It's just that Shino, who was lying on the bed, tossed and turned and couldn't sleep. He was so excited. The five-year ninja school life was finally over. Tomorrow, as long as he passed the test, he could truly become a ninja and start a ninja career. I couldn't help being excited and couldn't fall asleep.

In desperation, Zhi Nai had no choice but to sit up on the bed. After turning on the light, he took a book from the bedside table. The three big characters on the book cover were particularly conspicuous—"Insects"

Now "Insects" has been regarded as a sacred book by the oily girls. Every oily girl has a copy and reads it repeatedly. There are really many people who get inspiration from "Insects" and create something eye-catching. Yiliang's ninjutsu.

Everyone in the oil girl clan knew that this book was written by Yang Jian, whom they regarded as a disgrace, and they regretted it terribly. At the beginning, many people laughed at Yang Jian and even forced him to run away from home, but they never thought it would happen. It didn't take long for them to be slapped in the face. Even if Yang Jian didn't show great strength, he made them surrender with just one book.

Among the Younv clan, when faced with ridicule from everyone, only Yang Jian's cheap old brother Younv Zhiwei stood by his side without hesitation, and Younv Zhi Nai also gave him a lot of comfort, not only because They are brothers, and there is also a reason why Yang Jian had a good relationship with Zhiwei and Zhi Nai from the beginning.Also comfort.Yes, that old man at the oxygen station

Yang Jian knew that Zhi Nai was one of the future Konoha Twelve Young Powers, so he took special care of him. When he was young, he often talked with Zhi Nai and bought him delicious and fun things. This uncle Jane is even closer than his biological father.

The "Insects" in Zhi Nai's hand is a special hardcover edition. At the beginning, only the actual test was printed, and it also had Yang Jian's autograph.

Zhi Nai slowly turned the pages of the book, reading word by word. Although he had read it countless times, he gained something new every time he read it. His restless heart gradually calmed down. After an hour, he felt a little sleepy. , put the book back to its original position and lay down, and soon fell asleep.

The next day, the sound of the alarm woke up Shino, thinking that today is the day of shifting, he got up and dressed as quickly as possible, after washing his face and brushing his teeth, he enjoyed the breakfast made by his mother, and then went out to prepare for school.

It's just that when Zhi Nai walked out of the gate, a figure walked towards him, and under Zhi Nai's surprised eyes, he whispered: "Xiao Zhi Nai, long time no see, do you miss me?"

Chapter 104 Class Eight

"Second uncle!!"

Zhi Nao couldn't help crying out, his face was full of joy, such obvious emotional changes are very rare for the oil girl clan.

You must know that the people of the oily girl family have always been taciturn and overly calm. In addition, they usually wear sunglasses, which always give people a kind of indistinct appearance, showing strange emotions on their faces.

Zhi Nai is a perfect example of this. When he gets along with people on weekdays, he can't even say a few words, and people will always ignore his existence. But now he is so excited, you can imagine how happy he is.

"It seems that Xiao Zhinao still cares about my second uncle, let's go, let's find a place to chat."

Yang Jian took Zhi Nai's hand and left. She didn't intend to enter the camp of the oily women's football team. She didn't like Yang Jian, a member of the oily women's football team. She was scolded badly by them at the beginning.

Where there are people, there are rivers and lakes, even within the Younv clan, there will be power struggles. At the beginning, Yang Jian was unable to practice the secret arts of the Younv clan because he was unwilling to accept the bad guys, and was shamed by the clansmen.

At that time, some people in the female clan had ulterior motives. In order to hit the prestige of Yang Jian, who was still the patriarch at that time, Yang Jian was targeted everywhere. All kinds of ugly words made Yang Jian so annoying that he almost couldn't help but do it a few times.

At that time, only Yang Jian's cheap elder brother, Younu Zhiwei, spoke for Yang Jian and protected Yang Jian. Yang Jian had already inquired about it when he came. Although Jane didn't hate them, she also didn't have a good impression of them and was too lazy to meet them.

Of course, Yang Jian's current prestige is already unbelievably high in strokes. The key lies in the book "Insects" he wrote back then. Many people in the family are his fans, but Yang Jian doesn't like it at all, maybe This is the so-called, if you ignore me today, tomorrow I will make you unable to climb high. Now I don’t know how many oil women regret their attitude towards Yang Jian at the beginning. It’s because they don’t know Yang Jian’s true strength and With the status of the president of the Earth Chamber of Commerce all over the world, if I know about it, I'm afraid I will regret it.

Because Yu Nu Zhi Nai was too excited, she even forgot that today was the assessment after graduation and class placement. She walked along the street with Yang Jian and came to an empty bench. The two sat down and began to talk about it. year happened.

Of course, most of it was Yang Jian who was talking, and Shino was listening. Yang Jian concealed things about Yinnin Village and the Earth Chamber of Commerce. Now is not the time to let him know. He told some adventure stories he experienced when collecting and observing insects. , let Yu Nu Zhi Nao listen with gusto.

Time passed unknowingly, at this time Yang Jian thought of the purpose of coming to see Zhi Nai, took out a large scroll from behind, handed it to Zhi Nai and said: "This is a psychic scroll, as long as you sign it, you can talk to Penglai Island." Sign a contract with the psychic beasts above, you have to make good use of it."

"Penglai Island? What is that? Why haven't you heard of it before?" Shino Yurou looked puzzled. As the big family of Konoha, the Yume clan has collected a lot of information about psychic beasts. As the current patriarch of Yume Although he is the only son who is qualified to view these materials, he is also well-informed. He has heard of the famous psychic holy places such as Miaomu Mountain, Longdi Cave, and Shibone Forest.But I have never heard of things about Penglai Island.

"It's normal if you haven't heard of it. The reputation of Penglai Island is not obvious. The psychic beasts on the island have never been seen before. No one knows their existence. I just got lucky and did them a favor to get them. recognized, and obtained the qualification to sign a contract with them." Of course, Yang Jian could not say that the so-called Penglai Island was all made up by him, and even the psychic beasts on the island were all created by him, so he could only think of another lie Keep lying.

"It's good to have a few psychic beasts, I'll sign them." Zhi Nai didn't care too much. In his opinion, the strength of those psychic beasts might not be much stronger in a famous psychic place.

"There are a lot of psychic beasts on Penglai Island. Generally speaking, there are three major forces. By the way, Penglai Island psychic contract can sign four places at one time. In addition to the main quota, there are also three secondary places. Sign your own name on the top, which is behind my name, so that you can get the highest psychic authority, and psychic the butterfly fairy Mothra."

"Mothra? Who's that?"

"Mothra is a butterfly. All the psychic beasts on Penglai Island belong to it. Only those with the highest psychic authority are eligible to summon it, that is, the two of us. Its combat power is not very strong. , but it can restore Chakra and physical strength, and it can also heal injuries, a powerful auxiliary psychic beast."

Yang Jian didn't know that when Zhi Nai heard this, he had lost much hope for the psychic beasts on Penglai Island. Even a butterfly could become the manager of the island. Not to mention beasts.

"In addition, although there are many psychic beasts on the island, the most powerful are the three forces. The eagle family is best at wind escape, flying extremely fast, and the five poisonous beasts are good at using poison, and the final strength is the strongest. The big one is Muto. Each of these three forces can choose one person to sign a psychic contract, but it must be with your permission. If you have an accident, such as dying in battle, their psychic contract will Disconnect, unless the contractor of the next generation of main authority re-opens their authority, you can decide for yourself, this is my graduation gift for you, and you will be a real ninja in the future, with the help of these psychic beasts , it must be much safer."

"Graduation!! Oops, the final assessment is going on today, I'm going to be late, second uncle, I'm leaving first, I'll tell you when I come back."

Only then did Shino think about the assessment. If he failed, he would be sent back to school for a year to re-study. Just now he was only talking about it and forgot about it.

Zhi Nai stood up and was about to run to school. Yang Jian wanted to explain the power of those psychic beasts on Penglai Island, but now it was too late, so he quickly hung the psychic scroll on Zhi Nai, and then stood there looking at him The figure disappeared.

Yang Jian looked at the deserted streets, and suddenly felt a little bored. The Yang family didn't want to go back to the residence of the oil girl clan. After thinking for a while, he suddenly thought of Konoha's special snack, Le Ramen. He hadn't tasted it for several years, and he missed it. , just took this opportunity to have a good meal.

On the other side, Shino ran to the Ninja School as fast as he could, and was a little taken aback when he opened the door and walked into the classroom. He thought that there would be no one else except his classmates from Class [-] and the teacher leading the team, but I didn't expect to see two teammates in the classroom, and they were probably a ninja of the teacher who led the team with them.Presumably besides the teacher who led the team, Sasuke, Sakura and Naruto were also there. Could it be that someone else was late?

But at this time, Shino couldn't allow himself to think too much, and immediately came to Ya, Hinata and that ninja, and said apologetically, "I'm sorry, I'm late!"

Ya looked at Zhi Nao with disbelief, and said in surprise: "It's so strange, Zhi Nao and we have been classmates for five years, and this is the first time I see you being late, and such a thing has never happened before."

"Some special circumstances happened, I'm really sorry." Zhi Nao was also embarrassed to say that it was because he was chatting with his uncle and second uncle and lost the time, so it would be better to apologize directly.

"Okay, now that everyone is here, come with me now, we have waited for so long, and it will not be enough time to delay, come with me, I will conduct an assessment for you, and you can become a real person if you pass. Ninja, otherwise I can only go back to school to continue my studies.” Yuhihong has a somewhat bad impression of Shino who is late, after all, this is the first time we meet, so you are late for me, don’t you take me as a teacher seriously? ?

Shino felt ashamed, so he didn't want to say anything. He followed Yuhihong and walked out. They soon came to a forest. The following routines were basically the same. First, everyone would introduce their favorite things. Dislikes, future goals, etc., and then the real battle test begins.

Kiba, Hinata, and Shino are all from Konoha's big family, especially Hyuga Hinata. After the Uchiha extermination, they are already the absolute No. [-] family in Konoha. As long as their strength is not too bad, of course Hong They won't really be driven back to school, otherwise the face of the three major families will be lost, and they will only use one shadow clone to fight with them, test their specific strength and cooperation, and announce that they have officially passed the test , less than an hour before and after.

It's just that during the assessment process, Hongye discovered something that surprised her. Shino's strength exceeded her expectations by a lot. It's not at all like the chunin who just graduated. The degree is the strongest among the three, and is the absolute main force in the battle.

Moreover, after a hard fight between Kiba and Hinata, the chakra was exhausted, and he was already slumped on the ground, but Shino was not blushing or out of breath, far surpassing the other two in terms of physical strength and chakra volume.

"Shi Nao, I have also dealt with you oily girls. Their parasites seem to be a little different from yours. They are definitely not as powerful as your parasites. They can even suck my chakra. too weird."

Zhiji didn’t change at all on the surface, but his heart beat faster. He didn’t expect that he was accidentally exposed just now, so he just pretended to be unintentional and explained casually: "My parasite seems to have mutated once before, so it just happened There are some special abilities, don't worry about them."

When Zhi Nai was speaking, he raised his hand involuntarily and put it on the heart. If someone could see through his body, he would find a golden silkworm with two pairs of wings attached to the heart of Zhi Nai. The beating of the chakra is constantly swallowing and swallowing, helping Shino strengthen his body. .

Thinking of the origin of this four-winged golden silkworm, Zhi sighed, and felt extremely grateful to Yang Jian. He always knew that Yang Jian was definitely not as simple as it appeared on the surface, and this golden silkworm was the proof.

A few years ago, Zhi Nai suddenly received a birthday gift from Yang Jian, his uncle, a golden insect egg, and a breeding method, although the breeding method was a bit weird, but Zhi Nai came from For the trust of uncle Yang Jian, he still followed the method, soaked the eggs with the essence and blood of his heart, and then kept inputting chakra, hatched a golden silkworm less than half an inch long, and then fostered him in the heart .

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