But fortunately, he was already a ninja after all, and he was quick to react. He turned around in the air in time, quickly stabilized his body, and landed gently on the ground.

Moss immediately recognized Zhi Nai, Zhi Nai, the dress of the oily girl family is really representative, especially the sunglasses on the face, and immediately asked: "You are Master Zhi Nai, Mr. Yang Jian said some time ago However, I have been waiting for several months for you to sign a psychic contract with us and Penglai Island, and I finally added you."

The voice of Mosra's intellectual big sister is so healing, like a gust of spring breeze blowing their hearts, which dissipated their fear, and finally regained their ability to move, and Hinata also woke up from a coma.

Zhi Nao stammered and asked: "You, you are Mothra? Chu, first time meeting, please take care of me, I didn't expect you to be so, so...big!!"

"Is it big? That's right. I belong to the ancient titanosaurus family. We are all of such a large size, but it's a pity that I'm the only one left now. Because the other titanosaurs can't adapt to the changes in the environment, eventually perish."

Hearing Mothra's words, Hong felt sorry but at the same time heaved a sigh of relief. If there were too many such huge titanosaurus, there would be no room for human beings to survive.

"Mothra, are there any psychic beasts as big as you on Penglai Island?"

"How is it possible? In terms of body size, I should be ranked second on Penglai Island. Besides Muto, I am the biggest."

"Muto, do you mean that Muto is bigger than you?" Ya cried out in surprise, because he signed a contract with Muto. If the spirit can't come out, at least you have to reach the Jonin level to barely do it.

"That's right! Muto is a titan beetle. Like me, it survived from ancient times. As for the other eagle clans and five poison clans, they all belonged to Penglai Island at a later stage, and they were much smaller. gone."

The so-called Titan Clan in ancient times, of course, is the identity arranged by Yang Jian for Mothra and Muto. After all, there must be an explanation for their origin. They were compiled into the Ancient Clan. They used to be asleep, and they only woke up in recent decades. It makes sense, and others can't find out if it's true or not.

This tooth is suffering, I thought I got a powerful psychic beast, and I thought it would be very cool to have such a psychic beast riding on it and flying in the sky, but now there is no hope. I don't know how long the level will be.

At this time, Fang glanced over Mothra, and suddenly thought, how did Zhi Nai channel such a huge Mothra?Is there any tricky way?Then can I?

A gleam of hope rose in Ya's heart, and he quickly asked: "Shi Nao, you should need a very large chakra to psychic Mothra, how did you do it?"

"That's because I used parasites to reserve a large amount of chakra in advance, and I used up all of them during the psychic channeling just now."

As soon as Kiba heard this, he immediately knew that there was no hope. His Akamaru did not have the ability to store chakra.

At this time, there was a little struggle in Yuhi Hong's eyes, but she still said: "Hinata, Kiba, let's cancel the psychic contract. These psychic beasts are too precious, we can't have them."

It's also because Hong took it for granted before, believed what Zhi Nai said, and felt that the psychic beasts on Penglai Island were not much stronger, so he signed the contract at will, but now it seems that these psychic beasts can no longer be described as ordinary powerful. It can rival the Tailed Beast, but how can it be easily accepted.

"Have you signed the contract yet?" Mothra's eyes widened, and she looked at the three of them curiously, then changed her tone: "But it doesn't matter, just sign it, as long as the highest authority is still in Zhi Nai It’s fine in the young master’s hands, and in the future, as long as your blood descendants pass the test, they can continue to sign contracts with us on Penglai Island.”

"Test, is there still a test to sign a contract with Penglai Island? Why don't I have it?"

"That's because of Mrs. Yang Jian. Our Penglai Island owes Mrs. Yang Jian a favor. In return, you can sign the contract this time without passing the test. As for your descendants, they will not be so lucky."

At this moment, Yu Hihong had a weird idea, it turned out that this could also go through the back door, and she was very lucky.

"Si Nai, since the contract has been signed, according to the agreement, I have to take back the psychic scroll until you choose the next generation of contractors, so hand over the scroll to me now." Now Zhi Nai can be regarded as the master , so Mothra did not continue to call him Master, but directly called him by name.

"Okay!" Zhi Nai hurriedly sent the psychic scroll with both hands, Mothra took it with two forelimbs, and then swallowed it into his stomach.

"Then goodbye, Shino, if you need anything, please feel free to call us, we will serve you at any time, by the way, remember to inform me when your strength reaches the Jonin level, we can practice immortal arts on Penglai Island."

boom!After a loud noise, Mothra turned into a cloud of white mist and disappeared in place, leaving only the four of Shino looking at each other in blank dismay.

When Shino and the others were about to say something, several private figures hurriedly began to ask what happened, but Yuhihong and the others had not had time to answer, and several root ninjas wearing masks came here and directly Liao Dang said to the four members of the eighth class: "Everyone, Mr. Danzo, please come with us."

Chapter 106

When Yuhi saw the Genbu ninja, her heart tightened. As Konoha's famous elite Jōnin, she knew exactly what Gen was like, and she also knew what kind of person Danzo, the leader of Genbu, was. The Tibetan people took it to the root, knowing the powerful power of the psychic beast on Penglai Island, they will never let it go, and they will definitely try their best to grasp it in their hands. I don’t know how many vicious methods will be used on Zhi Nai at that time, but the old red thought There is no good way to refuse. After all, Danzo is Konoha's number two figure, and no one can disobey his order except Hokage.

Just after Yuhihong's embarrassment, a figure stood up and said: "I'm sorry you can't take them away. This matter is very serious. It is related to Konoha's safety. We must report to Hokage-sama, and then please ask the third generation to take them away." decide."

Everyone looked up and found that the one who spoke was actually Asma, the son of the third Hokage, and behind him stood Shikamaru, Choji and Ino's generation of Ikacho.

Asma also just finished the assessment of Class [-], and she was going to treat Dingci and others to a big meal. Before she could move, she was attracted by the noise made by Mothra here, and rushed over as fast as she could. Xi Hihong got out of the siege.

Asma acted very tough, as if in order to show her attitude, she had already taken out her own weapon Shinichimonji.

As the son of the third generation of Hokage, Asma is also the prince of Konoha. If he runs for Hokage, he has a natural advantage. Unfortunately, he himself is not up to the mark. When he was young, he was young and energetic. One of the Twelve Ninja, although he returned to Konoha later, his strength is insufficient, and he has completely lost the possibility of becoming Hokage.

But even so, Asmagai still has a great advantage when others come together. The weapon in his hand is a weapon specially made for him by the Sarutobi family. It uses very precious chakra metal and looks like a jagged short knife. , there are four holes on it, insert four fingers into it, if the chakra knife is injected with wind escape chakra, two bundles of high-power blue glowing chakra double knives will be generated, and their sharpness can cut iron like mud , not only can easily penetrate trees and smash a huge boulder, but also can continuously move and slash the front in a large range.

Seeing Asma's arrival, Yuhihong suddenly showed a gleam of joy. The two of them have already confirmed their lover status. Now they will see the man they choose speak for themselves so strongly, and even be tough with Konoha's notorious Gen. In the conflict, Ei Rihong was very moved, full of tenderness and sweetness, and her two ruby ​​​​eyes were watery.

Feeling Hong's gaze, Asma naturally understood Hong's thoughts, and was somewhat embarrassed in her heart.

If it was in the past, Asma would never have clashed head-on with the people at the root. After all, as the dark side of Konoha, the other party can do anything. Usually, the third generation also told Asma not to conflict with Danzo as much as possible. In some respects, Danzo’s deterrence is stronger than that of the third generation. When he died, he actually made his red belly bigger, a complete scumbag.

But not long ago, the situation of Konoha's senior management was reversed, and the third generation suddenly became stronger, and launched an all-round blow to Danzo, and the elders' Zhuanju Xiaochun and Mitomonyan also stood on the side of the third generation Bian fully supported and completely suppressed Danzo, and Asma was also very curious. She once asked Sandai to inquire about the situation, but Sandai refused to talk about it anyway.

This is of course the reason why Orochimaru made clear the grievances between Danzo and the leader of the Akatsuki organization before, no matter how serious this matter is, especially the other party has the eyes of reincarnation, which is so powerful that they are afraid, and may even endanger the entire tree. Ye, so they agreed that this matter should not be spread outside the public. Only three generations, Danzo, Zhuanju Xiaochun, and Mitomon Yan knew about it, so even Asma, the son of the three generations, was not entitled to know.

Although I don't know the specific reason, this does not prevent Asma from having his own judgment. Looking at the current situation, Danzo is obviously at a disadvantage, so Asma has also become stronger.

The root member saw that Asma was so strong, and felt a little anxious. Danzo had ordered death before coming, and took Zhi Nao back at all costs.

Danzo is also hard-pressed. Ever since what he did was exposed, especially the grievances with the leader of the Xiao organization, he has been severely hit. Most of the power in his hand has been taken away, and there are not enough people available under him The original half, for this reason, Danzo wanted to find some talented talents with good qualifications to earn money, and slowly train them.

There are indeed a lot of good seedlings who graduated from the ninja school this time. The seventh, eighth, and eleventh classes are all genius-like characters, but Danzo has self-knowledge. The seventh class is definitely hopeless as Naruto of Nine-Tails Jinchuriki Although Sasuke is the last member of Uchiha, he didn't dare to move because of Uchiha Itachi's relationship. Sakura didn't pay attention at all, and the teacher who led the eleventh class was the son of Asma Hokage, and he was always on guard against him There is even no hope, so I put my mind on the eighth class.

Danzo let people observe the eighth class secretly from the beginning, but Zhi Nao gave him a huge surprise, actually summoned a psychic beast comparable to a tailed beast, and immediately made a decision after receiving the news, which made people Taking Zhi Nai to the root, he has made up his mind that even if he offends three generations, he will take Zhi Nai under his command.

Danzo's idea is good, and luck is also good.At the beginning, because the third generation spent all their energy on Naruto who was Nine-Tails Jinchuriki, he ignored the eighth team, and the people he sent were a little late.

Originally, with the deterrent power of Danzo, no one can stop him, as long as he brings Zhi to the root, directly sets a ban on him, and then insists on it, even the third generation can't help it, but I didn't expect Asma to disrupt the situation at the critical moment , so that there are branches.

The root ninja who led the team this time is a confidant of Danzo, and he is very aware of the current predicament of his head of Danzo. If this continues, he may really lose his power completely. This is unbearable for Danzo, and Now there is hope to break through the current predicament. If they can take Zhi Nao, who controls a powerful psychic beast comparable to the power of the tailed beast, into his command, they may be able to regain power, or even go one step further, so they can't give up Zhi Nai no matter what.

"Asma, this is an order from Danzo-sama, I hope you don't make mistakes."

"Of course I know, but in comparison, I still think this matter should be reported to Hokage-sama first, and Hokage-sama will make a decision."

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