued to do research, while Orochimaru sneaked out of Otonin Village by himself and headed towards Konoha. .

In the original world, Yang Jian was very envious of those drag racing gangs, who drove away with the wind in luxury cars, leaving only a group of people behind to eat ashes.

But at that time Yang Jian was just a poor dick who couldn't even afford a car, let alone drag racing.

But now Yang Jian can confidently say to all drag racing gangs, it's not that I look down on you, but that you are all scum.

What is drag racing?Lao Tzu Biao's is an airship. Yang Jian and Shennong are both well-known people in Yinren Village, with high positions and powers. Of course, the airship they are riding on is the best.

Yang Jian took the initiative to take responsibility for the driver, stepped on the accelerator to the end, the speed was as fast as lightning, and the speed was not enough to describe, even if he tried to fly to some remote places to avoid the eyes and ears of ordinary people, he went through a lot of injustice However, because the speed is fast enough, it only took half a day to reach Ghost Lantern City.

Yang Jian's family chose a hidden place to land and hid the airship in a cave. As soon as they got off the airship, Yang Jian heard Shennong behind him vomit, bent over to support the wall, his legs still Trembling, unable to stand still.

"I said that you are quite old, so don't hold on to it. If you can't bear it, just squeak quickly. I will slow down. Why do you have to endure it?"

"Sorry, I just thought, ugh... I just hope that I can get the Box of Bliss sooner... ugh..."

"All right! I know that you want to get the Bliss Box as soon as possible so that you can go back and save Lingwei. Now that you have arrived at your destination, you are not in a hurry. You should clean up a little bit first, and then do it when you recover. Next It's a big battle, we must keep the team in full swing, or else something unexpected happens, don't let your old arms and legs capsize in the gutter."

Shen Nong's face turned dark, is Yang Jian cursing him to die?

Yang Jian ignored Shennong, and took out a scroll from his bosom. After breaking the seal, there was a bang, and three gadgets appeared, a crystal ball, a remote-controlled plane that shouldn't have appeared in Naruto World, and a handle.

There is a crystal eye at the front end of the remote-controlled plane. Yang Jian pressed a switch, then dropped the remote-controlled plane casually, and controlled it to fly out of the hole with the handle. Passed by the crystal eye.

The aircraft flew straight into the sky, and soon came to the top of the ghost lamp city, and transmitted the picture back through the crystal eyes, and the layout of the ghost lamp city was unobstructed.

Shen Nong finally felt a little better, wiped his mouth and came to Yang Jian, looked at the picture in the crystal ball, and couldn't help but admire: "Your ninjutsu is so convenient, it can be used to spy on the enemy, and it can completely make the enemy useless. You can hide."

"This technique is a variant of the Third Hokage Telescope Technique. I learned the principle from Orochimaru and then improved it. It is said that the Third Hokage often uses the telescope technique to spy on women taking a shower. I don't know if it is true."

Shennong glared at Yang Jian angrily, "How is this possible? Do you think the third generation is like you? Although I don't like him, I can trust his character and will never do such a tasteless thing. "

Yang Jian sneered inwardly, and thought to herself: That's because you don't understand the heart of the three-generation old man Mensao. If he was really an upright gentleman, he wouldn't be able to teach him that perverted apprentice.

Of course, Yang Jian would not argue with Shen Nong over such a trivial matter, and the third generation usually pretended so well that no one would believe it even if they said it.

Yang Jian tapped the handle a few times to zoom in on the screen. After searching for a while, he finally found a huge box in Ghost Lamp City. There were four faces of joy, anger, sorrow and joy on the four sides of the box. Yang Jian knew that this was exactly his goal.

"This is the box of bliss. After you rest, we will sneak into Ghost Lamp City and steal the box of bliss."

Shen Nong immediately looked at the image in the crystal ball, and the box of bliss appeared in front of him. Shen Nong said with some embarrassment: "This box of bliss seems to be too big, we want to steal it out without a sound. Impossible, get it and rush in, beat everyone to the ground and grab it?"

"That can't be done. Prisoners from various countries are held in Ghost Lantern City. Many people are not guilty of death. If we kill them all, I don't know how many people will be offended. Let's see the situation at that time. If it doesn't work, I will psychic Ghidorah Come here, let it leave with the box of bliss, absolutely no one can stop it."

"It's definitely okay to let Kidola take action, but won't it expose it? Will it attract the attention of others? If it finds out about Yinnin Village..."

"Don't worry, there will be no problem. You must know that since Ghidorah was born, she has basically been hiding and sleeping in the underground cave outside Yinnin Village. Up to now, only a few of us know of its existence. More than ten indices, as long as we keep our mouths tight enough, there will be no problem."

"So that's the case, then I'm relieved."

King Ghidorah!The ultimate big boss of the Godzilla world appeared in the film and television industry because of Yang Jian.

The little sheep Yang Jian specially bred some embryos of King Ghidorah for research, and Yang Jian of Naruto World wanted to try it out. In this world, what would Ghidorah look like after being eroded by chakra energy?

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