In the beginning, that little golden silkworm kept sucking in Shino's heart, making him pale every day, feeling tired and drowsy every day, but fortunately, he got over it in the end, when the golden silkworm grew to the length of a finger, and After growing four wings on his back, he began to spit out a magical power continuously, nourishing Shino's body continuously, and purifying his chakra, so that the parasites parasitic in Shino's body would also benefit, which is better than the parasites of other people in the clan. Bad bugs are several times stronger.

With the help of that four-winged golden silkworm, Zhi Nai's strength has grown far beyond that of his peers. Because of Yang Jian's confession, Zhi Nai didn't tell anyone about it, even his father Zhi Wei kept it from him. The new teacher found something unusual.

"So that's the case, then you are really lucky." Xi Hihong didn't pursue it too much, after all, this involved a family's secret technique, so she couldn't inquire about it at will.

At this time, Ya, who had been sitting on the ground resting, recovered a little bit of strength, helped Hinata up, looked at Zhi Nao and said, "By the way, Zhi Nao, why are you late? And seeing the joy on your face when you came, I It's the first time I've seen this special expression on your face, did something good happen?"

Zhi Nai was a little embarrassed, and then felt that there was no need to hide it, and replied directly: "My second uncle came back today, and I happened to meet him when I went out in the morning, so I started talking with him, and I forgot the time in a moment of excitement. I'm really sorry."

"Your second uncle? Could it be that guy who is called the disgrace of the oily girl clan!!" Ya is a straight-tempered person, and he also spoke quickly, and actually said what he shouldn't have said.

Speaking of which, Yang Jian's reputation is very famous even in the whole Konoha. As a well-known oil girl clan in Konoha, she is famous for her secret technique of controlling insects, but she gave birth to a person who is afraid of bugs, so for a long time she was a Muye. Ye's biggest joke, it wasn't until Yang Jian wrote a book "Insects" that the infamy became famous, but the story at the time has already spread, and everyone knows Konoha's biggest joke, but usually everyone will deliberately Avoiding this point, everyone was a little embarrassed to be pointed out by the outspoken teeth this time.

Zhi Nai's face turned dark immediately, but because of Yang Jian's explanation, it was hard to refute anything, not to mention how unhappy he was.

"Ya, don't talk nonsense, hurry up and apologize to Shino." Yu Hihong immediately scolded, she didn't want to cause conflicts among her subordinates.

At this time, Ya also realized that he had said something wrong, although he was a little arrogant on weekdays, he was not a person who knew his mistakes and would not correct them, so he said to Shino with embarrassment: "I'm sorry, I said something wrong, I apologize to you. "

Zhi Nai took a deep breath and calmed himself down. Fortunately, he knew about Ya and what kind of person he was, so he chose to forgive in the end.

"What's the matter with your second uncle coming back this time? I heard that you have a very good relationship with your second uncle before, so it's no wonder you are late."

"It's nothing, the second uncle knew that I graduated, so he gave me a special gift, which is the psychic contract of Penglai Island."

Zhi Nai remembered that he didn't seem to have signed the psychic contract, so he immediately took out the scroll, opened it openly in front of everyone, read it, and wrote his name on it.

Chapter 105 The powerful psychic beast

Writing the name in blood represented the formal completion of the psychic contract. Just as Zhi Nai was about to put the scroll away, he glanced at the three sub-places below, and suddenly had an idea in his heart.

Zhi Nai temporarily stopped what he was doing, raised his head and looked at the three people in front of him, and said: "Mr. Hong, and Hinata, you guys need psychic beasts. I have three sub-spots under my name, and I can let you and Penglai One of the three major forces on the island signed a psychic contract, and with the help of psychic beasts, it should be much safer for us to perform tasks in the future.

By the way, the psychic contract signed by my three sub-places was formed with me as the link. One thing I want to remind you is that if something happens to me, the contract will be broken. When I was a beast, I had the highest authority. "

"Cut! I don't need psychic beasts. All I need is Akamaru, don't you, Yimaru?" With an arrogant expression on his face, Ya stretched out his hand to touch the little white dog sitting on his shoulder.

"Woof, woof..." Akamaru yelled out of face, with an air of arrogance.

At this time, Yuhihong also said: "Chino, your kindness has taken us to our hearts, but as a precious resource of a family, psychic beasts cannot be given to outsiders at will, otherwise it will cause big trouble."

As for the introverted Hinata, she didn't speak all the time, she just lowered her head and played with her fingers, but it was obviously a psychic beast who was embarrassed to ask Shino.

"You don't have to worry about this, you won't have any trouble. This psychic scroll is a personal gift from my second uncle. I also said before that I can choose the three places at will, and the psychic beasts on Penglai Island should It's not very powerful. The one responsible for managing Penglai Island is a butterfly. The biggest role of those psychic beasts should be to assist them, right?

Among them, the five poisonous families are toads, snakes, scorpions, spiders, and centipedes. They are best at using poison. The eagle family is good at flying, and the speed is very fast. It should be very good for traveling or sending messages. You can try teeth, in the sky Flying feels different from running on the ground. "

Now the teeth are a little tempted. Although Akamaru is very powerful and very fast, he can ride on it when he grows up, but can he run faster than Feifei?

"Flying in the sky? It seems very good, then okay, I'll sign!" Ya said, and threw himself in front of the scroll, biting his fingers and preparing to sign his name.

Ya has no idea that his behavior has actually crossed the line. It stands to reason that even ordinary psychic beasts cannot let others sign it at will, but Ya is always outspoken, or a little too passionate, which offended many people. But he still has no intention of repenting.

Ya was about to pinch his name under the Eagle Clan, but at this time he saw a lonely name in front of him, Muto, and asked curiously: "What's the matter with this Muto? Other races It's all a series of names, why does Muto only have one?"

"Muto, well, I heard from my second uncle that it should be the most powerful psychic beast on Penglai Island, and it can also fly. If you want, you can choose Muto."

"It can fly, and it's the most powerful one. That's great. I'll choose Muto." Ya wrote his name with blood under Muto's column with a look of excitement.

At this time, Zhi Nai looked at Hong and Hinata again, "Teacher Hong, Hinata, since we are in the same class, we will definitely fight side by side in the future, you should also sign, it is best to use it in the future, if you don't use it, there is no loss .”

Hong thought for a while, and thought it made sense, and finally made a decision. After discussing with Hinata for a while, she made a choice. Hinata chose the Eagle Clan. The reason was a little ridiculous, because she was timid. Poisons like poisonous snakes might have scared themselves out before the enemy did it. As for Yuhihong, he could only choose the last remaining five poisonous clans.

If Yang Jian knew that Zhi Nai had mistakenly believed that the psychic beasts on Penglai Island were too weak because he hadn't explained it clearly, and gave the psychic quota to others at will, he didn't know how he would feel.

You must know that the sum of the psychic beasts on Penglai Island may not be weaker than Muye Village, especially Muto, who is not weak at all. Tailed beasts, if they join hands with the other two forces, it will be easy to destroy a ninja village. Such a gift, but who can be blamed?If you want to blame, you can only blame Yang Jian for not being able to explain clearly in time, and you have made such a big oolong.

Ya suggested: "Si Nai, since we signed the psychic contract, let's summon the psychic beasts to see how capable they are, and it will be more convenient to cooperate with them when we use them in the future."

Shino nodded and agreed, "Let me summon Mothra first. Since he is the top manager of Penglai Island, he should know about all the psychic beasts. I want to ask him."

Zhi Nai began to form seals with his hands unhurriedly, then pressed down on the ground suddenly, and shouted, "Psychic art!"

At this moment, Zhi Nao felt that the chakra in his body began to drain rapidly, and it was exhausted in a blink of an eye, which surprised him. If this situation continues, he will suck himself dry and die.

Just when Zhi Nai was about to withdraw his hand and give up this psychic, the person in the heart often suddenly spit out a large amount of chakra to make up for the chakra he had consumed, allowing the psychic to continue.

Black runes gushed out one by one quickly, forming a psychic circle in an instant, and then there was a bang.A large piece of white mist filled the air.

what! ! !

Yuhihong, Hinata, and Yasan were thrown away at the same time. The only thing to blame was that they were too close, and the summoned psychic beast was too big, occupying a large space, which made them fly away.

However, as a ninja, their reaction ability is definitely fast enough, and they immediately stabilized their figure, but at this moment they suddenly realized that they were shrouded in a shadow, and when they looked up, they saw a height of tens of meters, with two wings spread nearly two hundred meters The huge monster was right in front of them, and a pair of big shining eyes were staring at them.

Although Mosra didn't intentionally radiate his aura, its huge size naturally gave off a sense of oppression, and boundless fear was born from the heart. Kureni Yuhi, an elite jnin, was shocked and couldn't move for a while, let alone other people. She was dead, her teeth were better, she could barely stand, but she was staggering, as if she was about to fall down at any moment, but Hinata was miserable, she was so timid that she fainted from fright.

Mothra's size is really conspicuous, those huge monsters with even taller endings, massive chakra, and the brilliant blue light emitting from his body, not only the ninjas in the village felt it, but even some villagers also noticed it abnormal.

In the Hokage building, the third Hokage who was staying in the office was using a crystal ball to check the situation of the seventh class. Seeing Naruto and the others pass the test, a smile appeared on his face, but suddenly a violent vibration attracted his attention. Quickly turned the screen of the crystal ball, and soon saw the huge figure of Mothra, startled in his heart, raised his head, and ordered to the dark place in the corner: "Investigate what's going on immediately?"

"Obey!" Soon two Anbu wearing cat face masks took the order and left, galloping in the direction of Mothra. ,

In addition, some forces in the village have also moved, especially the patriarchs of the major families, who have begun to investigate openly or secretly.

At this time, Moras, who had just been summoned, seemed to have just adapted to the change of the environment. He was a little unresponsive to being psychic for the first time. Looking around, he first saw Hong, Ya and Hinata, but he felt that this None of the three seemed to be the Zhi Nai that Yang Jian had mentioned. When he was wondering, he suddenly felt that there was someone above his head, so he quickly lowered his head.

At this time, Zhi Nao standing on top of Mothra's head was also dumbfounded. Standing at a height of tens of meters, he could almost see the scenery of Konoha at a glance. He actually forgot the most basic operation of attaching chakra to the bottom of his feet to absorb his body, and accidentally fell from it.

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