Yang Jian's heart moved, and a ray of consciousness extended along the voice of asking for help, only to feel the surrounding scenery once again, and in a blink of an eye, he had already come to another dark space, and at the same time endless fear was born, as if someone was directly stuffed into his mind generally.

If it is an ordinary person, if a lot of fear is drilled into the brain, it will probably lead to a mental breakdown, but Yang Jian is different. Although it is a clone, when it was split, the main body has already reached the golden fairy realm, and even After touching a trace of Da Luo's artistic conception, how could he be easily affected by this little fear.

At this time, Yang Jian already understood that this space must be the inside of the Bliss Box, the place where fear gathers.

After adapting to the dark environment, Yang Jian looked around and found that there were many phantoms around, and there were terrible images everywhere, as if there was nothing, and there seemed to be countless human faces, ferocious, ugly, and deformed The dead, incomplete, rotten, crawling with maggots, indescribable and unimaginable, and the corpses of various beasts, in short, everything that humans are afraid of can be found here, and they are constantly pieced together and dissolved together, like a torrent. Endless fear invaded.

Yang Jian found that he seemed to have underestimated the Box of Bliss a little. The power of fear here seemed to have given birth to a rule, and Yang Jian's state of mind began to be affected, and the fear in his heart surged like a sea tide. The thought was actually going to occupy his self-consciousness, covering up all his perceptions.

Yang Jian's consciousness has become a little heavy at this moment, but it can't help Yang Jian, this is a competition of spiritual consciousness, Yang Jian has never been afraid of anyone, and quickly took a mind seal that does not belong to this world with both hands. One of the nine seals, staring at him, seemed to have a flash of light, and quickly regained his clarity. The fear in his heart was suppressed by Tan Hua, and those terrifying images could no longer affect Yang Jian.

Yang Jian floated in mid-air, wandering in this space in a leisurely manner, eating fish instead.From time to time, I met figures, but they were not the phantoms before, but real existence, but they were not life, but walking corpses. Yang Jian didn't feel the slightest anger on them, that is to say, they were all It's a walking dead, who has been dead for an unknown number of years.

After some searching, Yang Jian finally found the source of the distress signal. It turned out to be a little boy, or a young lady, who was hiding in a corner, with his body curled up and his head between his legs. , sobbing.

"Little guy, what's your name? Why are you crying here?" Yang Jian walked up to the little boy and asked.

"Who?" The little boy seemed to be frightened by Yang Jian's voice, and jumped up from the spot. After seeing Yang Jian, he was surprised at first, and then surprised again, "Who are you? Why are you here? You came to save me Is it?"

"It was the question I asked first, and you should answer it first."

"I... My name is Wugou, I was sent here a long time ago."

"What! You are Wugou, Wuwei's son? You are still alive." Yang Jian was surprised. It has been a long time since Wugou was sent to this space. The shroud should have collapsed long ago, and it was a miracle that a child like Wugou survived.

In the Naruto plot, Wuwei made a wish to the Bliss Box and resurrected his son. In fact, it was not resurrection, but "Enlightenment" occupied Wugou's body and absorbed Wugou's memory. The consciousness that really belongs to Wugou has long been Otherwise, he would not be so heartless towards Wuwei and Long Tong, and would kill them if he made a move, but now the little guy obviously still has his own consciousness, how did he support it until now?

Yang Jian carefully looked at Wugou, and used his mental power to explore every part of his body, and soon finally found a trace of abnormality. A strange sealing circle was carved on his abdomen, and strands of red light came from the sealing circle. Emanating from the formation, it was this ray of light that dispelled the darkness in Wugou's heart, and also dispelled his fear. Although there were still some remnants, it did not have much impact on Wugou.

At this time, the sealing circle formed by using the fire attribute chakra seems to be able to absorb the energy in the box of bliss, and it keeps working, and I don't know the reason.

"Little guy, how did you get this seal on your body? Can you tell me?" Yang Jian pointed to Wugou's abdomen and asked.

"Seal?" Wugou lowered his head, opened his tattered clothes, saw the red magic circle on his stomach, thought for a while and said, "My father helped me engrave it on it. After I came here, I can occasionally seal it. I heard my father talking, but no matter how I yelled, he couldn't hear me and couldn't communicate, but every time he would say to find a way to save me from here, so I have been waiting."

"So that's how it is." Yang Jian had to sigh. Although Wuwei sent his son into the Bliss Box with his own hands at the beginning, he really loved Wugou and left a seal, which gave Wugou a chance of life. Regret and longing for his son, the extreme emotions actually penetrated the box of bliss, resonated with the sealing circle he left behind, and passed on what he wanted to say to Wugou.

""uncle!can you get me out of hereIt's so dark in here, I want to see Dad. "

As Wugou said, he stretched out his hand to grab Yang Jian, but his hand passed through Yang Jian's body, because what came here was only the image of Yang Jian's consciousness manifested, and the real body was still outside the box of bliss .

Wugou was startled, and hurriedly took a few steps back, "Uncle, are you a ghost?"

"I'm not a ghost, just a wisp... Forget it, I can't explain it to you, but I can't save you from leaving. Of course, you don't have to despair. There is still a chance to escape from here, and this chance will come soon. It will come, the key is whether you can grasp it, everything depends on yourself..."

"On my own? Uncle. Please tell me what to do?" Hearing that he had the opportunity to leave here, Wugou's eyes widened immediately, and he looked at Yang Jian eagerly.

"Fear is terrible in everyone's eyes and is hated by everyone, but in fact it is not evil in itself. If you can use the power of fear well, it is your best friend, just like It’s like a little friend, always accompanying you, fear will make you jump farther, run faster, and your body stronger. It has given us countless gifts, but these gifts need to be overcome It can only be obtained, so you don't reject fear, but accept fear, understand fear, overcome fear, and finally master fear, understand?"

After all, Wugou was still young, so he couldn't understand Yang Jian's words, so he blinked his eyes in confusion.

"Simply put - make friends with fear!"

Chapter 91 Obtained the Box of Bliss

"Friend! Fear?" Wugou's wide-eyed eyes seemed to suspect that he had heard wrong.

"That's right, it is to be friends with fear. In my opinion, fear is a gift from God. We understand fear, face fear squarely, and the greatest significance of making fear to fear is to let people fight and win!

Because of our fear of natural disasters, we will try our best to study survival skills and resist the innumerable disasters. Because of the fear of the law, we will prevent those who have evil intentions from committing crimes. Those who are afraid will try their best to avoid getting hurt.

The same is true for your father, because of the fear of losing you, he overcame obstacles and worked hard to save you from this endless hell. He tried his best to save you and made him extremely powerful. Through the barrier of this space, the voice is transmitted, so if you want to leave here, you must make yourself stronger. Only by accepting fear, overcoming fear, and then mastering fear can you be qualified to leave here. "

"I know, I will work hard, and I must overcome my fear." Wugou was limped by Yang Jian, and he was full of energy, looking like he was going to fight hard, and he no longer cried like before.

Yang Jian wanted to say something more, but at this moment, a sense of weakness suddenly came, and her figure became a little lighter and became a little transparent.

Yang Jian immediately understood that this was due to the excessive consumption of mental power. After all, this was just a ray of consciousness, which did not contain much spiritual power. If he continued to stay here, he might be communicated by the power of fear here. Unable to transmit the situation inside the Bliss Box to the main body, and will lose this ray of consciousness, and the spirit will be traumatized.

"Okay, little guy, let's stop here. Before we leave, I will give you a gift, maybe you can use it."

Without waiting for Wugou to say anything more, Yang Jian took a strange seal with both hands, and shouted loudly: Here!Then point it on Wugou's forehead.

Yuan Gou just felt a heat on his forehead, and then a comfortable feeling came into his heart, and he couldn't help but close his eyes.

One seal in the nine-character motto of Taoism has the magical effect of keeping the body and mind still and guarding the will. After coming to the world of Naruto, I found that when ninjas use ninjutsu, the seal seal is somewhat similar to the seal seal of Taoism. I wanted to try it. Unexpectedly It's really rewarding. Although there are only two or three seals that can be used due to the deviation of the rules of different worlds, it is already a big surprise for Yang Jian.

After doing all this, Yang Jian took a last look at Wugou, and a figure with manifested consciousness turned into a stream of light and returned to the original path, disappearing in a blink of an eye.

What happened in the Bliss Box is very long to say, but in fact it was only a short moment. Yang Jian regained consciousness, opened his eyes again, and found that the war was still going on, but most of the people had been defeated by Shen Nong , only Wuwei led a dozen people to besiege Shennong, but judging from their appearance, it was more like being hanged and beaten by Shennong.

"How is the situation? Can you do it? Haven't sealed it yet?" Although Shen Nong had the upper hand, it was caused by him at the cost of consuming his vitality. Seeing that Yang Jian hadn't sealed the Box of Bliss until now stand up,

"This box is weird. It can resist my seal. We can only use the second plan. Just hold on for a while, and it will be fine soon!"

After Yang Jian finished speaking, he immediately began to form seals, Hai, Xu, You, Shen, Wei, "Psychic art!"


In an instant, a huge white smoke surged out, covering the surrounding area. Although it was late at night, there was a bright moon in the sky, and the ghost lantern city was brightly lit, so the situation on the battlefield could be seen clearly.

But as the huge white smoke billowed up, the surroundings became dark. After the white smoke gradually drifted away, a huge monster with a height of [-] meters appeared in front of everyone, dragging out a long shadow.


Wuwei and all the ninjas of Ghost Lantern City under his command stopped at the same time, stood under the huge shadow, raised their heads and stared dumbfounded...

As an elite Jōnin, Wuwei is well-informed and has seen the power of the tailed beast with his own eyes, but at this moment he suddenly feels like a frog in a well, why has he never seen it before?Have you never even heard of such a powerful psychic beast?In front of this behemoth, Wuwei felt his own insignificance for the first time, even the strongest nine-tailed beast among them.It is also far less than the behemoth in front of me.

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