"Hidden Sand Village? That's right. They live in a desert and lack resources. They have always been eyeing the Land of Fire, a land rich in resources. Although they are the weakest in strength, they are the most active in attacking the Land of Fire every time. Even if they are defeated Well, there are not many benefits to be gained in the end, and they will be severely injured in advance, and the ninja world will start another war in the future, which will also calm them down, and even give some benefits if they are lucky, and even give Konoha a powerful helper."

Orochimaru had participated in the ninja world war, made great achievements for Konoha, and even almost became Hokage. Naturally, his vision is not bad, and he instantly understood what the three generations were thinking.

"You are still as transparent as before, if at the beginning..."

"No ifs!" Orochimaru directly hit the third generation's words, "I am living a very good and fulfilling life now, so I will not insult you anymore, and you don't say these ifs. In short, I agree with your conditions. It seems that our master and apprentice There is still a duel between them, so how far do you think you need to be me? In order to fully awaken Konoha, do you need to be killed?"

If it was the previous three generations, most of them would have chosen to let Orochimaru kill him, but now knowing the crisis Konoha is facing, the third generations don't want to die anymore.

"Just give me some breath. I'm afraid I won't be able to go to the battlefield again. After this incident, I will find a way to let Jiraiya or Tsunade take over the position of Hokage. Tsunade is more likely. I can help her while I am alive." Suppressing Danzo, there is one other thing, I hope you can find a way to help Tsunade solve the problem of hemophobia."

"Your request is really enough, but I agree. As compensation, I need some secret arts from the major families of Konoha. Of course, they are not the core secret arts of their families. They are only manifested externally. Even spies can collect them." The kind that arrived, so that there will be no suspicion on you."

Orochimaru and Yang Jian often study and discuss issues about the soul, spirit, and psychology together. They naturally understand that hemophobia is a kind of mental illness. Tsunade escaped because of the death of his brother and lover, not daring to face reality. With Orochimaru's current ability, it is not difficult to cure blood phobia. After all, Tsunade is also a former companion, and he can take the opportunity to benefit from the three generations. Of course, Orochimaru will not refuse.

"make a deal!"

If Orochimaru asks for the family secrets in the village, it is of course troublesome, but those ordinary secrets will be fine. Even if they find that Orochimaru understands some simple secrets of their family in the future, the third generation will have reason to shirk.

Orochimaru was very satisfied with this transaction, and was not in a hurry to return to Otonin Village, so he found a place to rest in the Death Forest, waiting for news from Sandai.

It was a very restless night that night. After Sandai Hokage returned to the village, he anxiously called out Danzo, Koharu, and Mito Menyan, and then scolded Danzo in front of several people. Suddenly, even the two Anbu guarding the gate heard it.

This shocked everyone. It has been many years since the third generation has not made such a big fuss, but after learning what happened, not only the third generation, but also Zhuanzi Xiaochun and Mitomen Yan were also angry. Let's scold Danzo together, you have caused such a big disaster outside, and you still look like a normal person, the eyes of the legendary Sage of the Six Paths!Why do not you go to hell?

Thinking about it makes people frightened. They don't know when the revenge of the leader of the Akatsuki organization will come. They all want to hand over Danzo to calm the other party's anger.

Finally, after some bargaining, Danzo can continue to control the roots, but in the future, actions must be reported to the third generation. In addition, Zhuanzhu Xiaochun and Mitomen Yan will also participate in the root affairs. The main purpose is to monitor Danzo, in case he Make trouble again.

Chapter 98 Konoha Crash Plan

A few days later, when Orochimaru returned to Oto Ninja Village, he took out a pile of scrolls on his body and sent them to Yang Jian, while he himself plunged into the audio and video office and began to get busy.

When Yang Jian received the items sent by Orochimaru, and found that the price recorded dozens of ninjutsu, forbidden techniques, countless data on blood stain boundaries, and many secret techniques of the Konoha family, he was shocked. Oh, did Orochimaru rob Konoha?

This is not the strangest thing, what's even more strange is that with Oshemaru's temperament, he got so much information, he should have entered the laboratory immediately and started to study the information he got, but after asking, he learned that Orochimaru had gone out of his office.

Is this the sun coming out in the west?Although Orochimaru is an audio video, in fact his video is very unqualified, he does not do business all day long, does not deal with the affairs of the village at all, stays in the laboratory all day, and is in charge of handling the affairs of the village is a group of Yang Jian They are ordinary people who don't even know the most basic ninjutsu.

At the beginning, Yang Jian handed over the affairs of the village to a group of ordinary people, and gave them a lot of power, which made everyone criticize him, but soon these ordinary people, who would not even know how many people there were, told them to shut up Yes, because they are so capable in handling the affairs of the village. They have managed the village in an orderly manner, flourished, and made everyone's life better. Who would object at this time?

But now Orochimaru, who hadn't entered the office a few times throughout the year, suddenly worked hard. This is really unbelievable. Yang Jian handed over the scrolls to other people, and he himself came to the Otonin Building as quickly as possible, walked into the In the office, I found that Da She Wan was writing a book there.

The more Yang Jian looked at it, the more strange it became. Could it be that Orochimaru really wants to change the character design?Officially transferred from a technical staff to an audiovisual, but for some reason, this scene is an eyesore no matter how you look at it.

Yang Jian didn't deliberately hide it, Dashewan naturally noticed Yang Jian's arrival, but he didn't care, just glanced at Yang Jian, then lowered his head and continued to write and draw there.

Yang Jian wanted to see what Orochimaru wrote there, so he walked over immediately, and soon a few words came into his eyes - Konoha collapse plan!

"I said, did you get kicked in the head by a donkey? You just severed ties with Konoha, and you are going to give them a hard time, and return Konoha's collapse plan. Are you sure this is not funny? Even if you want to deal with Konoha, There is no need to write out the plan, just discuss it with someone and keep it in your mind."

Orochimaru continued to write the plan while saying: "I wrote the plan for someone to see."

"Show it to someone? You...are you trying to plot against someone? Who are you targeting this time?"

"Fourth Kazekage Rasa, by the way, didn't you discuss how to make Rasa a human puppet, let him extract gold dust for us to make chakra transmission materials? Now is the opportunity!"

Yang Jian picked up Konoha's collapse plan that hadn't been finished yet, and after a few glances, he understood, "Are you really planning to attack the fourth Kazekage? According to the plan, you plan to fight with Sand Hidden Village teamed up to deal with Konoha, but now they plan to deal with the Fourth Kazekage, this is simply crossing the river and tearing down the bridge, killing them after they are used up, but will he fall into the trap? What benefits do you use to lure Sakai to deal with Konoha?"

"Don't worry, he will, and Konoha will cooperate with us. My teacher is an old fox. According to his idea, Konoha will show weakness and paralyze Shayin Village, making them think that Konoha Now it is very weak, the Kingdom of Wind is famous for its poverty, after discovering the weakness of Konoha, it will definitely stir up disputes, and then try every means to plunder resources from the Kingdom of Fire, how could it miss a great opportunity?"

"That's true. People die for money, and birds die for food. Even if the fourth Kazekage disagrees, other people will force him to do it. You are here to fool people with this Konoha collapse plan. Then you What's the real plan?"

"It's basically the same as the plan I wrote, but there are some small changes. The Konoha collapse plan is scheduled for the Chunin exam in Konoha Village. The third generation old man will invite the fourth Kazekage to go, and I will find a way Meet with the fourth Kazekage alone, find a chance to kill him, and then I will pretend to be the fourth Kazekage to participate in this Chunin exam, and then I will give Konoha a test of blood and fire, I hope they will like it .”

Well, what happened next doesn't need Orochimaru to tell Yang Jian to know, after all, have you seen the plot?Unexpectedly, after going around and around, everything returned to the original point. The correction power of this world is indeed perverted.

"Looking at your disheartened look, I'm sure about this matter, so I won't say anything more. By the way, something happened during your absence. That bastard Shennong wanted to rebel. He was subdued by me, and now I have sealed his chakra and prepared to reform him through labor. During this period of time, he should not be allowed to approach the laboratory again. In addition, there are new people joining our village, Wuwei and his son Wugou. "

"Wuwei? You mean the lord of Ghost Lamp City? He's pretty good, and he's a rare elite Jōnin."

"That's right, it's him. Wuwei has also contributed a lot of miraculous ninjutsu, including a dragon life reincarnation technique, which can distribute one's own life to others. You can study it if you have the opportunity."

"Really? It's really interesting. Let's see what happens." Yang Jian and Orochimaru have already studied the vitality to the extreme, but they don't pay much attention to the technique of reincarnation.

"In addition, regarding Wuwei's son Wugou, he is now Zero-tailed Jinchuriki, and he is a perfect Jinchuriki who can completely control tailed beasts. In my opinion, he is even worse than Nine-Tails. This time, the organizer of Konoha For the Chunin exam, let Wugou, Shiro, and Junmaro form a group, uh, let them take part together, and we, Otonin Village Yang Ming."

In Yang Jian's view, Bai's death in the Hokage plot is a pity for many people. Since Yang Jian came to this world, of course he must find a way to eliminate this regret, and took Bai into his pocket early, even his mother. And saved it, adding a blood-stained boundary to Yinnin Village. After Yang Jian's training, now Bai's strength is definitely at the elite level of ninja.

"Zero Tail Jinchuriki? It seems that you have succeeded, and Zero Tail has become a real tailed beast."

"That's right, Lingwei now has a new name - Feathered Snake! The Feathered Serpent of God flying in the sky." Yang Jian's face showed a hint of complacency. After all, this method was provided by him. No.

"Feather Serpent, I really want to see it, but forget it for now, anyway, there will be more opportunities in the future, Zero Tail Jinchuriki, Mizuki Clan's Ice Dun, Kaguya Clan's Skeleton Vein, the three of them may join forces. Few people can stop it, but Jun Ma Lu's blood disease is a big trouble, and we haven't found a cure until now, so we can only rely on the substance extracted from Ghidorah to keep him alive."

"I have a new idea about this point. Maybe we have been mistaken all along. Junmalu's blood-stained disease is not because of his blood-stained disease. It's because his blood inheritance boundary is about to evolve and his body can't keep up."

Orochimaru asked suspiciously: "Why do you say that?"

"When I was doing an experiment a few days ago, I found a strange substance in Junmalu's bone. After it was extracted, it was injected into a mouse. As a result, the mouse was directly petrified, and then turned into a pile. The dust dissipated, so I was thinking, if more and more of this substance is injected into other people with Junmalu's bones, can it also petrify the enemy, can you imagine how powerful that is?"

At that time, Yang Jian saw the little white mouse petrified and then turned into fly ash. The first thing he thought of in the finale was the scene where Otsuki Kaguya killed Obito with a move of ashes and bones. It was so similar, so Yang Jian It is suspected that the Kaguya clan where Junmaro belongs is the descendant of Otsuki Kaguya's blood, and Kaguya only has two sons, Otsuki Hagoromo and Otsutsuki Yumura, Otsutsuki Hagoromo is also the Sage of Six Paths, and his descendants are Senshou and Uchi Bo, Uzumaki, and the Kaguya clan are mostly the younger brothers of the Sage of the Six Paths, descendants of the bloodline of Otsutsuki Yucun.

"Is it the evolution of the blood succession boundary? According to our research, it is indeed possible, but this may not be a good thing for Junma Lu, the ability of petrochemical decomposition is probably not Jun Malu's, the body can bear it Yes, while it is more powerful, it hurts others as well as yourself.”

Orochimaru's complexion is a bit ugly, Jun Malu is one of his most capable subordinates, although at first he cultivated it as a reincarnated body, but later got the cloning technology from Yang Jian, just need to get the cells The human body can be cloned, so Junmalu's prepared body will be useless. Orochimaru simply treats him as a confidant and teaches him. The substance extracted from Ghidorah survived, but I don't know how long it can last. Will there be drug resistance?

"How to treat Jun Ma Lu has been a headache for me, but recently I have some ideas. In addition to using bones as weapons to kill the enemy, the more powerful point of the Kaguya clan is their recovery ability, no matter how badly they are injured. All injuries can heal in an instant, don't you think this situation is very similar to the physique of the first Hokage?"

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