Yang Jian slowly closed his eyes, shifted his consciousness to the chaotic space, and both sides worked together to open a space channel. At first, it was only the size of a fist, and then slowly expanded. When the diameter reached one meter, Yang Jian immediately opened his eyes. Opening his eyes, he sent the red gourd in his hand, and then the wormhole shrank rapidly, disappearing quickly.

After doing all this, Yang Jian closed his eyes again, and sat there like a dead person. With the sound of the Gu insects flying around and the light from the underground magma shining on his face, suddenly Suddenly, there was an inexplicable sense of fear.


In the chaotic space, Yang Jian from the Naruto World stared nervously at the main body Yang Jian. A dragon that seemed real and illusory, less than two meters long, was held in his hand, constantly flying and circling.

The deity Yang Jian reached out and touched the miniature dragon from time to time. At first, his face was flat, and he didn't pay much attention to the dragon's veins, but after a while, a smile began to show on his face. I really didn't expect the dragon's veins to be so Such a surprise.

At this time, besides Yang Jian and Naruto Yang Jian, there are several other figures in the chaotic space, including the little sheep Yang Jian, the basketball player Yang Jian, and the others are new faces, newcomers who returned from other worlds not long ago.

Speaking of these newcomers, people feel helpless. There is Yang Jian from the world of Liang Jian, who is also a squad leader under Li Yunlong, and Yang Jian from the world of Net King.

Forget these two, but what happened to the other two?One came from the world of Liyi, and the other came from the world of jade futons. What's more terrible is that these two bastards actually created their own harem. Is this going to develop in the direction of a scumbag?I'm so angry, so... envious!

"Boss, is there anything special about this dragon vein? It stands to reason that the power system and level of the Naruto World are far inferior to those of the Shushan World, right? But you seem to have picked up a treasure like this." asked curiously.

"This time the harvest is great. I didn't expect that the dragon veins actually contained a trace of the power of rules, which made me appreciate Da Luo's artistic conception more deeply."

"No way? The dragon veins in the Naruto world are only equivalent to tailed beasts, and they can have such a big effect." Yang Jian of the Naruto world was also a little shocked. Da Luo Jinxian is equivalent to the creation god who created a world. It stands to reason It is said that the existence of the tailed beast cannot be affected at all.

"The help given to me by the dragon's veins does not lie in its power, but the power of time contained in it. In the original plot, Naruto Uzumaki burst out of the power of the dragon's veins, which caused him to go back in time. He went back to the past and met his father. This is the embodiment of time rules, although very small, but it gave me inspiration.

You also know that at the beginning, I used the heaven and the earth as the furnace, the sun and the moon as firewood, practiced the immortal body, the immortal soul, and I also came into contact with the artistic conception of Daluo, but this meaning and artistic conception are very shallow, just a rootless duckweed , but it is different now. You must know that the most prominent point of Daluo Jinxian is to jump out of the long river of time and break away from the constraints of the past and the future. Although the meaning of time contained in the dragon veins is weak, and different world rules cannot be used, it can It serves as a reference, allowing me to get in touch with more of the mystery of the Da Luo realm. "

Yang Jian, who came from a bright sword, slowly raised his hand, "Boss, we don't understand what you said, and the world I live in is dominated by guns, so I can't accept these extraordinary powers at all. Even the venom can't be shown, although my body has been strengthened, and I have far surpassed the strength, endurance, and speed of ordinary people... But after all, I haven't broken the limit of human beings, can you help me think of a way?"

The deity, Yang Jian, shook his head helplessly. What he said just now was indeed a bit of a bullshit, "Well, actually, I will refine some medicines that can enhance the physique of ordinary people. You can come and get them when the time comes."

Yang Jian from Liangjian World was so happy that he almost jumped up, "Thank you, Boss, thank you, Boss!"

"And me, I want it too!" This is Yang Jian from the other world.

"What about me? What about me? Don't forget me." Yang Jian from Jade Futon World also joined in the fun.

"Okay, then I will refine more, everyone will have it, but this enhancement effect is not as powerful as you imagined, it is just refined with century-old ginseng and ganoderma, there are not a few of them, who has it?" Need to take it yourself?"

"Boss, I am interested in your benefits from Longmai, can you tell me?"

"Don't be so troublesome, you can feel it yourself."

The deity Yang Jian said, throwing the mini dragon in his hand, the dragon instantly exploded and turned into a thousand-meter virtual dragon, a huge head was on top of several people, two dragon whiskers fluttered in the wind, it was indescribable mighty.

"I have benefited from Longmai, and of course I have to repay it. I have turned it into a long river of time in this space. You can directly receive my understanding of time from it."

Yang Jian of Hokage stood up, stretched out his hand to grab the long beard blown by the dragon, and suddenly an incomparably mysterious sense of time came to his mind and face, and he couldn't help being addicted to it.

The other Yang Jians glanced at each other, almost at the same time controlling the surge of golden venom under their feet, connecting their consciousness with Yang Jian from Naruto World, including Yang Jian from Bright Sword World.

Although due to the different rules in different worlds, after returning to the original world, the feelings about these times will be suppressed or even completely forgotten, but Yang Jian in Liangjian World still wants to feel it, at least now he can understand the mystery of time.

After about ten minutes, Yizhong Yang Jian woke up. Yang Jian from Naruto World was the first to speak: "This feeling is so refreshing, the mystery of time is addictive. Now that I return to Naruto World, I can completely see the past and the future." , can pretend to be a magic stick."

Yang Jian himself couldn't help but strike at the side: "It's okay to see the past, but not the future."


"Because of your appearance, the future of the Naruto world must be different from the original one, or the Naruto world you are in now is just a parallel branch of the original world, the future will change because of you, and the current timeline must be in a violent fluctuation If you use time ability to observe the future, you may see countless different futures, if you are not careful and accept too much different future information, your head may explode."

"Uh! If it's so dangerous, let's forget about it. If you know about the future, you will lose your passion. It's better not to know."

"Cut! Coward!" Yang Jian from Bright Sword World taunted.

"I'm not timid, but cautious, do you understand? Seeing the envy and hatred on your face, is it because the world you live in has no extraordinary power at all, and these time mysteries are useless to you, so you are unwilling? "

"Who is envious? Who is jealous? I am an anti-Japanese hero now. I will care about these things when I beat a little devil and cry for my father and mother."

"The Eighth Route Army during the Anti-Japanese War had a hard time, right? What do you usually eat? Could it be sweet potatoes?"

"I..." Yang Jian from Liangjian World couldn't catch his breath when he heard the words, and almost died of anger.

"Okay, stop arguing, don't get into conflicts because of this trivial matter, do you have any doubts about the power of time rules?" At this time, the one who spoke was of course Yang Jian.

At this time, Yang Jian, the little sheep, smiled, "You have passed on your insights directly to us, so there are no doubts. I suddenly have an inspiration now. After returning this time, the research and development of the time machine should be put on the agenda." , In addition, I think we should inform the brothers in the Marvel world. He has been afraid to make too much noise because he is worried that Gu Yi will trouble him. Now we have made progress in terms of time. With these insights, He should be able to hide his timeline and avoid Gu Yi, right?"

"That's right, well, I will inform him, do you have anything else to do? If not, go back."

Soon several figures collapsed and turned into golden liquid and spread on the ground. In the chaotic space, only the real Yang Jian was left staring at the divine dragon that had turned into a river of time above him, and fell into silence for a moment.

Chapter 101 Psychic Beast

In Naruto World, just after Yang Jian entered the cave, Mothra immediately followed Yang Jian's instructions and sent out a signal to summon the psychic beasts on the island to gather here, and the behemoths began to gather here.

The first to arrive was a group of [-] to [-]-meter-tall giant eagles. There were nine of them. The giant eagle at the head was the tallest, with golden feathers and sharp eyes. Its claws directly grasped the middle of the rock to fix the body, and behind it were several smaller giant eagles guarding the sides.

The other psychic beasts hadn't arrived yet, and Mothra and the Giant Eagles were not in a hurry and waited quietly.

It didn't take long for another gust of wind to strike, the sky and the earth changed color, the originally clear sky darkened, and a giant beast even bigger than Mothra came down.

It has a triangular head, blood-red eyes, two pairs of huge forelimbs, a pair of short wrists behind it, and a pair of thick hind limbs at the end. It looks like a big beetle as a whole, just like Mothra, Muto from the world of Godzilla, in the story of Godzilla [-], as the opponent of Godzilla, the strength is very powerful.

Muto is a super beast that exists for killing. In the original world, he can release electromagnetic pulses with his forelimbs to directly destroy electronic equipment.

After coming to Naruto World, affected by the rules of this world, he fused the Lightning Chakra to gain new abilities. After the two forelimbs are attached to the Lightning Chakra, they can form a move like Kakashi's Raikiri, Once split a mountain in an instant.

In addition, Muto's electromagnetic pulse has also evolved into a unique thunder escape ninjutsu. After being released, it can interrupt the gathering of the enemy's chakra.

After Muto arrived, he didn't say much, and found an open place on his own, bent down there and closed his eyes to rest.

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