"But so what? It can only show that their vitality is strong. In the final analysis, it is just a manifestation of the power of Yang Dun. In Jun Malu's situation, we can see that the power of Yang Dun is excessive, and the body collapses due to the inability to control it. Even if we know this, it's useless!"

"Who says it's useless? Now that we know that the root cause of the disease lies in Jun Malu's inability to control the power of yang escape, we should find a way to help him control it. Use yin to control yang. The power of yang escape is reflected in the body, while the power of yin escape is reflected in the body." It is reflected in the spiritual aspect, as long as the mental power is strong enough, one can control the power of Yang Dun."

"How can it be that simple? Jun Malu's belief and will are absolutely firm, and his spirit is strong enough, can't he not suppress his Yang Dun power?"

"That's because of the lack of a correct way to use it. Jun Malu's mental power is strong enough, but he lacks a method to use this spiritual power, or lacks a channel."

Orochimaru thought for a while, bowed his head and pondered for a while, "Do you use spiritual channels? According to our research, the bloodstains of pupil surgery are the embodiment of Yin Dun's ability. If you follow this line of thinking, the best way is to give Jun Maro has a kind of pupil technique, let him change a pair of eyes, so what kind of eyes are suitable? Sharingan, white eyes, red eyes, blood dragon eyes..."

"It's not easy to know which pupil technique is the most suitable. Just use Junmalu's gene to match and choose the most suitable one."

"Then what are you waiting for, let's start right away."

Orochimaru, as a research fanatic, exploded at this moment with the soul of science. He threw aside the half-written Konoha collapse plan, turned around and walked to the back of the audio and video building. Yang Jian had to follow quickly.

Soon the two came to the laboratory, and there were two guards at the door. One of them had two red moles on his forehead, snow-white long hair, and a handsome appearance. In Orochimaru's heart, the laboratory is his most important place, and of course the most trusted person should guard it.

And the other gatekeeper is a girl who looks about the same age as Junmaro. The three commas in his eyes prove his identity. People from the Uchiha clan, but the Uchiha clan has long been exterminated. Why do they appear here? ?

In fact, this is not surprising. Since Orochimaru obtained the cloning technology from Yang Jian, how can it not be used well? Things like hair can be found, and these cells can be completely cloned.

Orochimaru is also hard enough, he insisted on producing more than a dozen children of the Uchiha clan. After several years of training, they are all good in strength. This girl from the Uchiha clan looks fifteen or sixteen years old, but in fact she never From her birth to the present, in just three years, Orochimaru used special means to catalyze her growth, and now they are no longer Konoha's Uchiha, but Otonin's Uchiha.

"Master Orochimaru, Master Yang Jian!" Jun Malu followed the girl from the Uchiha clan and saluted Yang Jian and the other two at the same time.

"Okay, don't be too polite, we are going into the laboratory to do research, and you are guarding outside."

"As ordered!"

After entering Orochimaru's private laboratory, more than a dozen culture tanks were first displayed in front of the two of them. Each culture tank was soaked with a body, and there were special labels on the outside.There is a sentence in the middle, which says Senshou, Uchiha, Uzumaki.Ghost lamp, water without moon.Kaguya and other words, if you look carefully, you will find that the appearance of the dozen or so bodies is seven or eight points similar to Orochimaru.

These bodies are also clones. Orochimaru used his own cells combined with the genes of other blood-stained boundary-ability users to create these bodies. Each body has a corresponding blood-stained boundary, and there is no consciousness. Orochimaru can easily occupy these bodies The body will not have any rejection.

In the past, when Orochimaru occupied other people's bodies, the most troublesome thing was that he had to fight with the original owner of the body, and it was a battle at the soul level. Even if he won in the end, his own soul would be damaged, leaving a huge hidden danger until When I met Yang Jian, I learned the method of nurturing the soul, and was able to get rid of the plight of the soul.

At the beginning, Orochimaru always disliked that there was no suitable body for him to replace. Later, he cloned a lot of bodies, and each of them has a blood-stained boundary, which will not cause the slightest rejection. Orochimaru can scratch away the body at will. , but Orochimaru soon discovered that his original body was the best, and it didn't matter what the blood stains were, as long as he was strong enough, he wanted to throw away these bodies.

Orochimaru and Yang Jian quickly came to the bottom floor, took out Junmalu's cells to study, and compared Junmalu's cells with the pupils' cells, and soon found something that surprised them.

"How could this happen!" Orochimaru and Yang Jian yelled almost at the same time.

Chapter 99 Create a God?

Orochimaru and Yang Jian looked at the matching results of the two genes in front of them, and looked at each other in blank dismay. After a while, Orochimaru asked with a puzzled look: "The matching results of Junmaro's genes are so consistent with those of the Hyuga clan. Are the ancestors of the Ye family and the Hyuga family brothers?"

On the contrary, Yang Jian was calmer. Knowing the plot, he felt that the result was not too unexpected. As the source of chakra, Kaguya Otsutsuki, the current situation of her co-killer Kaijun Maro was too similar. Therefore, Junmalu probably also has the blood of the Otsutsuki clan.

Think about it carefully, Kaguya Hime’s two sons, Otsutsuki Yuromo and Otsutsuki Yumura, of course Yuromo is the Sage of Six Paths, and his bloodline branches include Senju, Uchiha, and Uzumaki, the Senju clan and the Uchiha clan respectively inherit In addition to his immortal body and immortal eyes, Yumura, as a brother, is of course not bad. The Hyuga clan must have inherited his eyes, and the plot of inheriting the body has not been shown. Now it seems that the most likely one is Teru The night family.

Yang Jian knew that there was another Otsuki clan on the moon, who were distant relatives of the Hyuga clan, and also inherited the eyes of Hamura, but neither the Otsutsuki clan nor the Hyuga clan on the moon could bear the powerful power of Tenseigan, so they degenerated into rolled his eyes.

As the existence of the Kaguya clan who inherited the immortal body of Otsutsuki Hamura, perhaps because of a mutation in the blood, they have acquired the ability to control bones belonging to Otsutsuki Kaguya, and Junmaro is a rare thing in the Kaguya clan for a hundred years. He was a once-in-a-lifetime genius, and that's why he had the opportunity to awaken the magical skill of killing the ashes together. Yang Jian felt that this was a good opportunity to reproduce Otsutsuki's bloodline, and it was a very good research topic. Jun Malu must be cured.

"Brother? Maybe it's really possible, otherwise their genes wouldn't be such a match. Unfortunately, it's been too long to find any relevant information." Yang Jian pretended to be a pity, he didn't want to show that he was too omniscient, So as not to arouse the suspicion of Orochimaru.

"Actually, it doesn't matter what the relationship between Kaguya and Hyuga is. The key is whether the common disease can be cured. Since it is so suitable, we can transplant white eyes to Junmaro, but this sharingan is another What's going on? Although it can't match, it feels very strange to me, just like the missing part of Junmaro's gene, is it difficult for the Uchiha clan to be related to Hinata and Kaguya?"

"Perhaps they are really blood relatives! It's really a complicated relationship, but you can add a research topic in this way. Since there is a missing blood, then find a way to make it up. Based on the blood of the Kaguya clan, integrate Hyuga, Uchiha and other missing genes, and then cloned, I don’t know what kind of monster will be created.”

Orochimaru's eyes lit up immediately, thinking carefully about Yang Jian's words just now, the more he thought about it, the more he felt it was possible, he couldn't help but get excited, "Maybe I can create a god!!"

Although Orochimaru can't wait to put down the work at hand and immediately start the god-making plan, but thinking of Junma Lu, he should find a way to cure his illness first.

Orochimaru walked to the corner of the laboratory, pushed open a secret door, and after entering, it was an extremely tight space, inside were large and small culture tanks, and each culture tank was filled with nutrients Through the glass, you can see pairs of eyes, there are Sharingan, white eyes, red eyes...

There are blood vessels and meridians connecting each eye, which looks very scary, but Orochimaru has long been used to this kind of scene and doesn't care at all.

This is a different kind of cloning technology, which only clones a certain organ of the body. It stands to reason that this technology cannot be done even in Yang Jian's original world, but the world of Naruto has the energy of chakra, combined with modern high-tech technology After that, with the efforts of Yang Jian and Dashewan, the impossible became possible, and finally it was done, and the eyes in front of me were born.

Orochimaru went back and forth twice, and quickly selected a pair of high-purity white eyes. First, he took a white eye cell with sophisticated equipment, and tried to fuse with Junmalu's cells.

Soon Yang Jian and Dashewan's complexions became ugly. They found that things were not as simple as they imagined. Junmalu's cells actually had a strong erosiveness, and the white eye cells couldn't resist it, and the cells were quickly destroyed. Don't worry, if it's transplanted to Junmalu, it won't take long for it to go blind.

"Damn it! Why did it fail? This is already the most powerful and purest white eye in my hand, but it can't resist the erosion of Junmalu's cells?"

"Whose cells were used to clone your white eyes? Is it the main family or a branch of the Hyuga clan?"

"It was cloned with the cells of an elite Jōnin from the Hyuga branch. He should be considered a rare genius in the Hyuga clan. He is the same generation as Hyuga Hyuzu. Otherwise, it would be impossible to clone such a high-purity supercilious white eye."

Yang Jian lowered his head and pondered for a while, and then said: "Try to get the Hyuga clan's cells for cloning, Junmaro's cells have become so erosive, it may be related to the extra special substance in his bones .

In addition, I think there may be a problem with our thinking. Perhaps what Jun Ma Lu needs is not a pair of pure white eyes, but a pair of white eyes with high cell activity that can resist the erosion of Jun Ma Lu's cells. "

"It's possible that the cells are highly active, but this kind of eyes should be very rare."

"It is indeed very rare. There are hundreds of people in the Hyuga clan, but there may not be a single person with such eyes. It depends on Kimaro's luck."

Orochimaru thought for a while and asked again: "Are there any characteristics of the person with high eye cell activity and white eyes you mentioned? There are hundreds of people in the Hyuga clan, and it is not easy for us to try them one by one."

"In terms of characteristics, alas, this kind of person consumes energy quickly because of their high cell activity. In order to replenish energy, they eat extraordinarily much, so just observe carefully, which one of the Hyuga clan is particularly good at eating, and the amount of food is normal. Several times, then most likely..."

Yang Jian was stunned in the middle of speaking, because he suddenly thought of a person from the Hyuga clan who could eat especially Hyuga Hinata, Konoha's big stomach queen.

Most people who have watched Hokage will probably think of the most edible one, but in fact the most edible one is Hinata. During the Boruto plot, Dingji and his daughter go to eat a ramen challenge every month Konoha's big stomach queen once had a record of eating 46 bowls of Ichiraku ramen at one time.

Thinking about the two children Hinata gave birth to in the future, Boruto and Sunflower, one opened the Jingyan, and the other opened the white eyes that are several times stronger than ordinary Hyuga clansmen. I am afraid that there is a big reason for this. credit.

"A member of the Hyuga Clan who is especially edible? Well, I'll write this down, and I'll find a way to get Dodo to investigate. He is also the vice principal of Konoha Ninja School. It shouldn't be difficult to investigate as him."

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