"As long as the body is strong enough to slowly adapt to the impact of those violent chakras on the body after opening the Eight Gate Dunjia, and control them, let the chakra meridians flow in the body. Of course, there must be a prerequisite for this, that is The perfect control of Chakra, so it will not spill out, in my opinion, if you can’t control things like Chakra, it’s better not to have it.”

Of course Yang Jian knew the flaws of Bamen Dunjia, so he would naturally find a way to make up for it. After years of trying, he gained a lot, and finally found a solution with the help of experience from other worlds.

Shennong's face changed for a while, and he looked at Yang Jian with a hint of envy. Of course, he understood the benefits of keeping the door open permanently, but the problem was that as a researcher, he lacked exercise and it was difficult to achieve Yang Jian's state.

"Don't be complacent. Although your eight-door Dunjia is indeed better than mine, you haven't reached the peak yet, and you are only in the sixth door. In order to ensure control of your own chakra, I don't think you can easily open the last two doors. Right? But I have no scruples in this regard, as long as the chakra is strong enough, no matter what kind of enemy it is, it can also be defeated with strength. This is, and it is also what you have said, and now I will let you see my eighth chakra. The power of the door, the eight-door armor, the door of death, open!!"

The more violent chakra gushed out of Shennong's body, his skin turned red, and his hair stood on end, just like a super Saiyan transformation.

It was only because of the influence of this berserk chakra that cracks appeared on the surface of Shennong's skin, and the blood that flowed out was evaporated and turned into clouds of blood mist.

Shennong's body collapsed continuously, and then recovered under the effect of the technique of regeneration, and the cycle continued, enduring unparalleled pain and becoming extremely ferocious.

Yang Jian's face also became serious. The eighth gate is completely different from the previous seven gates, which can almost give people the power of a god. He almost became the man who kicked the finale, and Yang Jian couldn't tolerate being careless.

"Go to hell!" Shennong stomped his feet, the ground collapsed, and he rushed out, his figure disappeared instantly, and the speed has exceeded the limit that human eyes can accept.

Yang Jian was highly concentrated. At the moment of Shennong's action, he instinctively sensed the danger. He turned his body and moved a step to the left, just to avoid Shennong's attack. He felt a strong wind blowing past his body.

Yang Jian knew that Shennong's speed was extremely fast at this time, and if he missed the first blow, the second attack would probably follow. He immediately turned around and prepared to meet him, but he didn't expect to see a scene that left him stunned.

After Shennong's attack was dodged, he instinctively wanted to stop his body from turning around and attacking, but he was in a high-speed movement, but when he used one foot to stop his body forcibly, because that foot couldn't bear the inertia The strength of his body was directly broken, and he directly hit the mountain wall tens of meters away.

Boom! !

A big hole was knocked out of the mountain wall, and Shennong's body was also embedded in it. Under the side effects of the Bamen Dunjia and the violent impact, more than half of the bones in his body were shattered, which is really miserable enough. .

After opening the Eight Gate Dunjia.The violent chakra has been destroying Shennong's body. Although the speed is not as fast as the recovery ability of the regeneration technique, the recovery is very slow, and Shennong has to move for a while and cannot get out.

Yang Jian blinked his eyes, and it took him a while to realize what was going on. Shennong didn't keep exercising hard like Maitkai, and he couldn't control the sudden surge of chakra. This embarrassing situation formed on the wall and gable.

"At first, I wanted to have a good fight with you, but now it seems that I should forget it. For the power that cannot be controlled, it is simply a rootless duckling. It is only powerful on the surface, but it is actually vulnerable to a single blow."

Yang Jian came to Shennong's side with a teleportation technique, and stretched out his hand to press on his back, "Sixiang seal, seal!"

Black runes gushed out from Yang Jian's fingertips one after another, swimming quickly like living creatures, and soon gathered in Shennong's abdomen, forming a circular sealing circle.

Shennong only felt the violent Chakra withdraw into his body in an instant, and was tightly sealed, unable to mobilize a single bit. His body became visibly thinner, and he was obviously much older.

But this is also beneficial, the thin body is easy to pull out from the wall, but at this moment, the god is completely powerless, and falls to the ground with a plop.

"You won, kill me! It's all because these bastards betrayed me, otherwise I wouldn't lose, I curse you to be betrayed by them in the future, you will die worse than me!" Shen Nong kept saying cursed.

Yang Jian squatted down and stretched out one hand towards Shennong. At this time, Yangtai, Shennong's former deputy, came over, thinking that Yang Jianjian had killed Shennong, so he knelt down and begged for mercy: "Master Yang Jian, please let him go, although He did something wrong, but he really paid a lot for us before, please spare his life."

"I didn't intend to kill him, don't worry, he will be handed over to you in the future, now the seal on him is sealed by me, only I can break it, he is equivalent to an ordinary old man now, as long as you don't do it yourself If he dies, there will be no danger, and he will not be able to escape from Yinnin Village."

Yang Jian said while supporting Shennong with one hand, and took out a small bottle containing red liquid with the other hand, opened the stopper and gave the liquid inside to Shennong.

Originally, Shennong forcibly opened the eight-door Dunjia because of performing the regeneration technique many times, and his life force was consumed by half. He was already dying, and his face was terribly pale. Most of his vitality has been replenished.

If someone asks, what is the most vital thing in Yang Jian's hands now?Shennong would probably think it was the cells of the first Hokage.

As a medical ninja, Shennong is of course also very interested in the first generation of cells, and Orochimaru helped Danzo at the beginning.When researching the first-generation cells, I collected some myself. Later, I cooperated with Yang Jian, and the two shared resources.

But Shennong didn't know that Yang Jian and Dashewan had studied a cell with a stronger vitality than the first-generation cells, that is, the cells of King Ghidorah.

In the plot of Godzilla 2, one of Ghidorah's heads was bitten off, but it grew out quickly. The speed of cell division was unbelievable. When Ghidorah was hatched, its recovery ability seemed to have undergone a strengthened mutation. One can imagine how strong its vitality is.

Yang Jian and Dashewan studied Ghidorah's regenerative ability, extracted a unique substance from its serum, added some precious medicinal materials, and finally produced this red liquid that replenished vitality, which was called Yang Jian and Dashewan called it the blood of God.

"Thank you, Mr. Yang Jian. I will take good care of him and won't let him cause trouble." Yang Tai quickly expressed his gratitude to Yang Jian. It is already very lucky for Shennong to have such an ending.

But Shen Nong still seemed a little dissatisfied, glaring at Yang Jian and said: "Don't think that I will be grateful to you if you don't kill me. One day I will defeat you and trample you under my feet to repay today's shame. This time I ignored it. These traitors, you won't be so lucky next time, maybe next time these traitors will be on my side."

Shennong had a sneer on his face, the intention of provocation was obvious.

"It's such a boring provocation. It seems that you still don't know where you lost, so for the next period of time, you should stay in the village honestly and don't do any experiments. Let's take a look at what your subordinates have done before. In the current life, communicate with them more, maybe you will understand."

Yang Jian didn't intend to take Shennong from the beginning. After all, he is a scientific researcher and an excellent medical ninja. Yang Jian understands the importance of talents better than anyone else. As long as he changes to education again, he will definitely be a pillar.

As for whether Shennong can be completely subdued, Yang Jian has no doubts at all, she is just so confident.

In the end, Yang Jian also took Shennong's female apprentice, Aluma, by his side to take care of him. Aluma was Zero-tailed Jinchuriki before that, because Shennong used the original plot as a tool to calculate, and the one who pulled out the tailed beast before At that time, Shennong drank the blood of God to replenish his vitality, and he lived well all the time, so he didn't fall out with Shennong. The relationship between the master and apprentice was still deep, so Shennong didn't reject himself as an apprentice.

Chapter 95

After dealing with Shennong's matter, the next step is Wuwei, Wugou and his son. Needless to say, dirt, he can now be said to be Zero Tail Jinchuriki, and the newborn Zero Tail is like a newborn baby, completely Wugou enough to control, Wugou Kuu is equivalent to a perfect Jinchuriki, able to fully exert the power of Zero Tail.

Lin Wei Feathered Snake perfectly inherited the power that originally belonged to "Wu". It was not the opponent of "Wu", and finally managed to defeat it by relying on Wuwei's sealing technique. The current Feathered Serpent is definitely stronger than "Wu". Of course, it is impossible for Yang Jian to let such a powerful combat power go away in vain.

As for Wuwei, he is also a powerhouse at the level of an elite johnin. Even Konoha, who is the most powerful, is like a pillar. Coupled with his superb sealing technique, if he can subdue it, it will be of great benefit to Yinnin Village. .

When Yang Jian was thinking about how to subdue Wuwei and his son, he didn't expect that the other party had thrown himself into the city. Before Yang Jian could speak, Wuwei dragged his son to Yang Jian.Knelt down on one knee.

"My lord, thank you very much for saving my son Wugou. From today onwards, my life is yours. As long as you need it, just give me your orders. I will not back down no matter it is a mountain of swords or a sea of ​​fire."

Yang Jian was very satisfied with Wuwei's sense of humor, "Very well, from now on you will be the ninja of my Yinnin Village. I will give you three days to arrange everything in Ghost Lantern City. The sealing technique is very interesting, remember to make a copy for me."

"Okay!" Wuwei immediately took out a few scrolls from his body and presented them with both hands.

Yang Jian took it over and looked at it. The Fire Escape·Ghost Lantern, the Fiery Sky Prison, the Sky Prison Fire Sword...these are nothing. The key is that there is also Dragon Life Reincarnation and a unique transformation technique.

Dragon Life Reincarnation appeared in the original plot. Dragon Tongue used this technique to distribute his life to Naruto and saved the protagonist. It is a bit like the reincarnation of Sand Hidden Village, but it doesn’t make much sense to Yang Jian, because Yang Jian and Orochimaru have already developed the blood of God to replenish vitality, which is basically not needed.

The other is the unique transformation technique. After this kind of transformation technique changes into the appearance of other people, it is difficult to distinguish the true from the false, because it can simulate the chakra of the changed character. Yang Jian remembers that in the original plot, it was a The person named Variety turned into Naruto to assassinate Raikage, so Naruto was imprisoned in the Ghost Lamp City.

This kind of transformation technique requires an extremely abnormal level of control over Chakra, but this is not a big problem for Yang Jian.

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