There are too many huge animals in the world of Naruto. Slugs, toads, and snakes can all become giant beasts tens of meters high. How much will the already huge Ghidorah grow to?

In fact, not only Ghidorah, but Muto and Mothra have also appeared in the Naruto world. When they were still eggs, Yang Jian began to cultivate them. In order to provide them with enough chakra, Yang Jian He brought his idea to the dragon veins of the ancient Loulan kingdom, and finally hatched all three monsters with the help of the endless chakras of the dragon veins.

The three monsters passing by were not as huge as Yang Jian imagined. Ghidorah stopped growing when he reached a height of more than [-] meters, while Mothra and Muto were only [-] to [-] meters.

Of course, the height of the three of them has surpassed the tailed beast, and each has its own unique ability. Even the weakest Mothra can match the tailed beast. As for the strongest Ghidorah, he can beat the nine-tailed beast every minute.

The three giant titan beasts, Yang Jian, only sent Ghidorah to Yinnin Village. As guardian beasts, they are usually asleep. As for Muto and Mothra, Yang Jian has other arrangements.

Time passed unknowingly, the sun went down, and the sky gradually darkened. Shennong came to rest. After a few hours, he returned to normal. Yang Jian and Shennong ate some food together to replenish their strength. They waited until late at night to slowly recover. Infiltrate the ghost city.

Since the two had already explored the topography of Ghost Lamp City during the day and found the safest route, the infiltration went very smoothly, and it didn't take long before they arrived at the place where the Box of Elysium was stored.

Speaking of which, Ghost Lantern City's protection of the Bliss Box is a bit lax, and Bei is outside so swaggeringly. Of course, this cannot be entirely blamed on them, because the Bliss Box is so huge, and it has been sealed. If you put a maple leaf tree with ordinary power, others can't steal it even if they want to, so even the guards were withdrawn.very

Seeing the huge box of bliss in front of him, Shennong stretched out his hand to touch it, and couldn't help showing a trace of excitement on his face, but something went wrong again with this excitement.

As the Lord of Ghost Lantern City, Wu Wei is a powerful elite Jonin. He was originally a high-level figure in Caoyin Village. He once thought that for the revival of Caoyin Village, he could give everything, even his own son, so he initially When sending Wupei into the Bliss Box, he didn't hesitate much.

But it wasn't until he lost his son that Wuwei realized that he was wrong and his son's place in his heart, so Wuwei regretted it and missed his son very much in his heart. If he could get his son back, he would give everything.

Wuwei began to think of ways to save his son, gave up the comfortable life in Caoyin Village, gave up most of the rights, and came here to become the lord of Ghost Lamp City, and then continued to torture these criminals, using their fear to give the Box of Elysium To replenish energy, I hope that one day after the Box of Bliss absorbs enough energy, I can make a wish in exchange for my son.

Wuwei stood on top of a tall building, looking at the huge box of bliss in the center of the square, remorse, despair, loss... various emotions surfaced on his face one by one.

When will I be able to save my son?Maybe it will never be possible, this is the punishment of the heavenly team, just punishing me is enough, Wugou shouldn't bear it.

Just when Wuwei fell into deep thought, two figures strode towards the box of bliss.

Wuwei didn't notice anything unusual at first, because there are often people patrolling the ghost lamp city, and occasionally some people are curious about the box of bliss, so it's normal to check it out.

Wuwei shook his head, and when he was about to leave, he suddenly realized that something was wrong. Although the distance between the two people was a bit blurry, but when the other person walked, there was a faint aura, this is someone who has been in a high position all year round Only people can have it, there is absolutely no such person in Ghost Lantern City.

Wuwei immediately became alert, jumped down from the top of the building, and ran towards the Bliss Box quickly, feeling a little anxious in his heart, knowing that the Bliss Box could be related to the life and death of his son.

When Wuwei saw the appearance of those two people clearly, he was even more sure that the other party was not from Ghost Lantern City, and he had no impression at all.

"Who dares to break into my Ghost Lantern City, come and take them down for me!!"

Chapter 90 The Power of Fear

Yang Jian and Shennong didn't expect that they were discovered at this critical juncture, even though they were going well before. At this time, Wuwei had already killed him with Kunai.

Wuwei's voice just now alarmed the others, and the piercing siren sounded. It won't be long before a large number of ninjas guarding the prisoners from Ghost Lantern City will rush over. Although Yang Jian and Shennong are not afraid with their strength, there will definitely be some troubles , especially the possibility of revealing his identity, which is not what Yang Jian wants.

Both Yang Jian and Shennong knew that the battle must be resolved quickly. Shennong gritted his teeth and said, "I'll stop him, and I'll hand over the Box of Bliss to you. You must get it."

After Shennong finished speaking, he suddenly turned around, roared and killed Wuwei, even though he was an old man, his movements did not have the slowness of an old man, and his fighting style was extremely tough. He had no intention of avoiding the kunai stabbed by Wuwei. He raised his arm and punched Wuwei with a punch, which hurt both sides as soon as he came up.

Wuwei was frightened for a while, this person is too desperate, although Shennong wears a mask on his face, he can't see his real appearance, but the exposed white hair and somewhat hunched body prove that the other party is already an old man, why?Are the old people so fierce now?

Afterwards, Wuwei felt ruthless in his heart, and thought to himself: Is it possible that I, a young man in his 30s, are still afraid of you, an old man?It's your life, isn't it?Who is afraid of whom!Let's see who falls first?

Wuwei thought in his heart, without any hesitation in the movement of his hand, he grabbed the Kunwu and stabbed Shennong's chest in the next step, but before he had time to be happy, Shennong's fist was already on his body, Wuwei twisted his body a little, avoiding the vital point , was hit by the shoulder and flew out, hitting the wall with a bang, and his body was embedded there.

As an elite Jnin, Wuwei's strength is second only to Kage-level. Although Shennong's punch was heavy, it was not enough to kill him. Enduring the pain, he twisted his body and pulled himself out of the wall. Shennongshi saw a scene that surprised him.

Shennong's chest was pierced by Kunai. Originally, this kind of injury would definitely make people lose their combat effectiveness even if they survived, but Shen Nong didn't seem to feel the slightest, and stretched out his hand to pull out Kunai. Then the wound on his chest squirmed, and the naked eye recovered. Come here, and healed in just three seconds. If it weren't for the broken clothes and blood on his chest, Wuwei would have thought he was hallucinating just now.

What Shennong used just now is of course the regeneration technique he developed with painstaking efforts. This secret technique can accelerate cell division and regeneration in a short period of time, and heal the wound at the cost. Of course, the disadvantage is that it consumes vitality and shortens people's lifespan.

Shen Nong obviously also knew the disadvantages of rebirth, he was already old, if this technique was used too much, it would definitely be fatal to him.

However, in the years since Shennong joined Yinren Village, Yang Jian has provided him with resources and conducted countless experiments.Through countless experiments, I found it in life.The way to make up for the vitality, as long as the vitality is not exhausted all at once, can be replenished slowly through some special food after returning home. This is also the reason why he dared to work hard.

Wuwei felt a bitterness in his heart, the opponent is completely immortal, how can he fight this?The best solution is to pretend to be ignorant and let the other party snatch the treasure chest of bliss, because Wuwei can tell that the other party is here for the treasure chest of bliss, but Wuwei thinks that his son is inside, if the treasure chest of bliss is stolen If you snatch him away, you will never be able to save your son, so you must never give up, even if you die.

At this time, the prison guards in charge of guarding the prisoners in Ghost Lantern City had already surrounded, and Wuwei immediately shouted: "Everyone obeys the order, do your best to protect the treasure box of bliss, and don't let the enemy take away the treasures of our village."

Under Wuwei's command, the ninjas guarding the prisoner in Ghost Lantern City were divided into two, one part charged at Shenlong, and the other charged at Yang Jian who was already approaching the Bliss Treasure Box.

Shennong's face showed murderous intent, anyone who prevented him from taking the treasure chest of bliss and saving Lingwei was an enemy, and he shouted: "Eight Gate Dunjia, open!"

Huge chakra burst out from Shennong's body, surrounding his body, and his whole body instantly turned into a stream of light, charging back and forth among the enemies, and the ninjas in Ghost Lantern City fell to the ground screaming and screaming as they passed. There were scars drawn on his body, and those who were unlucky died directly.

Shennong completely ignored the enemy's attack. It can be said that he killed one thousand enemies and self-injured eight hundred. His body was also full of scars, and his clothes were dyed blood red in a blink of an eye. However, because of the regeneration technique, the seemingly terrible wounds It will heal soon, and then continue to charge.

Shennong's Bamen Dunjia came from Orochimaru. At the beginning, Dashewan was also very curious about this powerful secret technique and asked the third generation for advice. However, after research, he also knew the limitations of Bamen Dunjia, especially for the body. Harsh requirements, also gave up.

However, Orochimaru kept in mind how to practice Bamen Dunjia, and later found that it was very suitable for Shennong, a person who has the art of regeneration. He wanted to see how far Shan Shennong could develop Bamen Dunjia, and told him the practice method Shennong.

I have to say that Shennong is indeed very suitable for Bamen Dunjia, because the technique of regeneration can offset the damage caused by Bamen Dunjia. In theory, Shennong can open up to eight doors, but as a price, the vitality will be consumed rapidly. If it cannot be closed in time, It will die if it lasts for a minute at most, but this is already a remarkable achievement.

Of course, you don't need to work so hard to deal with the ninjas in Ghost Lantern City. Shennong only opened the sixth gate. Relying on his immortal body, he dared to fight and fight hard. Jane's people stopped them all.

Yang Jian calmly came to the Bliss Box, took out a scroll, opened it, held the scroll with one hand, and pressed the other hand on the ground, a large number of black sealing runes emerged, spreading rapidly, and soon climbed up to the Bliss Box. The box is like a chain.

Yang Jian tried to seal the Bliss Box into the scroll, but soon discovered a problem. There seemed to be a force resisting inside the Bliss Box.

Yang Jian tried to increase the power of the seal, but the longer he resisted, the stronger it became. With Yang Jian's current attainments in sealing techniques, he couldn't seal it.

He is worthy of being a treasure left by the Sage of the Six Paths, and it is no wonder that Cao Yinfeng almost unified the world with the help of the Box of Bliss.

The Bliss Box not only stores powerful power, but also has a huge space inside. If you want to seal the Bliss Box, it is equivalent to pulling one space into another. The sealed space must be larger than the Bliss Box.There must be a sealing space larger than the space of the Bliss Box, which Yang Jian can't do with his current strength.

Yang Jian sighed helplessly, and was about to withdraw his hand to find another way, when suddenly a ray of consciousness came into his mind, it was actually a voice for help.

"Help me, save me! It's so dark and scary here..."

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