Yang Jian just stood there without moving, as if he had been frightened stupid, until the huge snake tail was about to approach, Yang Jian suddenly raised his hand and snapped his fingers.


An astonishing scene happened, Lingwei actually forcibly stopped his tail, less than one meter away from Yang Jian, after moving his tail away, a pair of big eyes blinked at Yang Jian, after a long while, he actually said: "You are, uncle?"

Yang Jian smiled, and showed a kind smile at Lingwei, "Little guy, how is it? I told you that as long as you seize the opportunity, you can leave there, am I right?"

"That's right, that's right, I really came out, thank you so much uncle, I will repay you..."

Yang Jian and Lingwei were talking happily there, but Shennong, who was standing on top of Lingwei's head, looked dazed, and it took him a while to react. He stomped his feet and shouted: "You idiot, where are you? What are you doing? Hurry up and kill him, do you hear me?"

At this time, Wugou's consciousness is in charge of Lingwei's body, and when he heard Shennong's words, he became angry, you actually asked me to deal with uncle, this is my savior, I will kill you first.

Lingwei shook his head vigorously, throwing Shennong out like a cannonball, and smashed a big hole in the ground with a bang.

When the flying dust dissipated, Shennong's figure was revealed, and Shennong Yang was lying there, his whole body aching as if he was falling apart.

Fortunately, his regeneration technique worked, and he recovered in only a dozen seconds. He stood up struggling, stared at Yang Jian and asked, "What did you do? Why is Lingwei not under my control? Give me Zero Tail back, you shameless thief."

Chapter 93 Shennong's Rage

Shennong was about to go mad with anger. After decades of hard work, he managed to create zero tails, but judging from the current situation, it seemed that he had made wedding dresses for others.

"I see, you've been scheming against me from the very beginning, and you've prepared Zero Tail Jinchuriki in advance, you're so despicable, shameless, lowly, bastard..." Shennong hopped his feet angrily, saying all the curse words he could think of out.

Yang Jian shrugged, and didn't pay attention to Shennong's words, "I didn't do anything deliberately, I just went along with the flow and took care of a little guy. I didn't expect him to help me in turn. Maybe it's just that good people get rewarded, of course. Even without him, I still have a way to subdue Zero Tail, well, Mugou, you look too awkward like this, go back to human form."

Because the acupuncture points were sealed, Wuwei who was lying on the ground and could not move suddenly widened his eyes. If it wasn't for being unable to speak, Wuwei would have screamed, wondering if he was hallucinating, because he was calling his son's name just now ?Is Wugou still alive?Escaped the Bliss Box?

When the Box of Bliss was broken, Wuwei didn't find his son. He was already in despair, his eyes were dull and his heart was ashen, and he just wanted to die, but at this moment, hope was ignited in his heart again. The sound made by this tailed beast just now is very similar to my son, could it be...

Soon, Wuwei's guess was confirmed, Lingwei's body shrank smaller and smaller, and finally disappeared completely, and a child who was only twelve or thirteen years old appeared on the spot.

"Wugou! It's really Wugou. My son is still alive. It's great, it's great!" Wu Wei shouted crazily in his heart. The emotion in his heart is beyond words. If it wasn't for being unable to move, he would wish to stand Get up and jump down to express your joy.

Yang Jian seemed to have guessed what Wuwei was thinking, and came to his side, stretched out his hand and tapped twice, Wuwei felt his body heat up and regained his ability to move.

"Wugou!" Wuwei jumped up and rushed out, opening his hands to give his son a warm hug.


Then an embarrassing scene happened, Wugou waited for his father to approach, and suddenly punched him on the chin, Wuwei was thrown high, and then hit the ground heavily, stirring up a cloud of dust.

Wugou seemed to feel that the punch was still unrelieved, so he rushed up to ride on Wuwei's body, and smashed down with one punch after another. Soon Wuwei was beaten until his nose was blue, his face was swollen, and his eyes were slanted. Asymmetrical, and then hit one of the eyes with another punch, and then stood up after confirming that the two were symmetrical.

"Cool!" Wugou yelled, and immediately felt refreshed and thoughtful.

"You bastard, do you have a father like you? Send me to that broken box, where there is no day and night, do you know how I have lived these years? I am suffering from boundless fear all the time in that ghost place, and I can't wait to see you immediately." Die, if I can't hear your voice every once in a while, knowing that you regret what you did back then, the first thing I do after I come out is to kill you first."

Although his body was in terribly painful pain, Wuwei shed tears of joy and laughed loudly, but this laugh affected the wound, and he gasped in pain.

But Wuwei was really happy, Wugou's words just now showed that he didn't deny himself as his father, and that was enough.

"I'm sorry, son, I've been regretting my original decision, and I promise I will never do it again." Wuwei sat up as he spoke, hugging Wugou, tears streaming down faster and faster.

Dirt still had anger in his heart, but being hugged by his father was so powerful, feeling the warmth of his father's embrace, the anger in Wuwei's heart dissipated unknowingly.

At this time, Shennong also guessed the truth of the matter, and said through gritted teeth: "It turns out that there are still people alive in the box of bliss, which allows you to take advantage of the loophole, but don't be complacent, it's not certain who will have the last laugh."

Yang Jian looked at Shen Nong with a half-smile, "Why, don't you have any means, just show it to me."

"You seem to have forgotten what this place is. This is the gathering place of our Kong Nin. Now the people here are all my cronies. Kong Nin obeys the order, kill them, and take back the zero tail. As long as we take back the zero tail, we will definitely be able to Destroy Konoha, take revenge, and use the power of Zero Tail to unify the world, the glory of Kong Nin is in front of you, kill!"

As the former leader of Kongren, Shennong is highly respected. Even after he joined Yinren Village, he was not deprived of power, and still commanded the original Kongren. He thought that as long as he ascended to the top, all Kongren would respond.

But what happened next was embarrassing. Shen Nong gave an order, but found that there was no movement at all. He couldn't help turning his head to look at the crowd of Kong Nin around him, and found that they all lowered their heads and didn't even look at Shen Nong, as if they didn't listen at all. to the order in general.

"You...what's the matter with you? Why didn't you obey my order? Are you so difficult that you don't want to take revenge? Have you forgotten the relatives killed by Konoha? Only with the help of Zero Tail can we have a chance of winning, Now kill them and get Zero Tail back, do you hear me?"

But still the same as before, those people didn't intend to do anything at all. Although there was a trace of guilt on their faces, they were very determined, which made Shen Nong's heart cold.

"What happened to you guys? Yota, tell me why you betrayed me?"

Yangta is Shennong's deputy. After Shennong joined Yinnin Village, most of his energy was spent on researching zero-tail and regeneration techniques. Naturally, the management of Kongnin was relaxed, and most of the power was delegated to Yota. Now that everyone has betrayed, they must have something to do with Yang Tai, at least Yang Tai is an insider.

The guilt on Yangtai's face still did not disappear, but she raised her head firmly and said to Shennong: "Leader, give up, don't continue to live in hatred, we have a better life, everything will be fine , don’t make any more mistakes.”

"Why? I am avenging your relatives. Am I wrong? Have you been threatened?"

"Not being threatened, this is our own choice, we don't want to live in hatred anymore, everyone has been by your side all these years, you tell us every day that Konoha is the murderer of our relatives and our enemy.

In order to take revenge, we tried our best to collect funds and repair the air fortress. We didn’t have enough food and clothing every day, and sometimes we didn’t finish the last meal. Many people starved to death because of lack of food. We are really fed up with this kind of life. up.

Konoha destroyed Kong Nin, so it is only natural to take revenge, but that is a matter of your previous generation. Although we have hatred, it is not as serious as yours. We don't want to continue to live for hatred. "

Shen Nong's face became more and more ugly. The battle between Kong Nin and Konoha took place in the Second Ninja World War. At that time, most people died in the battle. Now they are still alive. There are not many people who have personally experienced the pain of that war. The newly born Kong Ren has gradually grown up over the years. Their hatred for Konoha is only from the stories of their elders, and it is not as deep as that of Shennong's generation, so it is not unacceptable to give up the hatred.

"But your parents and relatives all died at the hands of Konoha Ninja, can you really let it go?"

"Although it is a bit contemptuous to say so, in fact, we have indeed let go. There should never be hatred in the ninja family. It is normal for you to kill me and I to kill you. The moment you become a ninja, you must be ready to die. Prepare.

We are tired and don't want to live that kind of life anymore. Now there is a better life waiting for us. After coming to Yinnin Village, most of us have formed a new family with a beloved wife and lovely children. We don't want our children to go through the grief we used to. We hope that our children will eat well, sleep well, receive a good education, give them a happy home, and live happily. So the leader, I can only be sorry up. "

"Good, good, good! You are worthy of Yang Jian, the wise man who developed a small village of Yinren Village into the most prosperous Ninja Village, I admire it!" Shen Nong said in admiration, but his eyes were full of grief and indignation, looking at his former subordinates, and again Turning around and looking at Yang Jian, "It's really scheming, you used this despicable method to corrupt their hearts while I was busy doing research."

Yang Jian looked at Shennong with contempt, and said, "I'm worried about your EQ, and I still don't know where I lost, so don't make me think so dirty, in fact, I didn't ask them to do anything , They took the initiative to integrate into Yinnin Village, there is no Kongren in this world for a long time, only the air force of Yinnin, you haven’t noticed it for so long.”

"I was deceived by them because I was blind, but even if you recruit them, what's the use of them? They have long since lost their ambitions in a comfortable life, just like a lion without claws, weak and powerless. Not fit to be a ninja."

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