"I don't need ninjas. I didn't lose my minions. Instead, they sharpened them even more. They just hid them. In the past, they lived for hatred and needed to expose their minions to deter the enemy. Now their The purpose is to protect, to protect one's own family, if someone dares to harm the village or their relatives, the power they will unleash will be beyond your imagination."

"You do the same thing, just like Konoha's hypocritical guys, they are all farting. Since they will betray me today, they will also betray you in the future."

"It is indeed possible, as long as someone provides them with a better life and makes their children happier, if so, I will betray, but I don't think anyone can do this, I will do my best Make the village better and make them live a happier life so that they will never betray."

Shennong looked at his former subordinates, they all had expressions of approval, full of hope for a better life in the future, which made Shennong's face even more ugly.

All of a sudden, Shennong's heart was constantly changing, anger, embarrassment, and helplessness... Finally he couldn't help it, and shouted: "You should all be damned, Bamen Dunjia, Jingmen, open!"

Shennong opened the eight-door Dunjia to the sixth door, his body turned into a streamer and rushed out, stretching out his hand to grab the neck of his once most trusted deputy, Yang Tai, and it was a killer move as soon as he came up, obviously wanting his life.

In Shennong's heart, Yang Tai is the most hateful person, because he is a traitor. Although Shennong also hates Yang Jian, it is only because the enemy has been defeated by Yang Jian. Compromise.

Since they are enemies, it is normal for both sides to use more insidious tricks, so Shennong's hatred for Yang Jian is much less, and he hates Yang Tai who betrayed him even more.

Yang Tai didn't have time to react, Shennong's speed was really too fast, he could only watch Shennong's claws approaching his throat, could not help closing his eyes and waiting for death to come.

At this moment, Yang Tai didn't have much fear in his mind, but it was a pity, because he thought of his wife and son, and he couldn't protect them in the future, and he couldn't protect the smiles on their faces.

boom!There was a loud noise, but Yang Tai found that he didn't feel any pain, so he couldn't help but opened his eyes, and found that a hand had grabbed Shennong's wrist, preventing him from getting in, so he saved his life.

"Master Yang Jian!" Yang Tai exclaimed.

Naturally, it was Yang Jian who grabbed Shennong's wrist. Without any ninjutsu blessings, Yang Jian was one step faster than Shennong who had opened the sixth door of the eight Dunjias by relying on his physical strength alone.

"He's my subordinate now, if you kill him like this, wouldn't it be embarrassing for me?"

"Then I'll kill you together. Don't think I have no cards. I'll let you see it today."

Shennong made a few seals with his hands, and it seemed that a certain seal had been untied. A powerful chakra appeared in his body, which belonged to the zero-tailed chakra, and he actually sealed a part of it in his body in advance.

Shennong's body has undergone earth-shaking changes visible to the naked eye. His hair began to turn black from the roots, and his thin body began to swell. He quickly changed from an old man to a strong man, worth more than eating pig feed. quick.

Shennong's original clothes were torn, with strong arms, huge pectoralis major, and eight-pack abs side by side. In modern society, he is definitely a bodybuilder.

"This is another way of using the technique of regeneration. I have strengthened my muscles through repeated destruction and regeneration. As long as I master this principle of regeneration, I can get stronger muscles while being destroyed, and I will always Evolution continues, but every regeneration needs to consume vitality, which will make people grow old quickly. I couldn't solve this problem at first, but then I got your vitality research data, which solved the last defect. Now let You can experience the power of my body that has been strengthened countless times."

Shennong felt his anger was burning, his chest was about to explode, and he secretly vowed to smash Yang Jian's body into thousands of pieces, otherwise it would be difficult to dispel the hatred in his heart.

Chapter 94

Accompanied by a sound explosion, Shennong disappeared instantly, and when he reappeared, he was already in front of Yang Jian. The speed was extremely fast, and he punched Yang Jian's head.


Yang Jian raised a hand seemingly casually, and held Shennong's fist, "If there is anyone in the world who understands the body best, I would say that no one dares to say that it is the second, otherwise how can we study it?" Out of the mystery of vitality, I attach more importance to physical exercise than anyone else, because no one knows better than me how powerful it will be after exercising the body to the limit."

"You bastard!" Shen Nong looked at Yang Jian bitterly, he didn't expect his powerful punch to be blocked so easily, his heart became ruthless, and he clenched his fist with the other hand and punched it.

Crack, the second punch was blocked again, Yang Jian grabbed the two huge fists and forced them to separate, Shen Nong was suddenly exposed, and Yang Jian kicked Shen Nong in the chest.

Shennong's chest sank directly, he vomited blood and flew back backwards, rolled a few somersaults on the ground, barely stopped, struggled to stand up, at this time Shennong's clothes were torn, and his chest was sunk by Yang Jian's kick The injury recovered in an instant.

"I admit that I really underestimated you. Although I knew before that your strength is definitely not easy, but you rarely make a move. Even if you do make a move, you can easily solve it. I have never tested your true strength, but It doesn't matter, I must be the one who wins in the end."

"So confident, can you tell me about the source of your confidence? Why are you still so arrogant?"

"Because I haven't used all my power yet, I have to say that Orochimaru has done a good deed. I have contributed to the secret art of fighting eight gates. You don't realize the power of this secret art at all. I only open it up to now. The sixth door is so powerful, what would happen if it were the eighth door?"

"Even if you open the eighth door, it's useless. At most, it's just costing your life. If a ninja who is proficient in physical arts cooperates with the eight-door armor secret art, I'm not sure, but you, forget it, give it to me." No matter how powerful you are, what about your lack of combat skills, and the Bamen Dunjia in your hands is like a child holding a magic weapon, so what's the point if you can't even wield it."

"It doesn't need to be so troublesome, as long as you have enough speed and strength, this is the crushing of absolute power. I don't need those fighting skills."

"Really? Let's wait and see."

"You will see, the seventh door, startling door, open!"

The chakra on Shennong's body was even more violent, and rushed towards Yang Jian, punched out, and the air spread into a circle visible to the naked eye, blasting towards Yang Jian fiercely.

"Look at me using softness to overcome rigidity, and using strength to fight!" Yang Jian drew a circle with both hands slowly and quickly, forming an independent force field to enclose the power of Shennong's punch, and then pulled it around in a circle, blasting On Shennong.

This time Shennong was hit on the stomach by his own fist, and the injury was worse than before. He smashed a mountain wall and stopped. It took almost half a minute to recover this time.

Yang Jian didn't take advantage of the victory to pursue, but just stood there and waited until Shennong recovered, before he said, "Well, as I said before, it's useless to have a good body without corresponding fighting skills."

"Don't be complacent, it was just your luck just now, I won't give you another chance, Super Active Fist!"

Shen Nong held a dark purple chakra circle in his outstretched palm. The center of the ball was so dark that it was shiny, and several chakras like star rings revolved around the chakra circle.

Yang Jian took a deep breath, his body shook, and a ball of chakra with thunder attributes burst out suddenly, and the lightning flashed suddenly, like the god of thunder descending into the world.

At this time, the cells of Yang Jian's whole body became extremely active, swelled a bit, the muscles of the whole body became bulging, and his figure was raised a bit. He rushed out to face Shennong, and at the same time he yelled: "Super... Smash Fist."

boom! ! !

The two figures changed from extremely moving to extremely violent, as if suddenly stopped still, the two fists pressed together, centered on the two of them violently, the air wave rolled up and exploded quickly, blowing away all the people watching the battle .



The two stalemate with each other for a while, and in the end it was Yang Jian's smashing fist that suppressed Shennong's active pass. Shennong's arm was directly smashed into four or five sections by the powder fist, and then the whole person was blown away with a scream, and then It fell heavily on the ground and made a big hole.

"How did this happen? Why do you have such a strong power? I have already opened the eight gates to the seventh gate, why can you still withstand it?" Shennong struggled to stand up, and the technique of regeneration quickly repaired his body Injured, fixed his eyes on Yang Jian and shouted frantically.

Yang Jian shook his head, and said helplessly: "Your vision is still too low, and you can't exert the true power of the Bamen Dunjia at all, and you don't even think about where your Bamen Dunjia came from? Didn't Orochimaru give it to you?" Yes, naturally it is not difficult for me to get the Eight Gates Dunjia, I have been practicing, but my method of practicing the Eight Gates Dunjia is different from yours, through exercise to make the body stronger, and when the body is strong enough, open it one by one Eight doors, and then kept it open until now I have opened the sixth door."

Shennong's eyes widened immediately, and he said in disbelief, "Keep it open all the time, can your body bear it? And since the Eight Door Dunjia has been opened, why doesn't the Chakra overflow at all?"

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