Because of Yang Jian's intervention, Orochimaru no longer has such a strong hatred for Konoha, and now he only wants to do what he likes to do, so he didn't ask Dou to investigate those Konoha's secrets, but let him find ways to get in touch Konoha's senior management got some blood-stained family cells for research, agreeing.Now he has become the vice principal of Konoha Ninja School, and has a good relationship with most of the Konoha family patriarchs.

Since there is nothing to do about Junmalu's condition for the time being, the two had to put it down first. It took a lot of effort for Dashewan to endure and stay in the laboratory, temporarily abandoning the god-making plan that Yang Jian just proposed, and returning to the office Continue to study Konoha's collapse plan.

As for Yang Jian, he returned to his residence, pondered for a while, and felt that some things should be completely resolved. When he came to a deserted place, he made a few seals with his hands, and then yelled: "Ni·Spiritual Master!" technique!"

boom!After a burst of white smoke, Yang Jian had disappeared in place, and when he reappeared, he came to a place where birds were singing and flowers were fragrant. The sound of waves and the slightly salty air around him indicated that this was an island.

Yang Jian's appearance immediately attracted the attention of a certain giant. As a gust of wind blew by, a huge shadow enveloped the sky. At some point, a huge butterfly flew over, with a body length of more than 60 meters and a wingspan of nearly [-]. Mi, really can be called covering the sky and blocking out the sun, but the body exudes blue light, which has a sense of beauty, coupled with a pair of cute big eyes, it doesn't make people feel scary.

Soon the huge butterfly landed on the ground, and after seeing clearly that it was Yang Jian, he hurriedly said respectfully, "My lord Yang Jian, Mothra the Titan butterfly dragon sends you my greetings."

Titan Dielong Mothra, the monster queen of the Godzilla world, looks like a butterfly, but it has the characteristics and abilities of other insects, for example, it can spin silk like a spider and has a bee-like body behind Tail needle, the body surface is also covered with a layer of carapace, which strengthens the defense.

Of course, Mothra was brought to this world by Yang Jian. He hatched with the endless chakra of dragon veins. Affected by the rules of this world, he was transformed by the power of Chakra during the hatching process and gained some other abilities.

Perhaps because of Mothra's gentle temperament, its newly awakened ability is actually healing. The first is healing dust. The butterfly dust on its body can speed up the recovery of wounds, and the blue light emitted from its body can restore physical strength. Mothra's huge The body size can treat hundreds or even thousands of people at one time, but it does not distinguish between enemy and friend during treatment, as long as it is within that range, as long as it is touched by powder and blue light, it can have a healing effect.

"Mosra, don't be too polite, let you keep guarding this place for me. It's hard work. I'm going to enter the cave now. You continue to guard here for me. By the way, call all the psychic beasts here, and I will something to announce."

"Obey, Master Yang Jian!" Mothra's voice sounded like an intellectual big sister, very nice.

There was a high mountain behind Mosra, and after removing his body, a dark cave was revealed. Yang Jian strode in without hesitation.

Yang Jian walked down the passage with ease, and it didn't take long to come to an empty underground space, standing on a raised rock, with magma constantly rolling underneath, illuminating the space brightly.

In the center of this underground magma, there is an altar floating miraculously. On the altar is a big fiery red gourd. Chakra chains are intertwined with the red gourd. The other end of the chain is inserted into the deep magma.

Wisps of red energy visible to the naked eye are sucked in by the red gourd along the chakra chain, and then transformed into pure chakra and spewed out again.

Above the turbulent magma, densely packed insects are miraculously flying, the most striking of which are golden silkworms with wings. These golden silkworms are not many in number, only a few hundred, and four of them grow Wings, the larger ones have about a dozen, and the others have two wings.

Except for these golden silkworms, other insects can be described as diverse, and the number of people is too numerous to count. A rough estimate of the hundreds of millions of these insects is not afraid of the high heat environment, flying back and forth, constantly The chakra gushing from the devouring red gourd.

Those golden silkworms are obviously the most powerful existence of the swarm. They occupy the area where the chakra is the purest and richest, and can be devoured freely. No one dares to compete with them for strength.

At this moment, Yang Jian opened his mouth suddenly, and two golden lights flew out from his mouth, revealing figures in the mid-air, but they were two six-winged golden silkworms, looking at the dense swarm of insects below, suddenly let out a strange cry from his mouth.

The sound of the six-winged golden silkworm immediately attracted the attention of other insects, and immediately gave up absorbing chakra, and flew up, flying around two six-winged golden silkworms. The closest to them were a dozen four-winged golden silkworms. Then around them are hundreds of two-winged golden silkworms, and finally there are hundreds of millions of other insects of various types.

The dense insects chirped cheerfully, as if they were worshiping their own emperor.

The two six-winged golden silkworms were Yang Jian's natal Gu insects, which were specially bred by using the secret method of raising Gu in the world of Shushan, and then mated the two six-winged golden silkworms to produce more than a dozen four-winged golden silkworms. Hundreds of two-winged golden silkworms were produced. As for the other insects, they were bred by crossing two-winged golden silkworms with insects from Naruto World, and then tested by raising Gu, and finally selected the best ones for secondary training. After being bred again, they more or less inherited the powerful devouring ability of the six-winged golden silkworm.

As kings, the two six-winged golden silkworms must of course have special treatment. This is the time for their subjects to pay tribute. It emits the most, like a golden thread. The golden thread of energy ejected by the two-winged golden silkworm is much thinner, not even one-tenth of that of the golden-winged golden silkworm. A golden spot of light, but the victory lies in the quantity, and the accumulation of a little makes a lot.

The golden energy finally converged into a golden sphere about the size of a human head. Even though it was far away, Yang Jian could feel the huge vitality contained in it.

The two six-winged golden silkworms sang happily for a lifetime, and at the same time turned into golden light and plunged into the golden energy ball, swimming happily in it.

The golden energy ball visibly faded, shrunk, and finally disappeared completely. It was devoured by two six-winged golden silkworms, and then re-entered Yang Jian's body, attached to the heart, and began to slowly release life energy, helping Yang Jian nourishes his body.

This is the reason why Yang Jian was able to be so powerful in his twenties, not only because of the venom, but also because of the six-winged golden silkworm, with such a huge vitality as the backing , No matter how much you spoil your body, you can recover quickly, otherwise Yang Jian would choose the three-second secret technique of a real man, Bamen Dunjia, and it's not because Yang Jian is sure that he can really practice Bamen Dunjia to the extreme .

If you only talk about the hugeness of your own vitality, even if the Sage of the Six Paths is resurrected, Yang Jian would dare to point to his head and say: You are a younger brother.

Chapter 100 The Law of Time

Yang Jian breathed a long sigh of relief, feeling the continuous infusion of Yang Dun power in his body, a smile appeared on his face.

But then he thought of something again, the smile on his face disappeared, Yang Jian's face became serious, he opened his right hand, chakra radiated out, and flames began to emerge from five fingers, water polo, clan wind, thunder and lightning, and dirt balls ?

Yang Jian's five fingers slowly closed together, the palm began to emerge your spiritual power and vitality representing Yin-Yang Dun, and it reached the level of substance, the two forces merged with each other to form an abstract Yin-Yang pattern, and then the five fingers The five chakras representing the basic attributes began to fuse effectively under the action of Yin-Yang Dun. As time went by, a ray of blackness gradually formed. Yang Jian's mouth immediately turned up, revealing a smile.

It's just that Yang Jian didn't have time to be happy for a long time, and the vitality and mental power representing Yin Yang Dun fluctuated slightly, and the chakras of the five attributes immediately started to run wild, and exploded with a bang, Yang Jian was also disgraced.

"Hey! I failed again. It seems that using the five basic attributes of Chakra together with the power of yin and yang escape to condense the seeking jade to realize the bloodstained net will not work. The key lies in the lack of extreme yin and yang escape power. What should I do? Woolen cloth?"

In fact, Yang Jian also has some ideas about where to find the extreme power of yin and yang escape. The best way is to find the Sage of the Six Paths. This old man has been secretly paying attention to the ninja world. When Sage of the Six Paths feels that the ninja world is facing a crisis, he must be able to force him to take action, but Yang Jian doesn't want to do this, even if Yang Jian thinks that he is not a good person, but he can't do this kind of thing that destroys the world, let alone if Therefore, if you hate the Immortals of the Six Paths, let alone gain the power of yin and yang escape.

In addition, Sasuke and Naruto, as the reincarnated sons of Indra and Asura, the sons of the Sage of the Six Paths, also have the ultimate power of yin and yang escape, but they have not been able to arouse it yet, and the old thing Sage of the Six Paths They must be paying attention to them, and it is not easy to succeed.

Yang Jian was frowning, obviously only needed a little yin and yang escape power, and then with the help of the devouring ability of the six-winged golden silkworm, he could fuse the seeking jade and form a blood-stained net, but it was so close to the goal.

Although Kaguya Otsutsuki will appear in the future, he will also have the opportunity to obtain the Blood Stained Net, but that is already the time to face the final boss. Even if he has the power of the Blood Stained Snare, he wants to fuse more Taoist Jade in a short period of time and control it. This kind of power is simply a fantasy, and there is no chance of winning against Kaguya.

Although Prince Ming and Er Zhuzi jointly defeated Hui Ye in the original plot, there was a lot of luck in it. Yang Jian would never put his life on luck, and he would only rest assured if it was in his own hands.

"Damn it, where should I go to find the power of yin and yang escape? Only the Datongmu clan has this kind of power, but how can there be anyone in the current Datongmu clan? Even those Datongmu clansmen on the moon have huge With my current strength, I don't have much chance of winning the divine weapon Tenseikan. It's really embarrassing, what should I do... um! Wait!"

Yang Jian suddenly thought of something, his eyes kept changing, and he murmured: "How could I have forgotten it? Heijue was created by Otsutsuki Kaguya with the power of Yin-Yang Dun combined with his own will, and he must have the ultimate If I can obtain a trace of the power of Yin-Yang Dungeon, and then use the ability of the six-winged golden silkworm, I can synthesize more. At that time, I can use the power of Yin-Yang Dungeon to fuse the five basic attributes of Chakra, at least [-]% sure Synthetic blood following the net."

The more Yang Jian thought about it, the more excited he became, but then he calmed down. There is a method, and the next step is how to lure Heijue out. The hidden ability of this thousand-year-old filial son is the best in the ninja world, enough to hide in the dark for more than a thousand years , it is not easy to catch it.

Yang Jian talked about it for a while, and finally thought of a way, with a sinister smile on his face: "Maybe I can draw a manga, the name of the manga is "The Origin of Chakra", but there is a story about you, a thousand-year-old dutiful son. , you must remember to watch it!"

With a plan in mind, Yang Jian immediately relaxed. Thinking that he still had things to do, he immediately calmed down and stretched out his hand. The red gourd in the magma suddenly vibrated violently. The chakra chains on the gourd broke one after another, and the red gourd automatically flew up and fell into Yang Jian's hands.

This red gourd looks to be about [-] centimeters high. Originally, it was as tall as half a person. During the Fourth Ninja World War, the Jinjiao Yinjiao brothers could only clamp it under their arms, but since Yang Jian After being sent to the chaotic space and refined by the main body, it became what it is now, but despite its small size, in fact, its function has not been reduced, but has been enhanced a lot.

Yang Jian grabbed the gourd and held it upside down in his hand, pointed the mouth of the gourd down, and shouted loudly: "Dragon pulse, take it!"

As Yang Jian's voice fell, the magma below suddenly stirred up, setting off huge waves. With the violent tumbling of the magma, a dragon-shaped creature with a length of [-] meters came out, and rushed towards Yang Jian with its teeth and claws.

It's just that the red gourd in Yang Jian's hand sprayed out a stream of air to cover the dragon-shaped creature, and then a strong suction force was born. The closer the dragon-shaped creature was, the smaller it was, and finally it was sucked in by the gourd.

This dragon-shaped creature is naturally a dragon vein. It was sealed by the fourth generation of Hokage. Yang Jian took a lot of effort to lift the seal, then put it away with a red gourd, moved it here, and then used the dragon vein to do a lot of things, For example, Ghidorah, Mothra, and Muto were hatched, and they were also used to cultivate Gu worms. Even the dragon veins with endless chakras suffered some damage and have not recovered until now.

"Now that Longmai is at its peak, it's time to send him to the main body. I hope the main body can gain something from Longmai!"

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