The appearance of sword skills in the comics is already overwhelming. After Yang Jian deliberately magnified the power, he cut through the sky with one sword, cut the sky and the sea with one hand, cut through mountains with one sword, and even appeared swordsmanship that can predict the future. Going to Onmyoji, the various spells displayed by the witches are even more dazzling.

But in the end they were defeated. They couldn't resist in the face of absolute power. Yang Jian set in the cartoon that the Otsutsuki clan teamed up to attract a large number of meteorites. Those warriors could crush one meteorite with their powerful swordsmanship. One or even three meteorites, but immediately more meteorites fell down, and finally all died in battle, and the death was vigorous.

After the victory of the Otsutsuki clan, they cleaned up the powerful people in this world, and after making sure that no one would threaten them, they planted a seed in this world, rooted deep in the ground, and absorbed the energy of this world , Then they left a servant in charge of guarding the sacred tree and left, preparing to wait a thousand years before returning to collect the fruit of the sacred tree.

Chapter 103

Looking at the manga in his hand, for some reason, Orochimaru felt a faint feeling of uneasiness in his heart. He always involuntarily put himself into it, feeling that everything in the manga seemed to be real, and those sword skills seemed to be able to To achieve it, all kinds of spells must have traces to follow.

Is what the manga says true?Orochimaru raised his head and looked at Yang Jian with a puzzled expression, but Yang Jian just shrugged his shoulders without any explanation, so Orochimaru had to turn his attention back to the manga.

Of course it is true, but I have carried out artistic processing in it to make it more in line with the tastes of ordinary people, but it is a pity that this is more than a thousand years ago, but no one can prove all this, Of course, there is an exception for a millennium filial son and an old man who secretly observes the ninja world.

This is the method Yang Jian uses to lure Hei Jue. If this comic book is released and becomes a big hit, Hei Jue will see it sooner or later. It contains the plot of the thousand-year-old dutiful son. He will definitely be worried that he will be exposed by then. During the investigation of this matter, as long as Yang Jian reveals some clues, you will naturally be able to find them if you have black-jue detection ability. In this way, Yang Jian will have a chance to seize the power of yin and yang escape from Heijue.

Under normal circumstances, one night... No, it’s actually only half a night. It’s impossible to draw a comic book in such a short time, but who let Yang Jian have cheats? Yang Jian only needs to cover the venom on the paper, The picture that emerged in the mind can be copied on paper, so it only took a few hours to complete a comic book. Yang Jian also used this kind of cheating when he wrote "Insects" Methods.

If a book wants to catch up with and attract attention, it is not enough just to have fighters. The tender combination of iron and blood is the kingly way. It must be interspersed with emotional colors, there must be betrayal of love and hate, and a benevolent heart to save the world , so that people can't help but look at it.

For Otsutsuki Kaguya, Yang Jian didn't know how to evaluate this woman. She didn't seem to be a complete bad person. Yang Jian felt that she was a poor woman who was sealed away by her son.

Judging from the original plot, Otsutsuki Kaguya actually wanted to protect the world, but the method used was too extreme, so in the following comic plots, Yang Jian made some beautifications for her.

At this time, the comic book in Orochimaru's hand also turned to the plot of Kaguya Otsutsuki. After the other members of the Otsutsuki clan left, Kaguya guarded the sacred tree alone, because no one else could approach except for the members of the Otsutsuki clan. God tree, so don't worry about safety?

In the beginning, Otsutsuki Kaguya did her best to guard the sacred tree, but she was alone in that area, and she would feel lonely after a long time. At this time, an "emperor" from the country of the motherland came here, The ability to coax women won Kaguya Ji's favor, and she fell in love with the "Son of Heaven" of the motherland without hesitation, and gave up her responsibility to protect the sacred tree.

At this time, Orochimaru couldn't help showing a sneer, scolding an idiot woman, and even guessed the development of the next story, because as the lord of a country, the person standing at the pinnacle of power has a completely different way of thinking from ordinary people, and their desire to control It's too strong, and how can it be so easy to fall in love with a woman, especially the lord of a country, no matter how stupid they behave, they can do anything for their rights.

Sure enough, the following plot is similar to that guessed by Orochimaru. Kaguya Otsuki was deceived by the rhetoric of the "Son of Heaven" of the motherland. In order to help her husband, she violated the prohibition of the Otsutsuki clan and ate the fruit of the sacred tree. , thus gaining great power, and then using this power to help her husband unify the world, and gave birth to two children for him.

It's just that after obtaining unparalleled rights, the "Son of Heaven" of the country of the motherland became even more persistent in power. He found that his wife was too powerful and feared by everyone, and even threatened his rule, so he actually plotted to kill her. Otsuki Kaguya.

Needless to say, it was a failure of course. Kaguya Otsutsuki killed his husband with his own hands, and then claimed to rule the world as a god, because her husband's betrayal made her completely black, and she always felt that someone was going to kill him, which made him think of Otsutsuki again. Tongmu's people, when he buys them back here in the future and finds that he has eaten the fruit of the sacred tree, he will definitely be punished or even killed. In order to protect herself, she decided to build an army.

The blackened Otsutsuki Kaguya no longer cares about the lives of ordinary people, and regards herself as a superior god. The whole world is her nursery, and everyone is her chess piece. She begins to create armies crazily, using the sacred tree Transform her people into half-human, half-vegetal monsters.

Orochimaru looked at those half-human, half-vegetal monsters in the comics, and couldn't help but wonder, secretly thinking: Is it a coincidence?These monsters are clearly white. If it is not a coincidence, then what does all this represent?

Orochimaru shook his head, temporarily put his thoughts out of his mind, and continued to read.

Next is Kaguya's two sons, Otsuki Yuromo and Otsuki Umura, in order to protect the world, decided to rebel against their mother. The moon, just at the last moment, she used her own power to create a consciousness body, a dark shadow, leaving a sentence: Mom, I will rescue you, and then disappeared.

Afterwards, the Otsutsuki brothers divided the labor and cooperated. As the younger brother, Hamura hid in the dark, and took his tribe to the moon to look at the seal and the body of the sacred tree ten tails. Looking at the body of the sacred tree in the picture, Orochimaru was stunned again, because he Seeing that body, it is clearly a heretic golem, is it a coincidence?

As the elder brother, Otsutsuki Yuromo founded the Ninja sect. In order to allow people to understand each other and pass on the power of Chakra, he is called the Sage of the Six Paths.

What's next?He trained his two sons, Indra and Asura, until the end of their lives. He divided the soul of the ten-tailed tree into nine, forming the nine-tailed beasts. Surrounded by the nine-tailed beasts, they uttered some touching words, which made the nine-tailed beasts, which were not as big as they are now, shed tears and ended completely.

After closing the comic book, Orochimaru couldn't calm down for a long time. He is a smart person, but it is precisely because smart people think more that they are more disturbed.

"Why did you draw this comic book? What's the purpose?" Da Shemaru put the book on the table in front of Yang Jian and asked seriously.

"What purpose can it have? It's just drawing casually."

"Draw casually? Do you think you can be convincing? You, a person who always likes to be lazy and escape from work, stayed up late and worked overtime for the first time just to draw comics. Who would believe that, tell me these things in comics are true? Or fake?"

"What's the point of being true or false? If all this is true, what do you think is the biggest problem in the world?"

Orochimaru pondered for a while, and soon thought of the crux of the problem, "The biggest problem lies in those Otsutsuki clansmen. Although Otsuki Kaguya is powerful, we are not without a chance of winning. Back then, Sage of the Six Paths and his brother would Has he been sealed? Although we are not as good as the Sages of the Six Paths, we still have a chance if we try our best, but if one or two people from the Otsutsuki clan come, it will be fine. If there are too many, we have no chance of winning at all. die."

"Yeah, since there is no chance of winning, what else is there to say? So think about it a little bit, just live as you did before, do more things you want to do, and make yourself happier, even if one day the world really Destroyed, at least we live happily and don’t regret it.”

Orochimaru struggled for a while, nodded and said: "That's right, if there is such a powerful enemy, we have no room to resist at all, well, I will let myself live happily and do what I want, but it is still I want to ask, did you come up with everything in the comics? It's just a story?"

Yang Jian smiled mysteriously, "Guess, maybe I suddenly awakened to some kind of blood-stained boundary, able to see into the past and future, and see what happened in the past?"

Dashewan's face turned dark immediately, and he wanted to inquire about the news one last time, but Yang Jian didn't give him a chance at all.

At this time, the sky was already bright, and the staff of Yinren Village officially started to go to work. Yang Jian clicked on the instrument on the desk. Not long after, a man with long hair shawl, long breasts and thighs, but a baby face The secretary came in.

"Master Yang Jian, please order!"

"Hua Jia, this is the comic book I just finished. Now let our Earth Chamber of Commerce copy 100 million copies first, and the five major countries will start selling it at the same time. After the sale is over, I will issue a notice. I will hold a meeting at the right time. At the fan reception, [-] lucky fans will get my autograph."

The female secretary named Hua Jia immediately came to Yang Jian's desk, bent down, and grabbed the manuscript with both hands. Her action immediately exposed the pair of murder weapons, feasting Yang Jian's eyes, revealing that a man can understand expression.

But it's a pity that the good times couldn't last long. Soon Hua Jia stood up straight again, hugged the manuscript in her arms and turned to leave. Yang Jian's gaze turned to her hips, and she didn't take it back until the door closed.

Orochimaru glanced contemptuously, Yang Jian's expression just now reminded him of his former companion, a white-haired old pervert.

"Now I am more sure that you have a conspiracy. I know that you are the most annoying about those unnecessary entertainments. Now you are taking the initiative to hold some kind of fan reception. Could it be that someone is hiding among those fans? Are you planning to fish? Who is so unlucky? Let you figure it out."

Although Orochimaru read the comics, he didn't have any doubts about Heijue, because when Yang Jian drew Heijue, he deliberately turned it into a black shadow hidden in the mist, but it was because Yang Jian didn't want him to be exposed for the time being. , so as not to affect the next plan.

"I can't tell you this. If you want to know, you can investigate it yourself. Don't try to get an answer from me for now, but after the plan is successful, maybe I will tell you."

"Then I wish you success as soon as possible, and I will know who you are planning as soon as possible? What is the purpose?"

"Thanks, I will succeed. I have another thing to inform you. I will be away for a while, maybe a few months. On the one hand, the chamber of commerce has some matters to deal with, and I have to go back to Mu Call, my nephew Zhi Nai is about to graduate, as an uncle, I want to give him a graduation gift with my own hands."

"I'm afraid it's not easy for you to prepare a gift carefully. Blessed is the little guy named Shino."

"Of course, it will definitely scare everyone by then!"


In the Land of Fire, Konoha Village, Yume Shino walked briskly back to her home. After dinner, she said hello to her father and then went back to her room to rest early and recharge her batteries to prepare for tomorrow's test.

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