They didn't let them wait long, and soon there was another rumbling sound, and the dust in the distance rose up, forming a long earth dragon, and soon five huge figures appeared, and they were approaching this place at an extremely fast speed. while running.

The five huge figures are a toad, a centipede, a spider, a boa constrictor, and a scorpion. They can be called five poisonous monsters, and they are all tens of meters away. .

Among the five poisonous beasts, the size of the toad is no less than that of the three toad brothers of Miaomu Mountain. In addition, the python's head and body length are not inferior to Orochimaru's top psychic beast Ten Thousand Snakes, and the python's head There is actually a single horn several meters long growing on it, which looks like a scimitar piercing the sky.

Although the size of this boa constrictor is big enough, there is a centipede next to it that is much bigger than it. Breaking through this limit, the body length reached [-] meters, there is no way, who made this centipede lucky, Yang Jian got the cells from the centipede elders in the world of One Punch Superman, and integrated them into the body of this centipede , As a result, this centipede evolved, and its strength is definitely the strongest among the five poisonous beasts.

Mosra stayed in front of the cave from the beginning to the end and did not move. The other psychic beasts were divided into three camps. The five poisonous monsters were obviously in the same camp, and the Giant Eagles were in another camp. As for Mu Tor doesn't need to unite with other psychic beasts at all, because it is extremely powerful and represents a camp in itself.

"Okay, now we're all here, Mothra, now it's time to tell us what's going on? Why did you send out the gathering signal? Summon us all here?" Muto stared at those blood-red eyes, using asked in a low tone, seeming to be dissatisfied with Mothra.

Mosra didn't show any displeasure at Muto's questioning, and said in her intellectual elder sister's voice: "It's not me who called you here this time, but Yang Jian. He went into the cave, and he should It will come out, Master Yang Jian said that there is something important to announce."

When Mu Tuo heard what Yang Jian meant, he stopped talking immediately. Although it was powerful, it didn't even have the slightest desire to act against Yang Gao, and didn't even have an idea.

"Did Master Yang Jian come to Penglai Island? I don't know what's going on? Will we officially be born on Penglai Island? Speaking of staying on the island all day, I'm a little tired. If it's true, maybe we You can go out and play." One of the eagle clan's smallest and youngest-looking giant black eagle yelled excitedly.

Penglai Island is the name of this island, but it was not called Penglai at first, it was named after Yang Jian. This island is actually a place used by a certain force to cultivate psychic beasts, which appeared in the original Naruto plot.

Before the Fourth Ninja World War.Uzumaki Naruto was ordered to go to Turtle Island to learn how to control tailed beasts from Eight-tailed Kirabi. He arrived at this island on the way, but at that time the island was completely deserted.

According to the plot, the people on this island planned to use special means to cultivate the most powerful psychic beast, but they lost control in the end, and the psychic beast ran away, killing all the people on the island. Then fell into a deep sleep, grew by absorbing the energy of magma, woke up every once in a while, devoured other psychic beasts on the island to replenish energy, it can be said that it is the natural enemy of all psychic beasts on this island.

Yang Jian knew that there was such an island, so of course he would not let it go. It took a lot of effort to find the location of the island, and then set up an enchantment to completely hide it, and renamed it Penglai Island.

Yang Jian made up his mind from the beginning to continue to use this island to cultivate psychic beasts. The original psychic beast that was out of control and had turned into a deformed monster, of course Yang Jian couldn't let it continue to survive. Swallow it up, and then use the transformed Yang Dun power to transform other psychic beasts. Later, the dragon veins were also transferred here, and Mothra and Muto were hatched.

After Yang Jian got the island, he thought about how to use it most effectively, because although the psychic beasts on this island have not been managed for a long time, the strength of psychic beasts is generally not high, but their self-reproduction speed Extremely fast, the plastic has multiplied several times, and it is a powerful force that cannot be let go of course.

After careful consideration, Yang Jian decided to use Gu insects to transform these psychic beasts. Among Yang Jian's avatars, one of them traveled to the world of Detective Di Renjie, and it was the movie version of the Urban Dragon King, the most thrilling in the movie. Of course, it is the Shenao that was transformed from Gu worms. Yang Jian also plans to use a similar method to transform it, but it is even more clever.

Among the five poisonous beasts, the boa constrictor is covered with scales all over its body, and the one-horn on its head is transformed by Gu insects. The method is also very simple. The Gu worms store the power of yang escape in the body, which is life force. Stimulate the rapid growth of certain parts of the body, as long as the Gu worms penetrate into the body, the transformation can be started, stimulating the growth of the python's epidermis, forming scales with strong defense, removing a piece of flesh from the head, and then stimulating the growth and development of the bones on the forehead. By shaping the shape of the bone, it also formed the unicorn that resembled a scimitar.

The reason why these psychic beasts are so huge is because they have been transformed by Gu insects. During this process, targeted enhancements have also been carried out. For example, the five poisonous beasts, Yang Jian stimulated the development of their poison sacs , enhanced toxicity.

Yang Jian also used Beiliuhu's ghost budding technique on them. After the ghost buds were implanted in the body, they could fuse together in a short period of time and turn into a five-poison beast. Muto's possibility.

In addition, after the fusion of the five poisonous beasts, they all produced a chemical reaction, and the poisonous smoke sprayed out can spread over a large area in a short period of time, just like the psychic beast Sanshoyu Hanzo, which can be called a giant nuclear weapons of range destruction.

In addition, as the third faction of the Eagle Clan, their strength may be slightly weaker, but they are not much different, and they have the advantage of flying, and their speed is extremely fast. After being transformed by Yang Jian's Gu, not only their size has become bigger , and at the same time awakened Fengdun, even faster, can create a tornado to attack.

In the original plot, a giant eagle caught Maitkai and asked him to train his own children. It is precisely because of this that Naruto and the others were led to the island. Those little eagles were born bigger than Maitkai For being tall, when he fought against the ultimate psychic beast, the giant eagle was the only existence that could match that ultimate psychic beast in a short period of time, which can be called a talent.

In the original plot, there is only one giant eagle and its child left. It is the strongest on the island except for the ultimate spirit beast. It stands to reason that there should be other giant eagles, but there has never been one. Appear.

Later, Yang Jian understood too well that the ultimate psychic beast on the island would wake up every once in a while and hunt and kill the psychic beasts on the island to replenish energy, so the other giant eagles should also be devoured.

However, Yang Jian found this island more than ten years earlier, so the fate of the Eagle Clan changed. At that time, there were still four or five giant eagles on the island. Avoiding the fate of being swallowed, it can be said that Yang Jian saved the creatures of the entire island, easily subdued them, and renamed the island Penglai Island.

After Yang Gao invested a lot of resources, the Eagle Clan has also developed. After more than ten years, the number has reached sixteen. The leader of the Eagle Clan was originally a black giant eagle, but it was transformed by Yang Jian with Gu insects. Afterwards, the body seemed to have evolved into a golden color, becoming a top-level psychic beast, and other giant eagles also underwent different promotions, and only then did they become one of the three major forces on Penglai Island.

This group of psychic beasts are usually too energetic, fighting from time to time, none of them have a good temper, how could they stay quietly all the time?Moreover, Yang Jian's side seemed to be held up by something again, and they couldn't sit still after not showing up for such a long time.

All the psychic beasts became a little irritable. At the beginning, Mothra was able to appease the emotions of these psychic beasts. After all, Mothra had a special status on the island. As a super nanny, if other psychic beasts are injured, Mothra will never hesitate to help them heal, so she has a particularly high prestige on the island.

However, high prestige does not mean that these psychic beasts can be controlled. From the morning until the sun was about to set, there was still no sign of Yang Jian. They all suspected that Yang Jian had gone back and forgot to follow them. greet.

"Master Yang Jian hasn't shown up until now? I'm a little hungry." The first one who couldn't bear it was the toad among the five poisonous beasts. The poisonous pimples, when the body moved, those pimples trembled again and again, looking a little vicious.

Muto, who had been keeping his eyes closed for a long time, opened his eyes and looked at Toad, with a cold breath erupting from his body, and said: "King Toad, if you feel that you can't stay, you can leave. No one is stopping you, but if you If you choose to stay, please be quiet and don't disturb my rest, otherwise... I will kill you!!!"

King Toad suddenly trembled in fright, but then he felt a little ashamed, resisted the discomfort all over his body, and said angrily: "Muto, don't think I'm afraid of you because you are big, although you are strong, but if you really In the battle of life and death, it is not certain who will live and who will die."

Mutuo stood up with his blood-red eyes staring, and walked a few steps forward. Every time he moved, the ground shook, and soon the shadow covered King Toad, "Really? Then you can come and try it, but if Don't blame me if you die."

"You..." Toad King was so angry that he couldn't speak. It is only more than [-] meters tall. Compared with Mu Tuo's body shape of more than [-] meters, it is too different. Don't underestimate the gap of nearly half , this situation is like the gap between an adult and a six or seven-year-old child.

"Muto, you're going too far. You don't take the five of us seriously, do you?" As the same force, the five poisonous beasts usually have some conflicts, but when facing foreign enemies, they always advance and retreat together. The other four of the beasts rushed forward quickly, and the centipede in the lead confronted Mu Tuo's cold eyes.

"Okay, we all live on the same island, we don't see each other when we look up, it's not worth arguing over a trivial matter, everyone should calm down and wait a little longer, maybe Master Yang Jian will come out soon .” The leader of the Eagle Clan saw that the new atmosphere was getting more and more tense, so he hurriedly opened his mouth to adjust.

"What? Golden Eagle King, do you also want to intervene? If you don't want to die, get out immediately." Muto didn't show the Golden Eagle King's face at all, because Muto was too powerful and warlike, and often psychic with the island The book of beasts fights, and other psychic beasts will reject him after a long time, and the relationship is not good.

Of course, Muto didn't care. He was a loner and liked to fight alone. He never cooperated with others and believed that only the weak needed friends.

"I don't want to fight, but it doesn't mean I'm afraid of you. At other times, I don't care if you want to fight, but not now."

Although the Golden Eagle King knows that his strength is far inferior to that of Muto, he has no intention of fear. The biggest advantage of their eagle clan is their flying speed, which is much faster than Muto, even if Muto disrupts his physical strength with electromagnetic pulses. The chakras without the wind escape's blessing, the speed is still higher than Muto, which has made them invincible, since they can keep their lives safe, of course they will not be discouraged.

Mu Tuo looked at the Golden Eagle King, then at the Centipede King and several other beasts, his aura slowly disappeared, he returned to his original position and squatted on the ground, squinting his eyes to rest.

Seeing Mu Tuo like this, all the psychic beasts breathed a sigh of relief. They were really afraid that Mu Tuo would be able to survive the fight no matter what. The key was that Yang Jian blamed them, and they couldn't afford it.

Chapter 102 Comics

In the molten cave, the space in front of Yang Jian fluctuated. As the wormhole opened, the red gourd flew out of it again. Yang Jian, who was sitting there motionless, suddenly opened his eyes and grabbed the gourd.

Yang Jian looked at the red gourd in his hand with a smile on his face. This trip to chaos was really rewarding. Although there was no dragon vein in the gourd at this time, it was nothing compared to Yang Jian's benefits.

In fact, Yang Jian could have come back a few hours ago, but he suddenly thought of something. He had seen several forbidden techniques in the sealed book brought back by Orochimaru. Among them was the technique of Flying Thunder God. This is Hokage Of course, Yang Jian didn't want to let go of the world-renowned space ninjutsu.

It’s just that Yang Jian has seen it and it’s not the final stage. The Flying Thunder God technique was originally developed by the second generation, but it was later perfected by the fourth generation, and then improved, which created the name of the fourth generation of Hokage Golden Flash. There are many places in the Zhishu scroll that I can't understand, so I want to ask Ontology to help analyze it, so that it will be faster to practice.

Of course, the main body will not disappoint. After reading it once, the principle of the Flying Thunder God Technique can be completely analyzed, and it even enhances the perception of space. All the brains are passed on to Yang Jian, and then he starts to practice in the chaotic space.

It seems that the ontology felt that Yang Jian of the Naruto World had done a lot this time, so he decided to make up for it. While practicing the Flying Thunder God technique, the ontology re-refined the red gourd so that it could absorb air The free chakra in the body was purified and pregnant with Gu worms, and when Yang Jianfei got started with the Thunder God technique, he returned the red gourd when he left.

Yang Jian looked at the gourd in his hand, the smile on his face became wider and wider, and then he looked at the densely packed Gu worms below, finally made a move, turned the gourd upside down, and softly shouted: "Take it!"

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