The gourd produced a suction out of thin air, and the hundreds of millions of Gu worms were sucked in by the gourd like tired birds returning to their nests.

"With this red gourd, I can completely use all the secret insect repelling techniques of the Younv Clan, and I don't need to use my own body as a nest, and with the existence of my natal Gu insect, the six-winged golden silkworm, I can perfectly control it. They are so suitable for me, when I go back, look at the old antiques of the oily girl clan, dare you say that I am a disgrace to the oily girl clan!"

Yang Jian restrained his smile, hung the gourd on his waist, turned around and walked out. It didn't take long before he came out of the cave. At this time, the sky was already full of stars, but those psychic beasts still didn't leave. Seeing Yang Jian appear , hastily bent down, "See you, Mr. Yang Jian!"

Even Mu Tuo, who was the most rebellious before, would not dare to show any disrespect to Yang Jian. On the one hand, it was genetically tampered with by the little sheep Yang Jian when it was still an egg. , unable to resist Yang Jian's order, and on the other hand, because of fear of Yang Jian's strength, it should be said that all the psychic beasts on the island respect and fear Yang Jian.

Once upon a time, the psychic beasts on this island had a rebellion that was not considered a rebellion. After the transformation of the Yang family, the strength of the psychic beasts on the island increased greatly, and at the same time, their ambitions also increased. This is normal no matter who they are, As long as it is an intelligent life, it is not willing to be inferior to others.

Even if Yang Jian shaped these psychic beasts, they looked down on Yang Jian because Yang Jian didn't show any great strength.

Mutuo and Mothra are not rebellious because they were tampered with by Yang Jian, a sheep in their genes, but other psychic beasts have no restrictions in this regard. Fierce beasts, but what happened later made the five of them regret so much that their intestines were green, and they paid a heavy price for their infidelity.

Once, the five poisons disobeyed Yang Jian's order for the first time, and thought that Yang Jian could not do anything to them, they uttered wild words one by one, which made Yang Jian beat them up in a rage.

That was the first time the psychic beasts on the island saw Yang Jian make a move, and the five poisonous beasts were beaten so badly!Yang Jian didn't use any ninjutsu, but just relied on physical strength to beat them down.

In the eyes of all the psychic beasts, Yang Jian's seemingly insignificant body showed a power that shocked them. After opening the eight-door armor, Yang Jian easily smashed the carapace of the most powerful centipede king, and then the toad The king's limbs were twisted with bare hands, the scorpion king was nailed to the ground with a stone pillar by Yang Jian, the spider king was hung on the mountain wall by Yang Jian's own spider silk, and the poisonous snake king was tied into a knot like a rope. Hanging from a big tree, all of them were seriously injured.

In order to punish the five poisons, Yang Jian injected unique chakra power into their wounds, constantly destroying the wounds, making them unable to recover, and not allowing Mothra to heal them, suffering unparalleled pain every moment For a whole month, the screams scared all the psychic beasts on the island to tremble. Since then, no one on the island dared to disobey Yang Jian's orders.

"Okay, don't be too polite, you all get up, I'm a little late because of some personal matters, I'm really sorry, I hope you won't be offended."

A group of psychic beasts didn't dare to say that they didn't have the idea of ​​being strange. If Yang Jian got angry and beat them up, they would have no place to cry.

Yang Jian continued: "I summoned you this time because I have something to inform you. I plan to officially let Penglai Island come to life after a while. In a few months, I will have my nephew Younv Zhinao also sign a contract with you." The psychic contract, if he needs help, call you, you are not allowed to be lazy"

"Obey! Master Yang Jian!"

All the psychic beasts cried out in unison. Although they had guessed before, they were still a little excited when they got the confirmation from Yang Jian.

These psychic beasts have never left Penglai Island since their birth, and they have long been a little impatient. They have always wanted to go out to see the outside world, but Yang Jian does not allow it at all, and there is an enchantment on the island, so they can only Staying on the island like being in prison, fighting each other to pass the time, otherwise Muto would not be so belligerent, now finally have the opportunity to leave and see the outside world, how can you not be happy?

Even Mothra, who has always liked quietness the most, was a little more excited at this meeting. He opened his mouth and spit out a scroll, and held it in front of Yang Jian with his forelimbs, "Here is the psychic scroll, please put it away."

Yang Jian took the scroll and opened it for a look. At this time, as the psychic, only Yang Jian's name was on the side. When Yang Jian made the psychic scroll, he made a unique setting. Each generation of Penglai Island can contract four at the same time. Individuals, but only one of them can summon all the psychic beasts, and the other three can only choose one of them to sign a contract. In addition, Mothra, who is independent of the three forces, can only be summoned by the psychic with the highest authority. can be summoned.

Yang Jian is very satisfied with the reaction of these psychic beasts, so that at least they can be sure that they will not be lazy, "Well, you are ready at any time, do what you should do, um! Mothra stays, I still have some things to do I have to explain."

A group of psychic beasts saluted Yang Jian again, bent over and stepped back for a distance, then stood up, and left quickly with a rumbling sound.

Only Yang Jian and Mothra were left in place, and Mothra asked respectfully, "Master Yang Jian, do you have any other orders?"

Yang Jian took out something from his bosom, handed it to Mothra, and said, "This is the silkworm garment that the six-winged golden silkworm took off during its transformation last time. It has been impregnated with the purest natural chakra. You take it away. it is good."

"Master Yang Jian, what is the use of this silkworm robe?"

"Its role is to assist in the practice of natural immortal arts. When Shino's strength reaches the level of jounin in the future, let him come to Penglai Island to practice immortal arts. The method of use is also very simple. Just smash the silkworm clothes and fuse them with your dust Together, and then sprinkled on Zhi Nai, it can assist him in practicing immortality.

Miaomu Mountain, Wet Bone Forest, and Longdi Cave Three Holy Lands also have ways to practice immortal arts, but their methods are very dangerous, and if they are not done well, they will lose their lives, but my method does not have these hidden dangers, even if it fails It's okay, it won't have any effect on the body, just try a few more times, and I think you know what to do about the rest. "

Mosra immediately nodded to show that she understood, she was just trying to help Zhi Nai to strengthen her strength, which made Mosra understand that Yang Jian valued that person named Zhi Nai very much, and she made up her mind that she must train him well, and immediately put the Canyi away carefully. up.

When Yang Jian returned to Yinren Village, he saw that it was already eleven o'clock in the evening. He originally planned to go to rest, but then he thought of something, turned around to his office, took out a lot of papers and got busy.


Orochimaru took great pains, and finally wrote out Konoha's collapse plan completely. He looked up at the window, the sun had already risen, and found that he had been busy all night, so he yawned, and was going to go home to sleep first, but When he walked out and passed Yang Jian's office, he unexpectedly found that the light was on.

This made Dashewan very surprised. Before Yang Jian despised Dashewan for not doing business properly, he stayed in the laboratory all day long to do research, and did not take on the responsibility of being the shadow of a village, but in fact Yang Jian was not much better. Fleeing class and no one is there.

Fortunately, Yang Jian comes from modern society and knows how to be a leader. He only needs to put the right people in the right position, decentralize power, and let them play freely.

For this reason, Yang Jian got several female secretaries for himself, and they were all the ones with long breasts and thighs. They really became secretaries when they had something to do. developed so prosperously.

Orochimaru has known Yang Jian for several years, and has never seen Yang Jian go to work. Now that Yang Jian's office is brightly lit, could a thief have slipped in?

Dashewan walked gently to the front of the office, and through the glass, he saw Yang Jian who was busy arranging a large pile of manuscripts on the table.

"It's so strange. You actually work overtime. It's the first time I've seen you. May I ask, what's the matter? It makes you, the king of skipping work, work so hard!" Da Shemaru pushed the door open and chatted directly. Ben asked bluntly.

Yang Jian had already discovered the arrival of Orochimaru, but he didn't intend to hide what he was doing now, so he handed over the manuscript he had just sorted out, and said, "I just drew a manga, if you are interested, you can take a look at it." ,It is interesting."

"Is a comic worth your effort? You still stay up all night! Is the sky falling? To be honest, I'm not a curious person, but this time you really aroused my interest, I really have to Let's see what comics it is."

Orochimaru reached out to take the comic book as he spoke, and first saw a tall woman on the cover, with a pair of horns growing on her head, long white hair hanging down to her hips, and a blood-red eye on her forehead. There are six circles on the outside, nine Gouyu on the circle, and her eyes are a pair of white eyes, without any emotion in the eyes, like a god who regards all things as ants from above.

Under the woman stood two men, one of them was like her, with two horns on his head and a nine-month reincarnation eye on his forehead, but his two eyes were purple reincarnation eyes, and the other The man also has two horns, but there are no eyes on his forehead, but his eyes are a pair of white eyes.

"Is the book "The Origin of Chakra" an introduction to Chakra?" Orochimaru turned to the first page of the book with doubts on his face.

——The stars in the sky seem very small, that’s because they are too far away. If you can get close, you will find that the stars are actually huge spheres, and each star is a world. Some of these worlds are desolate, and some are prosperous , there is life on some of these planets, but they are limited by their own abilities. They are trapped in their own world, unable to go to other worlds, and cannot feel the vastness and beauty of cosmic stars.

But in the universe, there is a special race called the Otsutsuki clan. They are so powerful that they can cross the void of the universe with their bodies. When they find a world with strong and huge energy, they will plunder the energy of that world and transform it To achieve the power they need, wait for the energy of that planet to be absorbed by them and die, and then go to the next planet to plunder the energy.

One planet after another was destroyed, and this day they came to a world with huge energy. In this world, there are some special existences, such as onmyoji, witches, warriors, and even gods and demons.

Next is Yang Yangjian showing various battle scenes in the form of cartoons, the battle scenes can be described as destroying the sky and destroying the earth. In order to increase the sense of picture, Yang Jian drew sword techniques from other worlds into it. In the world of Ke Jianxin, the flying sword style, such as dragon nest flash, earth dragon flash, flying dragon flash, dragon soaring flash, tornado flash, nine-headed dragon flash, sky flying dragon flash, dragon singing flash, etc., and deliberately put these skills The power is amplified, such as the Nine-headed Dragon Flash. In the comics, a nine-headed dragon is literally transformed into a nine-headed dragon to tear the enemy apart.

There are the sword skills of Nuliang Lusheng, the grandson of the slippery ghost, such as ghost entanglement · poisonous feathers, ghost entanglement · red plum under the snow, ghost entanglement · sickle of asters, and mirror stop water · slash.

There is the exorcist boy Kanda Yu Calamity, World Insect, One Magic, Calamity, Two Magic Sword, Eight Flower Mantis, and Blast Slash.

Inuyasha suffers from a stroke, bursting out...

private teacher……

One Piece...

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